Democrat party analysis please?

Just started paying attention to politics. I don't understand the thinking behind the Democrats social positions. Republican social positions are motivated mostly by religious beliefs right? Where do the Democrats social positions come from? thanks for the help

note: I'm not sure I could buy the altruism pitch as a motivation especially for high up in the party

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>Just started paying attention to politics
comes to Sup Forums
this is not the place to start

Remember to ignore Aussie posts... And Canadian

Dems were always federalists.
Repubs were always anti federalists

I picked Sup Forums for the higher chance of hearing something that's not complete bullshit (restrained by pc). spare me some thoughts if you will good sirs

i'll clip your ears cunt, that little faggot is my protégé

stick with me then matey
i'll learn you good

Democrat positions are literally whatever they think they need to win over everyone non stubborn republican voters. Theyve decided that means pandering to the polar opposite which is what cost them the election by scaring off many cenrists and center rights. Deep down though they are just neo cons who are better at putting on a welcoming smile

Democrats pick their positions because they are smarter. They are smarter so listen to them.

Democrats social positions come from their feelings.

Memetic Magic stems for GOD HIMSELF!

Also Hitler was right.

Hence the circular argument?

thanks. Yea it seems like they pander to people who have little critical thinking experience. like I said tho, I'm pretty new to it all

You have to read books, lad. However, here's a vid EVERYONE on Sup Forums agrees with:

any recommendations?

Jesus Christ mate. Idk what to tell you how about you get your head out of your ass and look what state your country is in

working on it

Republicans are Right-wing, Democrats are Left-wing.

Right (conservatives) see the existing state of the world as valuable, and change as deviation from this safe valuable norm. Or this perspective is shifted to the past, then some past state of the world is seen as norm, current state - as deviation, and any change - as further deviation, unless it's directed back to the norm ("reaction"). This is what makes conservatives conservatives.

Left is different because it sees current state of the world as flawed, and some different future state as desired objective. This future state is necessarily theoretic, because duh, it's future. Change is seen as good, unless it's rolling back previous change (reaction).

These basic motivations appeal to different sets of people.

Fredrich Bastiat: The Law
And Creature from Jekell Island
For starters. Here is a reading of them: (talk)

Democrat stances boil down to finding ways to do two things: secure ever greater power within the federal government and maintain electoral dominance.

Note that there are usually three terms used for conservatives
Each is distinct and abstract, but classical is less abstract. Classical simply means 'more government control'.
This is usually socialist, but can refer to republican forms of government.

Just lurk moar

Democrats are also motivated by religious beliefs hence the fanatic SJW defending their cathedral.


republicans-mostly white
democrats-mostly black

which group can actually do anything productive?

First, stop thinking in party terms.
Second, lurk and google shit you read. Including shit you "think" you know.
Third, study logic, argument form, and critical thinking
Fourth, look carefully at your own biases and beliefs. Consider how rational they are, and whether they are in line with your values.
Fifth, go through several epiphanies.
Sixth, slowly shift your beliefs to be more in line with reality
Seventh, realize you're now a hard-right ancap
Eighth, hope that hitler rises again before you die
Ninth, shitpost until death.

Democrats believe men and women are equal when biology states we are not, they believe races are equal when biology says we are not and if you attack their belief system their fanatics will come and burn your house to the ground for being a heretic.


destruction of the west cultural norms so they can progress to new ones. half think it will bring about utopia the smarter half knows it will destroy america so they can replace it with communism

Eighth rule supreme!


I read a good article once about the difference between democrats and republicans and I think it is 100% true.

Democrats are a party that acts like the bleeding heart mom in the family. Want to do drugs. Go for it be safe don't OD I don't want to call the ambulance. Want to have sex. Wear a condom and be safe even if shes 20 and your 16. Want money to by drugs. Here you go. Want gibs me dats. How can I say no. But I can't keep any scary things around or you might hurt yourself since I love you but your useless. I will take the guns out of your room because you might be stupid enough to shoot yourself. You can act like a degenerate because you be you. Just don't hurt anyone or anyone feelings or your grounded because I don't want you to make me look bad. Religion is you do you just don't make me look bad. Made a bad choice. It must have been my fault for not teaching you not to do it.

Republican are the dads of the family though. Sure he can have a gun I was firing one when I was seven. You want money for a coke? Hell no get it yourself. You Said something mean. Who gives a fuck. Punched Johnny because he's a prick? Good I would do the same thing. You took my money without asking? I'm-ma beet the crap out of you. Listen girl if you fuck a guy before your of age your not living under this roof. You made a bad choice and you gotta deal with being shit fucking stupid.

TLDR Democrats are stupid bitches and Republicans are manly dads

to add to this, here's a basic rundown to get you started. don't take my word for it.

Democrats = Neo-libs, a bunch of cucks
Republicans = Neo-cons, a bunch of cucks

Dems generally lean left, reps generally lean right. But they are generally centrists.

Left and Right are terms that refer to your political beliefs towards economics.

Right = Less Govt in Markets
Left = More Govt in Markets

Lefty economic policies are unsustainable trash that lead to economic ruin. If you care about a good economy, you are center or right. We have gotten to the point where we can safely say this.

The rest is how much the govt meddles with non-economic activities. Banning things = authoritarian, Legalize Everything = anarchism. Most sane, non-brainwashed americans are right-leaning libertarians, whether they realize it or not.

Local elections matter.

>Expecting Sup Forums to not only give you a flawless history lesson but also an unbiased report on the philosophical tendencies of democrats


Here are some hints:

>Their philosophical ontology is liberal - the basic building block of society is the individual (as opposed to a communitarian ontology)
>Their outlook is egalitarian and they believe or profess to believe that all individuals are equal in ability from birth and deserve equal apportioning of resources etc
>Since all individuals are equal and the basic unit of society is individual, generally they disregard any arguments based on perceived social or cultural harm*
>Pathological altruism is more than a meme, as is oversocialization (read at least the first 20 pages Ted Kaczynsky's manifesto. Yes, the Unabomber. No, I'm not shitposting)
>They have a sort of quasi-Whig historiography wherein they believe history progresses in only one direction and things will always get better
>They are mostly secularists and have replaced "evil" with "racism", "nationalism", etc since in their belief system everyone is equal and everyone has an equal right to your resources and the resources of your community, so trying to deny them this is evil
>General belief is rationalist and scientific** and they tend to disregard moral positions and arguments

*Except for groups designated vulnerable
**Unless science disagrees with one of their sacred cows. Then it's not real science.

Note that extreme libertarians share most of these qualities but have an even more extreme liberal social ontology and place arbitrary emphasis on """natural""" rights. Libertarians are basically autistic Democrats, so you could try asking them what they think if you still don't understand Democrats. Unlike Democrats, Libertarians can usually actually justify their positions and might even be familiar with some of the concepts outlined above. Note also that the stuff I mentioned is, for 95%+ of Democrats, not a conscious practice.

fucking niggers
Sup Forums is not for Politics

And to clarify, generally

Republicans and Libertarians are ontological liberals who are NOT egalitarian. Tories/Classical Conservatives (not really a thing anymore in 'murrica) are ontological communitarians who are not egalitarian. Socialists are generally, but not always, egalitarian communitarians.

You're welcome.

how new are you?

Thomas Sowell - intellectuals and society/ a conflict of visions

I'm just learning myself, OP. I'll probably get my head ripped off for this but a very broad generalization would be:

Left wing = Equality of opportunity
Right wing = Equality of outcome

So the Democratic social positions basically are about giving more money to the state to distribute it through social programs for lower classes. They do this by slogging the higher classes for more taxes, and regulating/taxing businesses. The Republican social position is to give tax breaks to businesses so they can spend more and break down government regulations to promote growth and incentivize job creation.

Ideally, anyway. There's this whole other "neo-" element concerned with profiteering career politicians from both sides of the isle conspiring to create policy in favour of their own wealth and globalisation.

When it comes to their strictly "social" beliefs, the Republicans are fundamentalist. They believe in hierarchy and things like that, so things like the nuclear family etc. They view the class system as a means to opportunity and wealth. Democrats are made up these days of social marxists, so labels and ideals are fluid and everchanging. They view the class system as a means of oppression. In my opinion marxist systems may work fine in the short term, but longer-term complications are inevitable in a society where everything is being constantly redefined, where there is no truth.

This is a neat post.