Hmmm, really charges the battery

Hmmm, really charges the battery...

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw^tfw

Acting like a flaming faggot

Sure showed him...

Fags are mentally ill

Praise KEK!!!

Surely this will rally America behind Trump's challenger in 2020!


Pence hears this, stays at trump tower for the night, no one cares about HIV dance party.

Many such cases!

Really rattles the almonds.

So this is how Arc Cannon research gets funded.

Mike "flaming pikes for gays and dykes" Pence will take care of it.

>Pence thinks he's entitled to a nice night out at the theatre or a quiet dinner at home



Instead of be friendly the vice-president they are just digging a legal war for the next 8 years. Hope Pence declares Obama laws invalid due birth location and remove the gay marriage meme.


mein sides

You can charge a 12 volt battery with such amounts of autism.

what is this faggotry

came here to post this

If only Pence was from Texas...

>Pence: Homosexuality is a mental illness
>Fags: We'll show you by being crazy flaming faggots in the street
Who has the drawing?

There it is.


get the car battery

Why do fags, & liberals think acting act like a cartoonish fruit would provoke Pence to the same reaction similar to a vampire seeing a cross?

Came here to post this

Because they live in a cartoon world where they think Trump is going to tie gay muslims to a railroad track and shit.



What did you mean by this?

>Q U E E R D A N C E P A R T Y
>google video
>2 fags, one dressed funny, akwardly dancing to queen nigger song while enablers cheer^tfw

I have gone from being a liberal to actually hating liberals in the span of a single fucking year.

unfortunately, they think that is ok.

Why are fags so not fucking normal? Just act like a normal dude... You dont have to act like a female to contract AIDS

they know of his secret tesla coil installation

Mike "If You're Gay, You Will Pay" Pence

>How do we prove to people that gay people aren't like this stereotype?
>By being walking stereotypes anytime we try to get media attention!

Fags are their own worst enemies.

Yeah same I used to love globalization and John"CURRENT YEAR" Oliver. Thank you Sup Forums for redpilling me^tfw

Find me one fucking person in this video who isn't a freak who would die instantly in any time period pre WWI.


Rev up the generators

I came to Sup Forums because even as a liberal I was smart enough to hate Islam. I just came for the anti islam stuff and thought I would ignore the "racist and right wing stuff."

This is less than a mile from where I live.....

Should I go down there?

Because they legitimately believe that the only reason a person would have for not loving and accepting gay people is that they must be afraid of the queers. Any other reason is just a flimsy, half-baked justification to them for covering up you fear of them.

What's this guys name again?

lmao outside of his house



Do you have jumper cables, a generator and/or car battery at your disposal?

Mike "Blast the Gays with Tesla Rays" Pence

Yeah I know about Sup Forums from memes when I was like 7 and learned of Sup Forums through research. I dunno I always had an underlying feeling that something about lib logic was too easy. Just didn't feel right. Felt childlike

This is just cringe worthy, fags lack self awareness

those digits
you're not wrong

>sprinklers turn on and soak the gays
>they all frolic in it
>Pence watches from his window and flips the switch to fry them

As a bi
And by extension a fag
I'm sorry for the continuing retardation of these people
And I'm okay with the grand shocking occurring soon because of these types of morons

The thing is that Pence, to any normal family, seems like a really nice man. He sounds and acts like the manager your father/husband/you get along with at work who makes a few dad jokes.

Liberals constantly attacking him as if he's advocated for genociding fags when they can't even find a single phrase in any of his speeches that one could accurately describe as hateful just makes them look extremely insecure and petty.

>As a pervert deviant
fuck off

90% of anti-gay people always boil down to "what if my son is gay" or "what if I become gay"

10% were darwinist and appealing to nature, but they smoked and drank so I dunno

Looks like we're gonna be having a real big BBQ tonight.

If he was the smartest man alive, he'd cut the legs off a pair of jeans and go party with them. Instant fag cred. Heal the nation.

>fag cred

This. Demisexualfag here, gas the priders.

Reminder that they aren't even dancing on where he is staying but at his old place. reminder the pence has matters infinitely more important on his mind than wackos flipping out on his old lawn

>90% of anti-gay people always boil down to "what if my son is gay" or "what if I become gay"
>this is what faggots actually tell themselves
I hate you because you're a disgusting deviant who spreads disease. But I don't have to do anything because if the odds play out, you'll die before you're 40 anyway.

really zaps the faggot...

I recognize that faggot

make us proud, user

Becoming gay is impossible unless you're mentally ill (assuming being gay is genetic and not a mental illness itself)

And if my son is gay I'll beat his ass if he decides to be a little fruitcake, he has to act normal and he has to be the one who fucks others in the ass, not the one getting fucked

Kek speaks through him


Fags need the electric slideBecause they have a psychological disorder. It's why fag animals don't exist.

So much this.



Digits confirm degenerate Sodomites.

>you aren't too fond of faggots
>let me fix this by prancing and fagdancing in front of your house some random evening? Now you will surely love faggots right?
Who else thinks like that but fags?

Mike "pikachu I choose you" Pence


>charges the battery

so much this.

These fags are just going to red pill more people. They are doing the exact same thing that the Christians did. You just played yourself faggots.

Tfw no felix bf

should have been first post

Pence's wife is a hag, wouldn't surprise me if he's a closet case

>instead of sending a rational, intelligent representative of the gay community to explain their greavances and give reasoning to why they feel pence is wrong on this subject and work with him to move fowards, they stage a gay strip show on his front lawn


Did Pence really propose electric-shock therapy for gays?

>Pence comfy at home give his wife the fuck eyes
>all the sudden screeching in the driveway
>Bunch of latex fags in my culdesac
>grabs Shotgun
>shoots fire hydrant
>Grabs jumper cables and attaches to electric box
>throws them in the water
>goes back inside
>fucks his wife full volume

Kek'd audibly

>implying his wife hasnt already climaxed from the scene repeatedly

>not just an excuse for standard fagging party time

fags do this on their own all the time, and this is not anything special

>implying once is enough when your married to that man

lol checked.

Please oh Lord, please give us the chance to wage wrath upon these heathens. I beg of thee.

really twists my balls


He should put proximity activated Tesla coils in his yard.

Bring the electric chair. It's time for some frying.

Who else is going to laugh when they keep this shit up enough, SC just nullifies gay marriage altogether.

Then you'll really have something to scream about faggots.

>It's why fag animals don't exist.

>those digits

Doesn't this count as harassment? And if Pence wasn't a gentlemen couldn't he get a restraining order against the whole lot of them?

That'll change his mind