what a powerful display of courage
stunning & brave
What a bunch of fags
>wahhh feel sorry for us we're poor persecuted faggots
>suck it cis scum look at my faggot prolapsed asshole
Honestly hope fag marriage is overturned and these poz homos get the chair
Disgusting pigs
... go on
>Start the ovens.
Tesla, get the cannon.
I unironically love this age we live in.
Couldn't he call the cops based on noise disturbance.
Gays are so fucking stupid. It's quite funny.
>pass laws to allow those WILLING to undergo therapy to do so
>OMFG u fuckin bigot #NotMyVP
Americans are faggots. A laughing-stock for the whole world.
dunno bout you but that about summed it up
Why hasn't Milo disavowed this?
Western society was a mistake , shut it down.
that will show him!
>Pence: Donald, get the prod.
It's amusing, nothing wrong with this.
Has a liberal protest ever achieved anything during and after the elections?
I wonder what that nu-male in op's pic thinks he is going to accomplish.
Pavement apes and libcucks. Future of society.
It was like 100 people but be dammed sure the Jewish media let's you know it
i hate gay people
zap zap zap
Guys are we too late, or just in time?
Can the West be saved without mass exterminations?
It's quite funny actually that these people think that they can make a change by acting like degenerates
every time someone says faggots don't need shock therapy the power goes up another 10 volts
>Man who dislikes gays for religious reasons moves in.
>Gays throw giant faggot twerk party outside his house to show him how to 'not hate'
>Mans hatred intensifies, and then flatlines as he realizes that in a days time, he will be vice president
>He laughs contentedly
Don't worry lads, Papa Pence will save us.
I'm sure this will make the new Vice President of the United States of America sympathetic to their plight.
Nigga its literally a couple dozen fags twirking. We've got this.
well Sup Forums elected Trump and we are just a bunch of degenerates posting memes for digits
Odds whose faggots left a mess on the lawn? Goddam disrespectful right there. Dance party is one thing, but you know they left wrappers from gay poppers, cigarettes, food etc. etc.
I think regular gays feel about the same way i would feel when someone puts a skin-head as the symbol of how i think.
Didn't pence moved out to DC already?
That'll show him!
I'll trade my kingdom for an assault truck
Yea, let's get out and protest by drinking each others piss. That'll show them for sure
where do you think they are? regardless they got all the proper permits so if they want to dance outside his house they can dance outside his house.
Obama had to deal with eight years of tea parties and idiots bitching about keeping government out of medicare. this shit is only getting started
The only way they know to protest is to become even more irritating than they already are and piss off more people against them
Brilliant idea that will surely help their cause
Seriously... what the fuck kind of silly juice are they spiking the water supply with in Burgerland, if droves of faggoty men are compelled to go dance outside of a house as a means of protest... This world is getting more bonkers by the hour
h-holy shit
I'm really genuinely worried that i'll never find a boyfriend who isn't a total degenerate like these people.
look at the hooked-nose jew, right up front in that pic.
That sexy bearded dude having a seizure with the stockings can always twerk on my dick :^)
hahaha le epicccc XDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blame the Jews. It's what I do.
they should rape Pence and tape it
I'd pay to watch that
These fags would get so much more done if they simply dressed like grown men (old style Hugo Boss), fashed their hairstyles and did their best to normalize themselves into society.
Instead they do the opposite.
Have these degenerates litteraly no shame?
Gays are part of the lamestream. That's about all. Peace out.
Honestly didn't care about fag marriage before, but now I really hope it gets overturned.
They just want some flash treatment.
Only civil war will save your country muricans.
geee, I really hope our bikers can fight them
Where is Zimmerman when you need him?
Honestly who gives a shit? They have a right to protest their gay ass retarded opinions just ignore them and they will go away gays FEED off attention.
>hey you know what'll save our country? acting like faggots
Imagine what these people are gonna be like when they hit their 70's. If they even get that far.
Mike "Only Power to Queers is Volts Times Amperes" Pence
Why are fucking canadians protesting at pences house?
>You can't stop us from being AIDS infested degenerates!
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Why would you not want to kill all gays after they do shit like this?
most of them do what you described. that's why you never see them. but the media loves pushing this stereotypical image for the shock value it gives.
>Can the West be saved without mass exterminations?
It can't, unless extensive genetic engineering becomes available but then we'd basically be altering these guys into white people.
They're really proving how mentally ill they are.
Canada is so thoroughly cucked they need to invade their neighbors with cuckedness
Mike "Needs An Electric Fence" Pence
as a straight man i have to admit that man in the denim shorts has a great ass!
Why don't they ever protest in front of a muslim's house?
Is that Harry Potter?
Fire hoses to get them soaking wet, then knock over a power pole.
depends on decibel volume, but yeah
Get their names and addresses.
That would be islamophobic
Mike 'AC/DC for the LGBT' Pence
This is the dumbest shit in the world
I love it.
Didn't know we had a Muslim as Vice President tho
What are you trying to tell us Satan?
AIDS medication was a mistake.
Fuckin look out nazis, alt right and Mike The Zapper. Some dangerous fags out there.
This is what I've said all along. It is only the straight-acting members of the lgbt community who have made a difference and has changed minds through their daily social interactions.
All these degenerate gays have made no difference at all and are just an annoyance.
That's efficiency
Please Kek give us a lightening bolt.
>kike is the biggest faggot
REEEEE so close
Only 26 1/2 hours left of that.
>Mike "LGBBQ" Pence
>Mike "Frag Grenades for Fag Parades" Pence
>Mike "You like Cock, you're in for a Shock" Pence
>Mike "Drinking Man Juice? Taste the Wrath of Zeus" Pence
>Mike "No Ohmo's will live on my watch" Pence
wow he can conservatives still fail to accept these freaks in their hearts after such a beautiful display of how crazy these faggots are
btw is that main faggot with the suspender a kike? Kinda looks like it.
Thanks Satan. Pres Pence by 2018.
ohhh fuck
At this point I don't even care if the Muslims take over....
Look at this mess
Yea, didn't expect it any other way. Easy prey.