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FAT people.

They smell of fish.

A fairer question would be: Why can't these people stop munching?

>laugh at a fatass doing conventionally funny shit
>having anything to do with hate

That was a woman?

Looks like a dude. They are several people by weight.

Because I used to be chubby myself, but even as a kid I knew how fucking disgusting I was and lost the weight. If someone cannot lose the weight this far into their life it tells me they have given up. I feel second hand embarrassment and shame considering these are fellow Americans.

Makes me wonder what would have happened to me if I just gave up like that. Being fat must be horrifying

she looks like about 3 or 4 people + robot legs

Motherfuckers use those things like goddamn battering rams

>picture goes viral
>unable to see the face, can't even tell it's a woman, nobody has any idea who it is and doesn't care to know
>I know! I'll fight back against the trolls and identify that person in the photo as ME! That'll show them!

Why are fat people so fucking stupid

I was obese and i'm not anymore ( still quite a lot to loose through ).

Thoses peoples are fuckings pathetics disgustings untersmenchs.

How can you let you get so fat that you need to use fucking scooter to go outside ? Give me a break this is pathetic.

I used to be 300 pounds in middle school, and dropped half of it when I was 19.

I know their struggle very well and I have contempt for weakness.

I received no help losing the weight.

>mfw noticing that the landwhale was reaching for a 24 pack of soda in the picture
No sympathy for fatties, day of the rope will be day of the reinforced steel chain for them too.

Fucking hamericans, the rest of you guys are okay.

Because fat can't think, and they are like 99% fat

It's their stupidity that caused them to get fat

just eat less

whats the fucking deal

i used to be fat when i was a teen then i ate healthy and became slim

whats so fucking hard? do they need alimony for their caloric intake?

Pick one

>tfw fat

At least I'm not as fat as her. I should work on losing weight though, at least drop 60 lbs.

>reaching for a 24 pack of soda in the picture

Because its funny.

Why not just push them off a cliff?
I'd rather not risk breaking precious metal.

love how she instantly shows her offspring as a shield to defend herself


This is true. Landwhales on scooters seem to think they can drive at high speed on the pavement and expect people to get out of their way. Welfare recipients, unless very short term, are never grateful. They are resentful. Resentful of your fully human ability to stop feeding your fat face for five fucking seconds. read Dune.

>Not even riding in a Bariatric Sports Scooter yet.

>In the soda Isle
>Fall over trying to get your daily 6000 kcals of sugar

Their satiety center is fucked.

She probably believes in the 5/3's compromise.

I don't get it, why didn't they just install a bigger door to prevent discomforts like this one?

Seconding this.
"Looks, I can breed! This makes me human!"
"Also, think about my child before you start gunning for her poor momma you nasty Internet trolleys"

They are only 10% people. The rest is fat.

Can't argue with weak-willed sheep that can't look beyond their instant gratification needs and addictions.

I always thought it was a guy.

Oy vey.

I couldn't care less. How can they even afford to buy food? Oh I remember...

Anyone who willingly shoves enough food into their gullet to get that large and maintain that weight is basically a mindless animal.

>but muh free energy

>spread degrading images online of an obese person in order to discourage them from eating, and help them along the path of changing their ways via means of humiliation

>somehow we're the villains

i don't even get this planet we're living on anyone tbph m8s

They always say that these dumb asses are "hitting back!" but then nothing happens. Whats the point?

Fatties are just disgusting Untermenschen.
>MUH GENETICS fuck off. Unless you have a doctor approved illness you are just talking shit. You are a disgusting blob of fat that is too lazy to do shit. Thankfully beeing a obese fuck shortens your pitiful existence.

So are child molesters, Maoists, and Salafis truck drivers in Nice.



Sounds like you don't understand how addictions work.

People don't seem to understand, especially normies.

The reason black people hate ghetto folk

The reason previously fat people hate fat people

The reason previously poor people hate lazy fucking layabouts

Because who the hell has hips bigger than a fucking door?

That's actually pretty innovative and it looks fun.

top kek I will be using this one

sexy thicc women

Sounds like you don't understand how much we don't give a fuck.

I've seen a nigger flip someones scooter over because they ran over his shoes in a store.

>be a super fat woman
>has a child

Women really have it easy

people who lack will power and should be ashamed for it. fuck off hambeast

This was my first thought too

I personally wouldn't go that far. But I can appreciate the sentiment.

literally nothing of value would be lost if every single obese person on earth suddenly vanished.

>sexy thicc women

Seems like you hunt more whales than the japs.

>That part where the fat shit almost falls off

Not just that. Their arguments are always 'omg please stop shaming me guys i have feelings!' 'leave me alone buaaah'

In other words:

I hate modern journalism.

I agree, it was purely an emotional over the top response to a mundane situation. Still was glorious as fuck though.

Fat people creep me out 2bh

A little meat is good for anyone, but when they start getting into that bloated face territory they start to send off like an uncanny valley vibe.

>in addition to killing all the minorities, let's also kill the fatties
>no one is left in America

>didn't fall off at the curb


I have condishins!

You're missing out.

This guy gets it

People have virtues such as honor, pride, dignity, self respect. Fatties do not have any virtues and as such are considered people. Same reason why niggers, spics, sandniggers, yellow niggers, red niggers, and kikes, and the poor, and criminals are also not people.

10/10 would fuck

>being so fat you have to be literally towed
Jesus what pathetic people

Ever notice how almost every ultra obese person is white?

Why don't they just be not fat instead?

once I had a really mega fat supervisor, I always complimented her canckles, she asked did I just say canckle, I said yes, she says I'm getting the surgery poor me waaaaahhhhhh

fucking disgusting lardos, would see this whale and her equally lard husband at the grocery with a cart full of ice cream

no fucking wonder

Because they're the only ones who can afford all that food

I'm 6 feet, I used to weight 280, got down to 230 then I went on vacation and I gained some back over Christmas. I think it's mostly because when you stuff your face all the time as a kid you feel weird all the time when you're not eating. You don't feel "hungry" but you get anxious and stuff. I noticed that after dieting for just two weeks or so the feeling went away. If you just have some willpower and you stop eating for a bit you can lose weight fairly quickly.

>Why don't they just be not fat instead?
what do you mean by this?

White ones shart in mart. Black ones shoot up kfc

I've never had to assist a fat person on a scooter in my 10+ years working at walmart. The only thing I can think of is this helpless woman in her late 30s who can't weigh over 110lbs in one of those scooters and I have to stop what I'm doing and shop with/for her. No wonder why I have to work for free during my lunch.

Why diet drinks considered so funny? when i was losing weight they helped me calm evening hunger.


Also wtf with scooters. Jesus. Exercise more fat fucks, burn calories.



My joke would've worked a lot better if she was an overweight nigger.

They don't even need to exercise. If you're that fat you can eat 2500 calories a day and still lose weight rapidly.

If anything, we'd have things to gain.

She was so humiliated by the photo that she took it to the media so that they could put the photo in their newspapers and spread it to a hundred times more people than would have seen it otherwise...?

Why are Americans such attentionwhores?

It's easier for women to get fat due to hormones, that's actually a good thing because they get more sexier the fatter and bloated they are.

Holy shit normies will NEVER understand these feels

>previously fat, ghetto, and poor all at the same time
>took 9 years but I became a real human been
>mfw people tell me "I can't understand what it's like"

Congrats, I guess.

>Eating an entire tray of those brownies
How? I eat two and that's enough. That shit is rich and heavy as fuck.

>fat posters hating on fat people ITT

Earthquakes, m8


Lack of blood flow to the brain.

>boohoo we are people too :(

Than fucking act like it you disgusting whale.

>why do you hate them
because they are disgusting and worth hating so I myself do not become one.

>These are your typical conservative christians in America



Huh. I always thought that was a fat bloke.

The scooters aren't meant for them