Why does (((neo-Sup Forums))) support Israel because it kills muslims, instead of supporting Arab Nationalists who fight both kikes and islamists?
Why does (((neo-Sup Forums))) support Israel because it kills muslims...
Supporting mudslime or Kikes is degenerate and only shill say otherwise.
>he fell for the degeneracy meme
Oh my
But... I support both Syria AND Israel in principle, while disagreeing with certain specifics.
you can't support both syria and israel, they're legally in a state of war since 1948 and probably hate each other more than any other two countries on the planet. they are diametrically opposed. pick one.
the kikes that support islamism, or the secular nationalist that fights against it
Real Arab nationalism died out in the 50's or 60's or so. Baathists just evolved into nepotist, tribal corrupted governments. Saddam was particularly bad.
Though obviously I hope Assad will retain control over Syria compared to the alternatives that rose up.
This desu. Pagan Arabia was great. In fact, all the sandnigger countries behaved better when they were pagan.
>the kikes that support islamism
Mussies are just as bad as kikes
Ur a fag if u think assad is secular
What is he then? C'mon paki
surely you've heard of Syria General or /sg/
just newfags and plebbit donalds are supporting israel, Sup Forums is still and will be against jews everywhere
Because the US president likes Winners not sore losers.
I refuse to pick one.
I support Israel as a nationalist 'democracy' in the middle of a fucking cesspool, allowing the west (US) to have one foot in the sandpit.
I support Assad as a relatively sane dictator trying to prevent himself from getting Gaddafid, so that Syria doesn't become another Libya and to show that American/Western shitfuckery can be resisted.
We shouldn't be fucking around there as much as we have been. And I'm sick to death of this grudge against Russia. The demonisation of Russia is insane, considering how much blood and bullshit is on the hands of Western countries (which fails to get mentioned).
You seriously think hezbollah and khomeini would assist assad if he wasnt an alawite sympathetic to clerical fascism? The iraqi baath party wasnt the only one to lead a faith campaign.
>Sup Forums
>Does not support the Lion of Damascus
Please lurk more of preferably end your life.
There is a difference between supporting and sucking dick.
Because the board is up to 50% uneducated burger that just shallow and take as fact any news their echo chamber (((media))) shits
Sup Forums supports Israel purely on the basis that it's a white country - the only white country in the Middle-East.
Israelis are not only white and based, they're extremely redpilled too.
If you're anti Israel you're pretty much anti white.
Why do I have support any of them? I hope they all kill each other.
>tfw you are paid to shitpost, and get everybody in the thread butthurt
Your'e living the dream, aren't you.
is that THE South African JIDF poster?
most are just shilling, some of them probably fell for the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" meme, not realizing it only works when the enemy of your enemy isnt your enemy as well
I support Syria's right to maintain governance of its people by any means necessary.
We need to support our interest not the interest of the other.
May Assad kill as much moderate terrorist as possible.
Then you'll hang with them too, race traitor.
>Israelis are not only white and based, they're extremely redpilled too.
Oh my fucking god how much do i hate you, you fucking kikes
>Destroying everyone's nation is based and redpilled !!!!!1
i hope someday you will all just die.
Fucking kikes.
>Race Traitor
How can you even establish that if you don't know my race?
Jews are not white
the SA nigger-kike strikes again
This unfortunately. Baathism doesn't exist.
Not an atgument fagget
Are you from reddit? There's no such thing as Sup Forums. It's reddit speak.
Sup Forums is a million different people and everyone has their own opinions. Of course my opinion will be discounted but most of my fellow countrymen supported Israel because they're single handedly taking on mudslimes.
Israel offered to stop Pakistan's nuclear program and needed only a landing place for its jets which our cuck PM refused to give.
On the other hand, none of my countrymen realize the harm jews have done them. One of first female actresses (read whores) was jewish. Jews are the reason why we have a film industry. Also your degenerate media is seen and idolized by our people.
So not everyone knows how bad the jews are. And not everybody likes them for the exact same reason.
I am not interested in arguments, I am only interested in winning, and crushing my enemies.
And spelling.
Long live the Lion of Damascus.
Because the Israelite's are nationalists.
And I support Syria as they are Nationalists
We can and do.
Are there any records of pre Islamic Arabian religions?
They sound like they would be cool AF and give me those alladin genie type vibes
Oh seriously fuck you Assadists.
Fuck deranged Ba'athists as well.
one thousand maybe ten thousands years from now, all worthless Poles will be extinct. Yet Jews will still survive, still hates by all idiots like you, but still alive. Chew on that bitch.
but alladin is in the future after we have islam btfo.
the djinn was sleeping since the 1990s..
I've supported this glorious madman since the start you kangaroo piece of shit, what the fuck are you talking about?
There's Zoroastrianism that they still practice in parts of Iran, and the Alawites in Syria are some kind of blend between Zoroastrians and Christianity.
Zoroastrianism was in Persia not arabia
I've got no fucking idea then, surely there were some kind of older ancient, probably also adapted some Roman gods or something later before Islam got trendy
Lol yep just read Muslim accounts of pre Islamic religion They would kill their daughters and did all kinds of weird fucked up shit. So Islam didn't change much.
There were some pre Islamic buildings in Petra, Jordan
And in Yemen there are cities from some pre Islamic civilization called Nabaeta or something like that I think it was mentioned in the old testament
There are ruins of some cities in Yemen destroyed by Romans too
It's really interesting
Israel is right wing and conservative. Assad is right wing and conservative. I think there should be an alliance.
Oh also cuckoldry was a common aspect of Arabian society before the advent of Islam. A man would want to increase the statues of his children by letting a richer man fuck his wife. They would have orgies where they couldn't tell who got the woman pregnant so she was allowed to choose who she wanted the father to be. Sodomy and drunkenness were rampant, in fact when the prophet Muhammad received the revelation that alcohol was forbidden, his followers forced themselves to throw up the alcohol they had been drinking. According to Islamic sources the streets were flowing with alcohol they had poured out.
making claims about what Sup Forums does or doesn't do is a pretty strong giveaway, but I guess they don't pay you to be smart
I don't support any of them. I just support them fighting each other, because less kikes/moslems in the world will make it much better.
Do abbos use computers out there?
That can't be accurate any more since Jasmine and Aladdin make a cameo in The Princess and the Frog.
As a means of cracking their brethren' skulls open for failing to pass the jerry can, yes.