Sup Forums looks like I don't I have to be rapist anymore!
The negotiator
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Its fake you idiot
She is using the same proven technique than Captain Sweden.
I hate swedes so much, while debating about Islam with some swede they actually defended female circumcision and said it's clean and healthy.
too bad
Hey man, I'm visiting Chisinau in a couple of months.
What can I do in such a shit hole?
Visit the village rapist
First of all you have to know that moldavian traffic from Moldova on pornhub is 40% female.
If you have money, it will be good, from the perspective of clubing, fucking, getting high etc.
In the rest is awful: public transporatian is utter shit, same for... everything else.
>clubbing, sex, drugs
Clubs are a den of degeneracy! They should be shut down by the government or not allowed to serve alcohol
Sex should only be between a husband and wife
Drug dealers should be hanged
Jesus Canda, what did they do with you...
WAT!? Give me their addresses, and I will make sure to deep-fry them in hot maple syrup.
Anyone who lays with an animal needs to be hanged as well the bible is clear about this
Every swede I've ever spoken with has questioned me with why I'm a Christian and not a Muslim? I met one Swedish girl who told me she has an online relationship with a Muslim guy and they have online webcam sex all the time and she convinced him to move to Sweden.
Oh shit, every canadian I've spoken too ask me the same, and there was this canadian girl who claimed she only was attracted to big nig-nogs.
If you suck your enemies dick, they win.
Were they Canadian or slav? Every Slav I ever met is a coal burner, Canadian girls are definitely more racist than Slav girls though but yeah if it's online they're probably a degenerate whore
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It's fake you retards
This made me kek. Thanks OP
>Swedes exchange students
People would rather study in Brazil here than in Canada, so I don't know what kind of lunatics you have met.
Also knew a girl who went to study in USA, she came back fat with green hair and a lefty.
Explain that to me, I thought Sweden was the lefty brainwash pit.
Obviously they would rather study in the less white country
this gives me an idea......
t. Ahmed