Should retards be sterilized?

Should retards be sterilized?

I work with a flip downie.

He's got two kids with two different women!?!?

I just always kind of assumed retards didn't have sex or were sterile or something.

Anyway he's a solid guy and hard worker with a great ethic, easily I would rather him reproduce in my country than a nigger or mud.

Idk. Any input here?

Cool story bro

Probably smarter than op.

>I work with a downie

where? At wal-mart?

They live much shorter than healthy people so I don't think there is a reason for doing this.

>Retards have more sex than me
Where's the rope

no. it's a new species and our species' ego won't let them go.
it may be a failed species launch.
they may be less intelligent than humans.
but we must make space for them,
we must let them go their own way.

>Should retards be sterilized?

Yes, Every nigger should be sterilized.

Have you read the sound and the fury?

I got you bro, I always have mine prepared.

>Should retards be stelized?
>checks flag
Oh boy this is gunna be a hell of a thread

The leafs must be playing Detroit tonight

Nah. Good union job, won't get into specifics, but he makes 61k canada bucks a year which I'm sure is more than you, so stay mad :^)


Yeah that was kind of the point of the thread for me. I mean I had lots of sex in my younger years before I turned into an autist recluse, but I never passed on my lineage, and this mother fucker did it twice in two separate directions.

No what is it?

Sterilize niggers. Women won't fuck person with down syndrome. The possibility is like 1 to 1 000 000 000 (in German might be bigger) but boy... Those white hoes love to ride black cock. We need to prevail on this plague

Where do you draw the line?
I am a depressed aspie, I will never have children because I don't want to be responsible for something as or more fucked up than me. But plenty of spergs hide in plain sight and have nomqualms producing more minecraft turbo tards.

I dont quite follow your logic. By decreasing the amount of potential sexual partners by killing the nigs, wouldn't you be increasing the chances of sex for people like my Filipino retard friend?

Sounds like bullshit. Most male Downies are sterile, and there are only three reported cases of them having children.

Short Answer: Yes

Long Answer: Every person of non-European descent (including Jews & gypsies), severely mentally disabled people (including homosexuals, trannys, pedos), babies with defects, and anyone not capable of being a strong contributor to the white society should be sterilized or deported.

These things were done throughout human history in the strongest & greatest societies, and they are done in non-human species to keep the gene pool strong. There is no excuse to weaken our people and continue the reproduction of inferior/defective genes.


>Assuming tards don't have sex

How can you be this autistic?

>Checks flag

Meh. Sterilize all race. I could care less for humans.

That's exactly what they do. They're wired to get it on under all that mush, just like everyone else

If that's your future, what can i say.

I want to know this for sure but I can't straight up ask are your baby mommas retarded.

From the covert questions I have manage to ask, I think that they were both normal/not tarded

Less niggs, less gib me more money society

>I could care less for humans
Then do it.

It is what it is I guess

Again, what does this have to do with anything about this thread?

Women are such whores they would rather get pregnant by a down syndrome Chad with money....

(OP with new ID)

He is actually pretty alpha, it wouldn't be a stretch to call him a Chad.

But I'm a bull...White woman can't stop breeding with me and have even threatened raped if I don't.