/Swepol/ BREAKING NEWS M ready to take down the government with support by SD+KD!

Swedens currently second largest party moderaterna are now ready to take down the current minority government.
This would mean that new elections will take place as soon as the governments budget falls.

(Swedish sources only unfortunatly.)

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what does this actually mean for Sweden though?

The biggest interracial gay orgy in Swedish story.

A nationwide cuck party.

SD will get a big electoral gain and they'll probably get SD+M+KD government

Explain it to me like i'm 12 and have autism

Basically the current government (leftist coalition) doesn't have a majority but some of the cuckservative parties were propping it up to keep out the Sweden Democrats (our guys). Now the main cuckservatives are going to crash the government with no survivors along with a second cuckservative party.

This means that the current socialshit government will be forced to announce new elections once the budget falls and SD getting its positions solidified and strengthend.
It would also mean that M+KD/The alliance probably would become the ruling parties and Sweden would have simular rule as Denmark.
(Same with policies regarding migrants.)

Hope for this but in only if SD is the biggest party.
Otherwise i rather stay in opposition tbqh.

I'm still confused
What party wants to hang niggers and which one wants to suck them off?

>party chairman
>paramilitary leader
>part seceratary

fucking lol cunt you retarded cunts are so fucked.

>What party wants to hang niggers
> which one wants to suck them off?
All but the Sweden Democrats and now the Christian Democrats and Moderates.

What's happening with the other alliance parties anyway? Like L

>all but the ... Moderates

SD is the anti-migrant party (largest party if my estimates are correct)
The party which just i mentioned in my OP is "The moderates" basically cuckservatives which used to rule Sweden 2006-2014.
Now this party wants to take down our current socialist shit government with support by SD and KD (Christian democrats)
The only movement that wants to hang niggers would probably be NMR/SMR but they are paramilitary organisation and not a political-electoral organisation.
She represents one of the shitty SwedenYES parties so iam not surprised desu, She is shit.

L just announced that they will not support AKB/M Same goes with C who also refuse.
But SD+KD+M have more than 50% of seats which renders their opposition to this useless.

>what does this actually mean for Sweden though?
It means that everything will go to shit and then SD will be blamed for it because everything was doing just fine until they got it.

There's SwedenYES and then there's
like fucking V

MP/V/FI are SwedenYES like Sup Forums describes
M however is one of the reasons to why it is so shit today through their 2010 MP migrant agreement which made it possible for the massive migrant wave to come.
I will never forgive them for that.

I forgot this existed. They're still polling under the thresholds right?

Yep, and hopefully they get 3,9% and render a shitload of cuck votes useless.
I don't see them entering the parliament anytime soon if ever.

Any international sources?

Yeah found one

I have a feeling the moderates will just jew us again, they're a bunch of snakes. We need to cut the snake's head off.

Oh you can be sure that they will, But regardless of how destructive they are atleast if they proceed to do what they said now then atleast it won't become worse.. it just simply can't.

Looks like democracy really sucks if it threatens the cushy government office you parked your lazy socialist ass on.