>tfw Muslims are more generous then cuck-stianity
Tfw Muslims are more generous then cuck-stianity
Other urls found in this thread:
>Muslim guilt
fucking best timeline
>Muslims are forced to pay the Zakat according to one of the five pillars of Islam
And how many of them would donate if they didn't have to?
> huffington
>What is zakat
>huffington post
For mudslimes, "charity" includes CAIR, clitorodectomy clinics, and aid to ISIS.
Donations to their mosques count.
>giving arms to ISIS, al Qaeda and Hezbollah
What they don't tell you is that by "charity" they mean mosques (that illegally stock weapons) or ghost-associations that pose as charities and funnel the money they get back to salafist groups in the middle east or recruitment cells in the west.
Yes, charity to their own people exclusively which they then use as a tax write off. Such generosity...
Muslims give to terrorist organisations posing as charities.
Fake News.
>Muslims give some shekels to some charities
>Christians and atheists give their countries, endless welfare, free housing, their freedom and rights, their daughters to Muslim ''refugees''
mfw jews give more than atheists
Do most Muslims ms live in countries with 50% tax rates? I consider tax charity to poor old uncle Sam.
Yes but shitlibs can't tell the difference between charities and donations to fronts for terrorism.
>saudi donates $20mil to clinton foundation
yeah this makes a lot of sense
Muslim "charities" (read: mosques, islam institutions)
>giving money to their local mosques
what a giggle
>implying that giving money to third world niggers is a good thing
Yeah they fund terrorism that way
If christians labeled their taxes as "charity" like the muslims do then that wouldn't be true.
Muslims have different use for words like paying a mandatory tax is called charity and executing homosexuals and khafir is compassion.
Oh so NOW donating to terrorist groups is charity, not funding terrorism? The Saudis will be very happy to hear that.
How many signed the giving pledge? Compared to American billionaires?
Huffing and puffing.
Kys. Even if you used it for shitposting. Off yourself you flaming faguette.
Under rated
You can't use a fucking poll to find this out
>Muslims are more charitable than Christians
>By The Economists estimations, the Catholic Church spent $151,008,000,000 (BILLION) on charitable causes (healthcare, education and other miscellaneous charities) in the year 2010 alone
That's not even factoring in all of the other denominations.
If you count the taxes we pay that go into bankrolling gibs (i.e. charity the government forces you to give at gunpoint) I'm certain that stat would be complete bullshit.
Donating to Jihadists is considered charity do not forget
Zakat also goes to terrorist organizations like Hamas. Many (most?) muslim charities are funneled into political causes.
>JustGiving said religious charities such as Muslim Aid and Islamic Relief benefited most
>donating to ISIS, hezbollah, twitch streamers, the clinton foundation or non-whites is "charity"
>implying it's not all
For fuck's sake, the majority of western mosques have been paid for by the saudis.
> funding global Islamic conquest
> charity
What's wrong with Hezbollah, faggot?
>actually thinks some theocratic shitheads who masturbate over being cucked by Iran are based
And Hezbollah.
Christians and atheists pay taxes that go to welfare and foreign aid.
Yeah but that charity they give to is isis
i wouldn´t call donations ti ISIS charity
True headline: Richest sheiks give most money to charity that's aimed pro-Islam.
Christians give to charity that helps a general group not based on religion or politics.
Literally broke and nothing to give
They are right you know. They kill a lot of leftists when they blown up european cities and this is a great form of charity.
I would also give charity if any of my white brothers was starving or in any danger.
t. atheist
> believing in polls
If that is true then hilary would've won with a probability of 97%.
This is fake news by the way.
>poll finds
oh so you just made up some numbers then.
forced charity isn't charity, and some of the money is to fund jihad(killing, maiming etc)
omg, they are so wonderful
Muslims are very very very centred around helping other muslims. Your average grunt haji in told charity will get them into heaven. They claim fasting is about being close to the poor (they aren't sure if the poor have to fast) and eid/mohammeds birthday you should sacrifice a goat and give it to the poor
It depends on how one defines charity. In Islam building Mosques is constituted as charity. Funding Mosques though out the west is not Charity.