Reminder that if you are not using GNU/Linux you're literally donating your data to Jews

Reminder that if you are not using GNU/Linux you're literally donating your data to Jews.

Other urls found in this thread:

if you aren't manually blocking the IP address of every CDN you are literally donating your data to the jews.

In fact this OP's post was a data donation to the jews.

Linux: Communism? Think again faggot

Lets dispel this notion that Linux is considered communism once and for all. You could think that the concept is somewhat in line with the Libertarian ideology,
but you are wrong there.

Linux and its software is monitored on the "free market" by its developers to keep out (((evil forces))) and malicious code.

So can we all agree that Linux or (GNU if you will for the picky faggots), is truly in line with the fascism doctrine?


>In fact this OP's post was a data donation to the jews.
Good luck finding my real identity.

You'd have to be a serious retard to believe Linux is based on communist principles, Linus is Sup Forums as fuck.

On the other hand, that fat retard stoolman and his GNU in Loo needs a winters getaway in a Gulag.


not to mention the linux look and feel > (((competition)))

What desktop environment do you into anonpai? I'm constantly bouncing between plasma 5 and gnome 3.22 because they're both equally comfy in different ways

>Linux and its software is monitored on the "free market" by its developers to keep out (((evil forces))) and malicious code.
Sleep well,prince

>Good luck finding my real identity.

Based russian hacker.

Greetings from /r/linux_cucks

The Dynamic Duo say:

>"Name and shame all cuckolds and keep GNU/Linux free as in freedom!"


I only use and highly recommend tiling WMs
they're all pretty much on par with one another, the differences are what they were written in, and which ever one you're most comfortable using
if you prefer floating, I'd try compiz stand alone, fvwm, windowmaker, or fluxbox, or even openbox, instead of a full blown DE

That was easy.

I'll never understand why Linux is even a thing when we already have superior Unix

is "linux mint" fine ?

Support in linux is horrible, just have to come back from xubuntu to windows because programs that "should" work suddenly stop working. In windows the companies fix that problems earlier, in linux nobody cares

Impolite sage.

Try Peppermint Linux


loonix needs flushing, lunis tornballz tongue my anus

yeah but try doing machine learning on windows you faggot

Azure for a start.


Too bad a picture will always bump a thread, sage or no sage. Fucking retard.

Pantheon is clean as fuck. I use it on Debian and it works pretty good. Only a few bullshit features didn't worm