Alternate universes/timelines

Uhh... guys? What if we're literally, unironically, in an alternate universe due to meddling in the quantum fabric of space and time?

Pic related rly made me think

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nope people are just dumb, you forgot how berenstien bears was supossed to be spelled cus you were little

That Berenstien shit is something I never bought in to. That was probably one of the most retarded things I'd ever heard in my life.

But the massive consciousness shift during the election, Hillary and her cabal falling from grace, pedos exposed, Yurop crumbling, based black people calling out democrats as having slave-owner/slave-being mindset.

Lotta freaky stuff happened very quickly in a very short amount of time.

>On 13 February 2013 the LHC's first run officially ended, and it was shut down for planned upgrades. 'Test' collisions restarted in the upgraded collider on 5 April 2015,[6][7] reaching 6.5 TeV per beam on 20 May 2015 (13 TeV total, the current world record). Its second research run commenced on schedule, on 3 June 2015.[8]

>On June 16, 2015, Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States at Trump Tower in New York City. In the speech, Trump drew attention to domestic issues such as illegal immigration, offshoring of American jobs, the U.S. national debt, and Islamic terrorism, which all remained large themes during the campaign. He also announced his campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again".

Really makes you think...

She didn't fall from grace, she had 3 million more votes than trump.
Pedos may have been exposed but they aren't being charged. 93% of blacks voted Hillary. Europe is mostly white, white people are crumbling.

Sorry lads but we lost in this timeline.

the universe is always alternating silly

>He was born in the shitty Berenstain universe

Yea its just your brain remembers it as something common. Kinda like how most people think its Ronald Dalh when its really Roald Dalh


THAT is what started this shit, not the Collider.

Fun theory, but the LHC is far from the first particle accelerator.
However, where he could be correct is they are the first to reach TeV ranges of power during collisions.

This is my kind of thread.

Nigga the fuck you on? Most of those votes she got were from california and most of it were from illegals immigrants time will tell what will happen but right now we're winning this shit while those fucks are screeching like the retards they are.

Forgot to include this link of particle accelerators.

huh. maybe we should try switching it off then on again and see what happens


Sorry but science doesn't work that way.
Its beyond your comprehension ofc, but what you suggest is on par with bible creationism.

just cos OP is a dummy doesnt mean I'm a dummy.

Explain your bible creationist comparison in detail or forever be labeled a fucking poser

Well maybe we need to continue to alter it. I have always wondered something...if multiple timelines exist, does that mean free will does not? Are we slaves to fate or are we the masters of our dominion?

What's if it's neither? It's all just random timeline switching?

If we are able to alter the timeline, does that not show that free will exist? If we didn't have free will, we'd be stuck in a stationary timeline in a loop we could never change.

>double the chaos
i like it

Hitler had blue eyes

maybe some timelines have a fate where they will split into two (or more?)

remember how they had multiple experiments creating mini blackholes?

remember how they know how to reliably create small amounts of antimatter?

remember how after those things theyve been testing the limits of the lhc and getting the highest luminosity results they can?

do you know that they're working on turning it into a high luminosity large hadron collider

Maybe thats cause for concern?

I fell as though humanity has the knowledge and power to change whatever they please. Most of the time it's by accident and then refined. I would love to see the mission reports from the LHC crew and the like to see what they may or may not have opened/created in the process.

These kind of threads are why people are laughing at us all the time.

The 2015 tests correspond to the Germanwings crash. The 2016 tests correspond to the Brexit, Colombian, and US Presidential elections

>93% of blacks voted Hillary.
They don't ask this on the ballot. If such a number is out there, it was gained from (((polls))). The left has a lot to lose if blacks start realizing thag they are all thinking the same thing about their masters.

Slave revolt coming soon.

what's a high luminosity hadron collider?

slave revolt good for society, makes the aristocracy get up off their fat asses and give a shit about everyone under their boot.

Dejavu is being aware of the mandela effect.

I think they meant highest luminal results they can a.k.a as close to the speed of light as they could make the tiny particles go

more superconducting magnets
a fuckton more particle collisions
more POWER

You could almost say they were all conCERNed

>based black people

fuck you carlos

What? That's not what deja vu is at all


Of course it is.

that was terrible

>Clark calling people jigaboos
>Former leader of black panthers calling Lewis a traitor
>Ben Carson dropping redpills about Saul Alinsky to millions

Zone-tan is a virgin.
That's why he won't use her in a flash.

I want to fuck her virgin cunt and impregnate her tbf

No its not.
Deja vu means seeing something that seems extremly like youve seen it like that the exact same way, mostly with situations.
Mandela effect is seeing something and remembering it differntly itt berenstain or stein.

The only universes I'm interested in are the ones in which the Nazis won.

Jews control everything here and Trump doesn't make much difference in how fucked up everything is and will continue to be.

The multiple universe theory goes beyond what anyone can comprehend.
>big bang theory to big crunch
>makes big bounce theory
>if universe keeps expanding out then eventually every possible universe will be made
>in each universe there are black holes
>black hole multiverse theory
>in each universe with life that makes simulations of other universes, there could be infinite simulations
>in those simulations there will be simulations
>choice split reality theory
>double slit expirament
>this means that every choice and possiblity is not only different if someone is seeing it, but if a choice is made another reality is created

there are multiple realities, but its not like a tree of them, there are different kinds and different ways of switching, of course we change realities, it just usually only changes the future, not the past, when things go weird you can change into a reality where the past is different

this all has something to do with Kek and Cern

>Based black people
Just get fucked to death by a nigger will you?


>big bang theory

I don't buy in to it. There's too much credit going towards reasonable explanations for all celestial objects appearing red-shifted.

Big Bang just seems like an attempt to wrap our feeble human brains around the concept of a universe that may very well have been here f o r e v e r

enjoy making jokes, I hope the cartels find your jokes funny when you get back to mexico

It's a theory.

>reasonable explanations for all celestial objects appearing red-shifted.

Such as?

Same difference.

>Mexican warlocks said Trump would not win
>machines calculated he had only a 1% chance of winning
>impyling a wrinkly old 2036 Trump who lost the election didn't use CERN's time travel technology to tell himself a few years ago exactly what to do in order to create his perfect timeline, Trump's Gate

Next level trolling

here's a good article:

tl;dr quasars and galaxies have observed wavelengths that don't fit in with the currently theorized rules of quantum mechanics. Like fitting a square peg in a round hole, "it's all redshifted because it's all expanding" no longer makes sense based on what we are observing from celestial objects. Astrophycists discovered that we actually don't know jack about what causes certain objects to emit certain low-energy wavelengths. Doesn't help that 75% of the matter in the universe is unseen ('dark matter' aka 'we-don't-know-what-it-is matter')

>Trapfags btfo

There is a book series, I think called the red Queen's war. Fantasy series.

Spoiler alert
The series has an LHC type particle accelerator unlocking meme magic in humanity, causing humanity to pull one of those "future apocalypse into old timey fantasy setting" cliches

I honestly felt like my timeline has been off since around 2011. That's when everything started to feel surreal and contrived.

Real life right now feels like it's being invented by a team of television writers. It's hard to describe.


grow up you cartoon fucking faggot