Thanks, Abe
Japanese birth rate is rising
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But they said that without immigration Japan was dead
So what did you do? Invite horny gaijin to fix the declining birthrate?
It had literally no where to go but up. Don't worry, the Japs are still emotionless robots. Any children they do have will likely kill themselves for shamfurl dishprays.
Yes, Abe works well. I reality support him.
>Thanks, Abe
He personally improve birth rate?
The first night after marriage traditionally belongs to Abe.
>But they said that without immigration Japan was dead
>believing the globalist lies
No,I read that only dumb people have high birth rates because they lack the understanding of what it takes to raise a child.(Africa etc)
Unless of course,you are implying that whites are dumb.
Me and my BBC is responsible.I was given a temporary visa to impregnate as many Japanese women as possible in exchange for money. I EARNED every penny.
Who taught this monkey how to use a computer?
Post dick and rule or stop shitposting
South Korea is shit
shit media
shit people
shit leaders
just shit
Computer? I'm using a pile of sand, a piece of driftwood and two coconuts.
Is there even a single real Japanese who posts with a nip flag??
They all self aborted after the alcohol wore off and they realized they fucked a big stinky nigger.
Japan's plan to add oxytocin and kisspeptin to the drinking water finally starts to show results
Praise Abe
You're welcome Japan
How much for a jap qt?
This is true
I saw one once but they usually cannot into engrish and have their own boards like...2chan,so they don't usually post here
The ones that can into English usually post under a foreign flag because they are abroad studying(that's why they can into english)
I think this might be one: kek
Implying a country isn't dying if it doesn't reach 2.1 fertility rate, i.e. 2.1 infant per each woman between 16 and 45.
It is the actual generational replenishing zero growth rate.
2 is the generational replenishing zero growth rate.
0.1 is the average rate defect of generally unfit to procreate in a newborn population: retard, sterile, and other defects.
Now go get a woman and impregnate her.
Japan will stay japanese, western europe will become a paki/nigger/arab/mongrel mix.
A lot of the 0.1 logic has to do with premature death as well.
best plastic surgery though...
Will you dance for me if I pay you as many bananas as your heart desires?
Your head
But will Finland stay based?
A country won't die just because it's birthrates fall for a period
It's simply just a naïve thought, that a people will die out completely, because their birthrates are falling.
It is only logical to think that the birthrates will rise again, once the country's population has stabilized
wait for me japan!!
im cummin!!
And gays
You do realize this is clearly a "look how quirky us and our sugar daddy are" Facebook picture?
That's like shopping a bunch of Sup Forums approved bullshit on a BLACKED screencap.
It's amazing that this needs to be explained
A race will never go extinct as long as it keeps it's national borders closed
It will just have more room for all it's people
They're literally pouring beer on him and treating him like a filthy animal
It's a joke, but it's the kind that demasculates an entire race
That bitch is built like a fucking pencil for gods sakes.
In America niggers get force memed into KANGZ, in Finland, they are laughed at like dogs
Why can't Japanese men fuck?
Muuh why havn't you have 10 white children yet we need to compete with Africa at breeding!!1
Physical attraction is a perception based shortcut to beat natural selection
Beware of this everytime you think MUH TIDDIES MUH DICK MUH ASS
Country doesn't die, it becomes a colony, to the next superpower or regional power. Meanwhile Japan gets rekt militarly by China and to a lesser extent, Korea.
>other defects.
Yes, I'm harsh, but still right.
That is irrelevent
We need to close our borders and deport
they live in 2D waifu paradise. they simply don't give a shit about women
No one fuking care about Japan
Slit eye mother fucker
Japan is disgrace to Asia
>actual generational replenishing zero growth rate.
Can't read for shit, is really 'murrican education a meme?
Because sometimes man should not fuck
Sometimes he has more important things to do like stabilize the population of his people rather than act like a nigger.
The scenery is amazing. HNNNNG
Japan is the leader of Asia and the only reason it isn't a slave to white westerners
obese disgusting american
It's not rocket science.
Just feed it regularly and make sure it doesn't get killed for 18 years.
Calm down poland
Wow. There is no coming back from rates that low.
Fuck I hate Japan
The only thing Japan is a leader at is sucking USA cock. gold medal every time, suckysucky.
We bombed them so hard they turned into literal losers who stand in lines waiting for posters of 2D girls, what do you expect from them?
1500 years and still staying Japanese
Deal with it gaijin
I just respect God's Chosen People and they are clearly the Japs, not the Jews. Not even 2 nukes took them down.
her body is as flat as her face
fucking asians
This. And in fact Japan survived a Russian cross.
And yet they are still proud enough to not open their borders and genocide themselves
Japan has been Japanese a thousand years longer than every other race on the planet. Everyone focuses on their recent defeat when in the big scheme of things it was nothing but a blip.
Your a fucking dumb piece of shit. I actually don't mind if she's flat as long as she's decently built.
The bitch looks like she came out of a Japanese POW camp.
You have more women than men in your country. You have no excuse to not marry one of your own. If anything you should be sending your women to Japan
>rising number of nigerians
So what like 14 of them now?
And another cross
I thought about this regarding a series of mock trials in public schools in Denmark and a thread a couple of weeks ago here on Sup Forums, were i think it was in Belgium where the same pattern emerges.
Essentially young people are becoming increasingly conservative compared to the rest of the population, this difference was to large to be explained by demographic changes aka muslims. They also noted that young people (teens) had a strong tendency to vote similiar to their parents. I looked into it a bit, and behold, it appear as the fertility rate does not only inversly correlate with IQ and correlate with race - but also correlate with political belief.
To sum up, liberal people are way below replacement level, whereas more conservative people are above replacement level. Once again this is an independent variable, it is not just lower educational level and ethnicity difference. White conservative with an IQ, Education and income similiar to a White Liberal, will on average have more kids than the liberal.
For some reason their where a spike in Liberals after the war periode (r/K theory perhaps), and now that spike is leveling out, hence the declined birh rate over the last 30-50 years.
I dont care about her at all
Shes a jpg on Sup Forums
Probably lots of japanese in aussie land,my sensei got married in aussie because there where so many japanese on working holiday visa
Ever heard of China?
They need some social programmes to get people married and fucking ASAP.
>Cheap loans for married couples that let a portion be forgiven for each child.
>Shorter workday or commute time so people have more time to have a family
>Find a way to get the women to seduce beta men or some fucking thing. Financial incentives or something.
Japan get your people to fuck.
Automation removes the need for young manual labor
Communism and mongols and many other conquerors ruined China but yes they come close along with Iran and the jews
They don't need more people though you jew
someone post those webms of that room with the 100s of japs fucking
You need to narrow it down a lot more than that user, there are hundreds of those, it's some sort of yearly event.
Fuck off, Shinzo.
Alright Nippon, keep it up! Pun intended.
Current population number is too many for the land size of Japan. Russians don't know a problem of overpopulated.
So Japanese don't care the cross, but birth rate is important. 20-25% down of population number is rather better for Japan.
That looks more like a highschool "initiation". They are voluntary events where first years get thrown by all kinds of shit by older students.
i just got back from holiday in kyoto,shagged about a bit migh of left a few bastards behind
the pleasure was all mine nipbro!
So tomorrow, are ya gonna post that shit about you need immigration again.
Talk about fucking fake news epidemic. Fuckin originated in Japan by the looks of it.
Are you Japanese, or English teacher?