Why isn't Trump responding to Anonymous' threats? Is he really afraid of them?
Why isn't Trump responding to Anonymous' threats? Is he really afraid of them?
he knows the difference between Anonymous and "Anonymous"
You're not supposed to respond.
Who exactly threatened him?
Anonymous is saying Trump better fear the next 4 years as they are going to make it very hard on him. Maybe Trump knows better than to challenge Anonymous?
Or maybe he doesn't care? Everyone threatens him online.
Because Anonymous the organized group are a bunch of faggots.
Nor forgive nor forget.
He always responds though.. most would say he responds way too much. For some reason he is not responding to Anonymous and I am thinking because he is very much afraid of them.
Remember the last time they threatened Trump and ISIS? Yeah, it's fucking nothing.
Because Anonymous is just a bunch of tech savvy social justice warriors.
commander x does not represent anonymous.
>respond to a couple of fat autistic basement-dwelling script kiddies which the only threat they pose is probably depleting several Wendy's food stocks
anomaleus is a fucking joke
Honestly he probably doesn't even give a fuck about these larping faggots... He has at least 600 other things to worry about anyway
> most would say he responds way too much.
> I am thinking because he is very much afraid of them
>Anonymous try to fuck Trump up
>FBI arrest everyone associated with it for touching a President
Responding only makes you into a lulcow. Anonymous is like a bear, you just play dead and shit your pants, and they'll go find something else to harass.
Attacks on trump is an attack on the United States as a whole, and I doubt the CIA is putting up with shenanigans for very long.
>anonymouse: noticeee meeeee goyyyyy
nope. get lost you autists.
Furthermore... If you respond like many are prone to do by saying "YOU'RE BEING INVESTIGATED BY THE FBI!!!" or whatever, you're telling them to go to ground, making it more difficult to catch them if the threat is credible.