What is her white nationalist battlecry?

What is her white nationalist battlecry?

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back to your containment board, you cancerous faggots.


What did she mean by this?



Pussy sweat

A fucking leaf fart joke.

Smells like tuna.




Idk I kind of like /r9k/ that and that Sup Forums and /r9k/ share a 60% user base..

Yeah they are fucking godless soulless degenerate faggots but they are our godless soulless degenerate faggots plus its so pathetic sometimes I can't even laugh

Tendies stories are pretty good though

What is the nationality of the person that created this pasta?

This has made me deeply uncomfortable for as long as it's been around.

Nah it's more like 30-40% on /r9k/'s side and less than 10% on Sup Forums's side.

it was always Britain when I'd see it, but by the time it got to Sup Forums with flags bongs could've simply inherited it

What tells you he's a britbong?

That happens to women every time I come around.

Why do people keep posting machine gun noises? Do you hate women enough that you need to post like you're shooting them?

I'm sorry to tell you this, but if you don't like to whiff the stench of a white woman's booty hole and lick the air for the fecal matters she sprays, then you aren't a real white nationalist and are probably a commie liberal who supports Hilary. A real white man will appreciate an Aryan woman and admire purity to the full extent. Shit, I'd say go as far as eating her poop.

Are you a white nationalist or are you a phony?


What does this have to do with shooting people?

She's shooting fecal matter in your face.

oh, so it's just a /k/ meme, god I hate you gunfags

I thought white nationalism applies? I'm telling you the proper to practice white nationalism. Taking farts and fecal matters from an Aryan woman.


>The sound a gun makes

Are you fuckin retarded

this is what came to mind

Which flag wasted it?

bbrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaappp is a fart sound you stupid niggerfaggot

that's brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt

jesus christ i can smell it from here

Nah, youtube.com/watch?v=O9soy-QerhE

>is this bait?

We must secure the existence of thicc bitches and a future for white brrrrrraaaapppps.

Can we talk about the brraaaap meme for a second?

I feel like its a gamble boys, on one end, I guess it would insentives Sup Forums users to build up a tolerance to porn and not fap on command. But, and I think this is more likely, we'll all unironically start to adopt fart fetishes due to the agreed aforementioned.

I dont have faith in those odds.