Americans, defend yourselves

How would you respond to this black gentleman?

Duh, they will call him American and still kill him or send him to Hanoi Hilton.

Introduce him to my hilariously racist Vietnamese friends.

No Americans ever ripped your guts out while you were tied up to a tree, then proceeded to booby trap your body so that when you screamed for help, your fellow soldiers would die as they triggered the trap



About god damned time.


Shouldn't invade other people's countries if you don't like some of your own medicine.


We were trying to maintain south veetnam's borders so that the commies wouldn't annex it and turn indo china communist and unfortunately we failed

Ironic coming from a leaf cuck who still believes in a queen.

How many Vietnamese have you met?

Nigga what.
It was a technology test to see how good our shit was against Russian made shit.
That and we also were trying to keep the cold war from going hot.
Hard to contain something when nuclear war is a threat.


50+thousand dead American servicemen and for what? Vietnam was a mistake

Have you never heard of the domino theory?
Or Containment?
not getting into the war would have caused the cold war to turn got?
what kind of nonsense are you driveling about?

Nice excuse. You were just looking to expand your imperial influence. Luckily, the evil American empire failed.

Nice proxy. Asians aren't as racist as you.

Nigger. Fucking stupid leaf.

Why did I respond to a leaf?

nice try cuck

>Asians aren't as racist as you
Never been around real Asians have you

Stop discriminating against Canadians


vietnamese here. my parents use to yell at me to stop hanging around black friends and refused to let them in the house.

i don't think white families in my area did either lol.

i fucking hate black and brown people
nice try leaf

Gen Z is 12 years old. Everyone I know used to call each other nigger and faggot when I was a kid too. Boomers were even worse, you could literally beat up gay people and say faggot on television.

Now look at us. Your little Gen Z trend doesn't mean shit.

As for the rest of your retarded rant, this board is a small minority and the voting booths show brown people vote Democrat and whites vote Republican. I guess it's easy to forget why Hillary won the popular vote.

Your red white and blue star spangled banner is done for. Not even a single century as an empire and we've already become a miscegenated shit hole that can't balance our public debt.

Kys shitskin

It's a dumb point but I think the Vietnam war was dumb
Not sure what the Vietnam war was over but an anti interventionist foreign policy is the best

>vietnamese here
Like I'm going to trust you.

Nice proxy.


mah nigga

Americans will deny this even though it's true.

>implying changing locale is difficult

By showing him this.

Vietnamese have a different word for nigger and would rarely use it because niggers tend to not be welcome in east Asian countries.

oh rly? nigger nigger nigger NIGGER

Because you don't understand Vietnamese and that gook doesn't speak English. Do I need to explain how language works to you, nigger?

I have some Vietnamese friends. All of the hate Chineses. One of them cut ties with me, when I was going out with a nice Chinese girl.
Why are you so?

Because the Vietnamese where not in America yet you stupid nigger.

If they were they would have called you nigger even more than whites do. How do i know? because my stylist is Vietnamese and she mutters the word nigger under her breath whenever they come into the salon.

Are you guys still communist?

How is life in Vietnam my yellow friend. Me and my gf are thinking of doing a backpacking trip there

Why are you on Sup Forums? Don't you know everyone here's racist against you? Don't you realize many here worship Hitler, who thought you were inferior?

red capitalist

>One of them cut ties with me, when I was going out with a nice Chinese girl.



>implying ethnic nationalists are racist

Your tricks don't work here (((leaf))). Hitler never said anything about Vietnamese.

Making a livable wage and living with my retiree parents.
If you absolutely love waking up and living around chaos then sure.

>Hitler never said anything about Vietnamese
He talked about how east Asians were inferior and couldn't create culture but only emulate it.

Funny that I read that too and it was out of some shitty infographic on Sup Forums, not Hitler's mouth. Fuck off.

He hated you user. Just accept and move on.

Not funny

Here's the only Hitler quote I know:
>Not until I tried to discuss with a FUCKING LEAF, did I realize they must be RAKED.

How do you know that, if you don't speak Vietnamese? Dumb nigger...

Stop denying, Zhang, just accept the fact

He strikes again

That's basically what really happened

Nigger, Mọi, ect...

How much does Vietcong make in an hour $0.40 per hour?

You are less than a nigger. Not even 1/10th of a black man.

Fuck yourself.

China strong

There is no defense. They should all move to Vietnam.

why would he talk shit about them? Hitler wanted a Unified German nation for the ethnic german people. The only people he ever disparaged were his white neighbors in France/Poland/Russia/Czechoslovakia because of what they did to germany in the previous war and back before that.

Hitler didn't say anything about Negroes except for a few off the cuff remarks because there were hardly any of them in Germany. They were not on his mind other than to humorously muse about America and its nigger problem.

At the same time Hitler expressed a great respect and affinity for older Asian Cultures and traditions. The Japanese were a people who took their race and their heritage very seriously and Hitler had massive respect for that and wanted Germans to do the same.

Hell as much as Hitler talked shit about other countries most of his hatred was aimed at the governments and aristocratic classes of those countries and not their people. Hitler had no hate in his heart for the common french soldier even though he fought them so bitterly in the last war. He hated their politicians and their generals.

The true uncontrollable and seething hatred that Hitler had burning in his heart was for only two things which are linked to each other and interchangeable to the point of being almost identical. The Jews and Marxism/Communism.

If Hitler had won the war its almost certain that the Communist plague would have been eradicated from this earth and that all Jews would have been rounded up and shipped somewhere far away from the civilized world. They would probably dump them in Australia and put a permanent blockade on the continent.

can you people imagine it? imagine if the Soviet Union collapsed and Mao Zedong was killed along with his followers and the nationalists took over china instead. Imagine what south American and Africa would look like without the influence of International Socialism/communism?

The Korean/Vietnam wars never would have happened.

Welcome back brother.

because he hasn't been to Vietnam

give them a chance, they are still recovering from the buttrape ended 27 years ago

Vietnamese people hate black people so much. If he ever saw one they would have positively called him a nigger.

found the chink 5th column

reporting you to Homeland Security

>imagine the nationalists took over china instead
A different type of totalitarian nightmare.

Every damn time

There is no conceivable way nationalist chinks can be worse than commie chinks are right now.

How do you know?

I'd have cut with you as well, cuck. And I'm not even Asian.

My man, did it again

There were a lot of niggers in our country a few years back. We deported their asses after realising that all blacks are niggers.

They'd call you a mọi

mọi is an uncommon way of calling
the (old) likely way of Vietnamese calling a black person is "Tây đen"
>literal translation: black person from the West

btw I'm just got home from work, I used work time to browse Sup Forums because I'm cheeky

Huh, thanks for the correction.

easy spikepit lord

Year / Day / Month

What's wrong with eating Asian pussies?

Sorry, had to accommodate the needs of Amerifriends, they're more numerous on this site ;^)

I'm not vietnamese

Nice. China FTW.

Send a few million niggers to Vietnam and let nature run its course, he will be called one soon enough.

I will second that..... Yo Nigger stop stepping on my rice!

If we breed the chinks and niggers, we could solve the nigger problem.

Spence the "black lives matter" movement is over and Obama basically fucked us, fuck you, not because your black it's because you want Hillary Clinton in office

Did the average Vietnamese peasant even know blacks existed back then?

yes, they called them niggers

"Then go to Vietnam and see how long it takes for that to change, nigger."

About time friend.


No you will just create a chink/nigger hybrid that will breed even faster than the normal once and spread across the earth like an uncontrollable plague.

China is invading africa for this precise reason. Their men are so pussy starved because of the one child policy that they are cucking the Africans and stealing their Negresses. Only a matter of time before the half-caste mongrels grow up and kill us all.

Chink-Du-nuffan's will be our apocalypse.

the legend continues

Speaking of which, what are my fellow Viets on Sup Forums for?

Why are you talking like nationalist china doesn't exist?

>what is taiwan

fucking commie neck yourself