Man, if only Obama could have fixed things during his rounds of Golf...
Fact: Anything I say with the word "Fact" in front of it is 100% true, especially when it lacks a source.
...and the Third World with its incessant explosion in population is mostly at fault.
Man, I cant believe Obama let all this happen
I mean he was the most powerful man in the entire world and he has allowed this to happen
>The Guardian isn't a reliable source
Nature is out of it's league.
It was Russian hackers...
Fact: Over 11 million innocent Jewish citizens were killed during The Holocaust
>A leaf
Do I need to say more? I mean, how do you think someone who will just take control of a country will start tearing down trees, habitats and green zones? He's the president, not a lumberjack you dumb leaf.
>reliable source
Thats an opinion user
The real fact is that over 11 gorrillion jewish denizens were atomized during the Super Holocaust
FACT: Scientist community consults an Oracle who has a 97.654% accuracy rate
>A dramatic new report warns of ecological collapse, though critics say the conclusion is overblown and misleading.
Guardian BTFO again.
Gotta catch 'em all!
FACT: Recent studies by American Scientists shows that Machines are more human than NIGGERS
Wild animal pop is at some of its highest levels ever in the US.
This sounds like an Africa problem.
>The Guardian
Fake news
>extinction that is destroying
Rules of English changed again?
Fact: Miami will be underwater in 10 years
God I hope so.
Ice ages tend to do that. Its ok, its normal.
>The number of wild animals living on Earth set to fall
That depends on how you classify Africans,
Its not. Any Mainstream media "source" is lying to you.
> white peeple dying off
> le diversity we celebrate
> animal species go extinct
> waaaaa, the tragedyyyyy
humans are so bad we're change the weather on all the plantes in the solar system yooo
bitch about chemtrails and Fukushima if you care about wild life retard
And why am i suposed to care?
Monkeys will die too