Reminder that the original Europeans were BLACK

There is no problem with the refugee crisis. It is the dark man returning home. White skin is a mutation that is barely 6000 years old. Colored eyes also came from black men


looks like an average R*manian, what's the problem?

Wrong, Europeans are descended from neanderthals.


Oh myyyy Goodnesss

>White skin is a mutation that is barely 6000 years old
>Wrong, Europeans are descended from neanderthals.








Not to be racist but it's been proven Blacks do not share DNA with whites or Asians, and have ancient left over DNA from older Homo Erectus types

Gypsies have always been like that

>Blacks do not share DNA with whites or Asians

Source? I want it for later use.

I thought we were Mongolians. Were they black?

wtf i like evolution now

>White skin is a mutation that is barely 6000 years old
That's an interesting theory. Bit racist of God, desu.

There are a lot of sources. 8pol has ancient aryan threads all the time


This is the same kind of shit as "we're all Africans". The thing is that we are white now, and they are black. With obvious and statistical differences. It's interesting but irrelevant today.

Even if this were true or the human race came out of Africa, it simply proves that humans literally had to evolve to be better than nogs

I knew a black Albino when I was in Middle School. I forgot how fucking ugly they are, holy shit.

>the human race
Either we are all human or there are different races (species really)

That pic would be better comparing an abbo with a white qt.

>I knew a black Albino when I was in Middle School. I forgot how fucking ugly they are, holy shit.

Rake, please. Diversity works like pic related.

>That pic would be better comparing an abbo with a white qt.
per request

real diversity

>Niggers came from europe guyz
God damn my country is full of retards.

came to post this
but also nah fake

Reminder that original Africans came from apes

Is that really a "person" or a "strategically shaved ape"?

>"we're all Africans"
Out of Africa theory has been disproved, and was pushed by Globalist Jews after ww2

If blacks are "people" then why not every Ape? Koko the Gorilla is more peaceful and has a higher IQ than the average African.


I'd honestly rather have Koko live next to me than a coon.

Romanians haven't changed since

Easier to speak in sign language than mup da do didda.

it's moleman

Europeans were never niggers. This has been debunked many times. Niggers want to take credit for master race achievements.

Fuck that retarded shit nigger

I've been rused by shitty infographics on Sup Forums too many times. I'm not gonna believe anything about this before I get a couple of good articles.