When did TED become an SJW bullshit outlet?
>waaah my feelings got hurt on the internet
When did TED become an SJW bullshit outlet?
>waaah my feelings got hurt on the internet
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It's always been like that. There are some gems in Ted videos, but it's a pain to dig through all the "safe space"-tier bullshit.
Man, I sure do love rich celebrities telling me what's going on in the world.....really activated my almonds she did
Because libtards are the only people willing to pay for this bullshit.
Online abuse of women?
How is this even physically possible?
> watching TED
you deserve your misery
wtf I'm in control of my abuse
Liked the psychopath one. Nice format, interesting and let you try and work out your own stance and have a bit of skepticism.
Safe space bullshit can fuck right off though.
Her mind is so dense she thinks the world revolves around her.
Women get rape threads over the internet.
Men get called fags, and have other people saying they fucked their moms.
It's just how things are. Bantz for bantz, the internet isn't her personal safe space.
You can see how her histrionics and hyperbole suit a legitimate political agenda in the real world.
Because Silicon Valley is filled with diversity cucks.
We don't let them moderate the internet like they do Twitter and Facebook, therefore they are oppressed by being unable to oppress us. Typical communist thought process.
Based quints.
Checked the medic.
Nice one m8
It was always a cult-like liberal organization.
Pretty sure it was always like that. Things like TED serve solely to make people who think they're smart and intellectual and smell their own farts feel like that by watching a speech about something and thinking they're knowledgeable about it without actually doing anything related to the topic at hand which would legitimately make them more enlightened about it, since you can't brag about it so much and it isn't a group pseudo-religious experience like a TED Talk.
She looks more like a Drinksoda than a Drinkwater.
>Go into doctor
>"Doc I'm fat.."
>*exam table breaks just by her looking at it*
>*Scale gets stuck on 999.9 and then catches fire*
>"Kelli, you brain dead mammoth whale, even your last name suggests it."
Hans Roslings TED talk were awesome, all other have been pure garbage.
Just imagine if the Nazis had won WWII and the Volkshalle had been built. Imagine seeing Ubermenschen of the Herrenvolk in the center of this opulent monument to man addressing an audience about the future of the Germanic peoples and their greatness. Fugg
Ham Planet giving a Ted talk.
>Everything you need to know about addiction
The elites don't like us rabbles to comment on their videos. We're just supposed to listen and obey.
>When did TED become an SJW bullshit outlet?
long long ago
there was a short period in the beginning when ted talks were interesting. Afterwards they became filled with irrelevancy and or liberal propaganda
the occasional interesting lecture still exists but is rare
>When did TED become an SJW bullshit outlet?
Always was. Why do you think no actual scientists/innovators take it seriously?
and of course the jew says white men are her problem and implies nobody else can say shit to women. she´s not any better than the trolls. just a privileged jew woman who thinks she has special rights over average people.
lol a fucking judd, i had to look her up to be sure but ya she's part of the family
Beat me to it.
Only Ted talk worth watching
They still want to put niggers in charter schools so they're not that cucked.
And yet libtards are pushing soda taxes to fight obesity, because there's nothing wrong with it. Apparently there are microbes that can make you fat that can be transferred to you if you get fat shit on you. Fuck fatties, seriously.