It's not to late to stop it

GUYS. We're approaching zero hour and we still haven't fixed our President Elect.

Even now, Donald Trump continues to be a foul unwashed Asukafag, and this cannot be allowed. We can't let a man who doesn't understand that an inferior german import bitch is simply no match for Rei.

I will not let that bitch ruin our president. I WILL NOT LET HER RUIN AMERICA.

Please, Sup Forums, I'm begging you. Do everything you can to reach out to Trump before it's too late. If you need to, inform him that Rei has mastered the art of running to school with toast in her mouth while Asuka probably can't even pronounce toast without resorting to german profanity. It's the end-all argument.

Please save America. Do it for Rei.




Trump is a Kaworufag

You fucking take that back.

>that bitch ruin our president.
She can't she's a vegetable.

She can only collect cum on her and shit her bed.

He told Abe-souri he is a Kaworufag

And Trump is no liar.

You all are wrong.

Impossible. If that was the case, Pence would have purged him by now.


Why? Pence is just a 3D version of Kaworu-kun.

>its the current year and there are still people claiming Kaworu and Shinji are straight

Kaworu is straight, Shinji is gay

I think you got it mixed up, senpai.

here we go again

No, I definitely didn't.

>used goods


Please stop pairing my husbando with that filthy faggot.
Kaworu likes women.

your tears are delicious fag

Deal with it.

Rei is low energy! Go vote for fucking Jeb, you faggot.

get that straight shit out of here

Stay mad Rei fags

Stop defiling Kaworu with your degeneracy.

Wall of Touhou due to arrive latte Thurs.evening
>and they brought sake

Rebuild Kaworu > any version of Rei

Kaworu only loves Shinji, he never showed interest in anyone else.

Everyone > any version of Rei

>Baloney pony

what did she mean by this?

btw, they're viewing those fags in front of Mike's house

Germany is becoming more and more terrible everyday.
It's clearly due to Asukafaggotry.
You think you're safe? Think again.

Both rebuild characters are at least straight if angels can even have sexualities.
Shinji is absolutely straight in all versions.
Keep your fan fiction to yourself.

He clearly showed interest in Asuka when ate her out

that they fuck each other

Best couple
Would watch 26 episodes of Kaworu taming Asuka.

Good taste.

Why can't Rei and Asukafags just get along?

Reifags are kidding themselves.

>Wanting to fuck your own mother
Even in back to the future at least Marty's mom was attractive and had likeable features
Rei is a lifeless doll who's only defined feature is that she is his mom.

You sick fuck
>Not wanting to dominate the firebrand
It's the best feeling in the world senpai.

Itt wtf is going in you neet weeb cunts

Fucking sauce?!

But she's the purest

Because Rei is a huge shit and Asuka is best girl.

For once I agree with the fucking leaf.

you mean blandest?

I bet Asuka likes nigger dick

All 3 are used goods

Any quality other than robotic obedience that you think Rei has is total projection.
She's a blank slate, may as well be dating sparkling vampires

delet this

asuka is more pure than this

you wish.

Thank Trump most people in this thread can see how Rei is fucking garbage.

There are no niggers in Tokyo-3

Get fucked reifags!

Asuka > Kaworu >>>>> Rei

Well she is German
Then again she clearly had better tastes than that

Anyone else think kaji looks a little like a masculine and sane Trudeau?

Rei and Asuka fuck each other?


>not Ritsuko
Step aside child lovers, best waifu is coming through

having fun teaching enslish?

Kaworu >> shit >> Rei >> India >>>>>> Asuka

There is no need to insult literal garbage by comparing it to Rei.

Shinji and Asuka fuck each other. They live together and Rei gets suspicious, that's why she says that.



Asuka is best, if you can't handle it then got to your safe place.

People ITT are fucking dumb, Misato is best girl in eva


I'd fugg Asuka.

What anime is this? Ive seen it before

If you seriously don't think Asuka is best girl you need to kill yourself.

Both moot and gook moot confirmed it.

Fuck Asuka and Fuck White Germans

boku no pico

Misato is a drunk. 0/10

boku no pico


Kaworu is straight and loves best girl Asuka, get rekt fujoshit.

>Wanting to date a crazy cat lady who reeks of smoke and is in an intergenerational love affair with a psychopath

Hi. Welcome to Sup Forums. We're a community of anime and otaku culture lovers who happen to enjoy other things, thus we talk about them in boards like this.

Enjoy your stay, newfriend!

I kinda figured Kaji was supposed to be the ideal man in that show. Sure of himself and acting like an actual adult to the kids, took responsibility for his actions and shit. Great guy. Best taste in women too.

They could have not made her look any more like a dyke.

You're on the nazi board of an anime forum


reifags are low energy. sad!

arent you the bitch who pasted her udders on Sup Forums yesterday?

Post anything without Shinji and you're fine in my books

To be fair, Gendo has tapped ever suitable pussy in all of Tokyo 3. But I'll take cat lady over drunk slut, tsundere kraut, or white bread any day.

And what if I am?


Dragon Ball z

You should be ashamed of yourself



Well that's just objectively bad taste regardless of who the characters behind those stereotypes are
You may as well go with class rep
Actually anyone who thinks Rei is best girl and doesn't want to fuck his mother will be better off with class rep.

Reifags out

Shinji is too much of a beta faggot so I can't get into porn that has him in it.



They just can't handle a girl of Asuka's calibur

>a gay white man

go away slut

Yeah, class rep's not a bad choice either I suppose.

>a fucking potato famine

All Reifags are crypto-leftists. Real STRONG WHITE MENS likes only GERMAN GODDESS ASUKA.