so my mother is travelling from wisconsin to DC for the women's protest by bus FOR FREE. her ticket paid for by (((donations))).
>tfw my mom is literally a paid protester
so my mother is travelling from wisconsin to DC for the women's protest by bus FOR FREE. her ticket paid for by (((donations))).
>tfw my mom is literally a paid protester
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You mean prostitute. These are political prostitutes.
I live in D.C. it's nice of these losers to come here so we can mock them instead of having to do it on the internet.
Don't stop believing, gash nationalists.
Did you tell her that? Why didn't you tell her you disown her as a parent?
Control you damn mom.
Jerk off in all her panties while she's gone.
Gash Nationalism = Feminism?
Whats to stop me from getting on one of these bus's..
bringing bantz the whole time.
get to dc, go sight seeing watch the parade see god emperor then get back on bus with more space since most the faggots got arrested and post more dank shitty posts on here
your mom keeping me comfy on the way back..
tell her to take enough money for a 10 piece chicken nugget meal..
Haha, manlet
i sent her a text where i called her a puppet of the elites.
i had no objections to her going to the protest until i was on the phone with her and she started on about "white men". i've been sending her texts making fun of the women's march since.
Is it Soros?
why? isn't that a giant waste of time? is your mom retired or something?
i wouldnt consider this even if i lived at home
A bus ride from Wisconsin to DC with a bunch of charged-up Hillary supporters sounds like hell.
Literally nothing.
Anyone protesting outside of the area of their permit is going to be instantly arrested and thrown in a cell until the inauguration is over.
The cops are NOT fucking around here.
My mom said some bitch at her work asked her for the day off tomorrow because she's traveling (((by bus))) to go to the million cunt march.
She's in fucking Kansas. How pathetic does your movement have to be to have to astroturf thousands of cat ladies to make a significant crowd?
Burn her house down when she is gone
Blame it on protesters
> i've been sending her texts making fun of the women's march since.
you should point out to her that the women's liberation movement was founded by Gloria Steinem, a CIA asset who was a playboy bunny
she's not retired yet. she's taking time off work for this.
not sure but i'm sure big money is behind it. i guess i'm not on speaking terms with her at the moment to find out what company/fund is supporting this.
It really needs to be made public and widely known that these protestors are having their travel expenses paid for by the protest organizers. This is VERY important and people need to know. It invalidates the entire protest once you start bribing people to show up.
Check this page out. The linked website is pretty professional, must be a booming business.
You mean she's missing the Saturday protest in Madison? Last I saw it was up to "11,000" going. Which means maybe 100 will show up.
What are they protesting anyway? Tesla isn't making a battery powered PT Cruiser?
i would never do something like that.
Is this real because I'd do this shit all day.
>You mean she's missing the Saturday protest in Madison?
she was wait-listed for a bus to DC. im sure she would have gone to madison if she couldn't get on the bus.
if we would have known about this earlier Sup Forums could have reserved all the seats so the busses would have been empty.
Yeah it's real.
It's actually jewish as fuck to pay goys to protest on shabbot.
If you are in New York on a saturday it's possible to find beaners who don't speak english holding signs in english protesting Palestinian Statehood.
This is the same shit. Stupid Shabbos Goyim.
In the LGBT community, we would call your mom, "Gay for pay."
Better yet, here's that dude on tv
Also do this.
You're a faggot, literally.
I wouldnt say no to a free ride to DC. Just dont protest, they will never know.
It's for the cameras, the same cameras for which Trump fluffed up his rally attendance so he could out body-count Clinton's rallies, member ????
Gee, I wonder why an organization paying women $2,500 to stand in place for a few hours has had such a huge response?
Your mom sucks.
You should leave her.
It's almost like everything in (((modern))) society can be bought with money. Praise the plutocracy. As long as human labor can be bought with virtual numbers, nothing will change in your favor.
Paying people to show up isn't changing anything.
The left is alienating white people and as a result they're going to face an escalating crisis of competency. When the people who run your party are niggers and cat ladies, you are going to have a hard time getting anything done other than making loud noises.
This bitch is evil, ugly and just a plain horrible traitor
This is why Hillary lost in the first place
kek wills it
Literally every TV Media defends criminals BECAUSE they are getting paid for it, even the leftists ones.
Activism is a cancer, clearly you can see that activists are in financial crisis because the most peaceful a country is, the most desperate activists become so they have to make up shit constantly. This is why I would put in prison activists, they only promote hate.
>The left is alienating white people and as a result they're going to face an escalating crisis of competency.
They are not afraid of the "racist" Trump (they don´t care about blacks), they are afraid of "anti-sjw" Trump, many people are literally eating and making money for protests.
You take that out and you condemn these people to have to compete against serious people for a real job. This is why they are afraid, protesters and activists are just people with low level of competence.
I observed this during years, you can´t deny this to me.
> mom goes out to show support for women, gays and minorities
>Son is an autistic, jew-fearing Trumpanzee, who digs through my panties and jerks off on them.
>Mom failed to raise a man.
Not even American, aint she some Arab princess?
change the locks.
If she is going to act like an adult, she can live like an adult.
Brother, Uncle surely more were all muslim brotherhood members and higher ups, not just supporters.
I'm sure she'll be beheaded soon for her insolence as to failing her masters.
>This is why Hillary lost in the first place
She's really the poster child for the post-competency Democratic Party.
Colin Powell was 1000% correct when he said that everything Hillary does she screws up with hubris.
It's the result of being handed her position because of her gender and the feeling that her suffering in being cheated on publicly by Bill is relatable to the kind of sexually obsolescent cat ladies that show up to these protest.
>You take that out and you condemn these people to have to compete against serious people for a real job. This is why they are afraid, protesters and activists are just people with low level of competence.
Thats why people like Shawn King are pissing their pants over the level of whiteness and maleness of Trump's cabinet. They know deep down that it's going to be very efficient at turning the screws on these arrogant, lazy, and useless people.
>This is why they are afraid, protesters and activists are just people with low level of competence.
my mom does not even possess the tools to argue against me. i have always been very patient with her. i have asked her why she believes certain things. she never has a concrete answer though.
in the past i always let that stand. i thought that revealing her own ignorance to her would chill her out. apparently not.
if you sound reasonably intelligent and defend ALL PEOPLE ALWAYS then my mom will be on your side. there's nothing you can do. she's an idiot.
>implying ops fem8nist moyher wears them
They are tools of oppression made by the white patriarch
did you make this up yourself? it's actually a really good insult.
It is real. Check the website.
is she ok?
Are you a white guy? If you are how can she talk so much shit about white males? Why doesn't she care about her son?
Post pic of your mom in bikini
>Colin Powell was 1000% correct when he said that everything Hillary does she screws up with hubris.
>using hubris as a euphemism for cunt
Please answer. I was wondering the same thing.
same op
Also, I would sign up for the free ride.
Redpill her, ya fag
a fucking leaf
I'm absolutely sure your mom has a really interesting sex life.
>that's JUST ONE THING I SAID in our conversation
Hide her meds
What race is your mom if she is complaining about the "white man" who literally gave her everything she uses?
I feel sorry for you. My mom gets really angry when she hears anti-white male stuff in the media. She says that as the mother of a white man it really upsets her.
>i have asked her why she believes certain things. she never has a concrete answer though.
The answer is envy at younger women, and rage at the men who spend their resources on those younger women.
Obvious that post-child-bearing women don't want to talk about their sexual obsolescence crisis with their kids.
she's white.
i was talking to her on the phone where she was complaining about the deli below her office and how her and all the other girls joked about how the deli didn't know how to cook because they were all men.
>but mom all the greatest chefs in the world are men
>mom: i know
>next topic
>>using hubris as a euphemism for cunt
Literally the most hubris ever in a single campaign.
This is also the reason for the pathological Trump hate from cat ladies. He is 70 and fucks a supermodel. This is literally not possible for women.
kek. i'm going to buy every single 'tell-all' book from clinton campaign staffers.
Your mom is good people.
fuck off pajeet your country contributes literally no value to this earth
Love you mom
gonna show her this post
>get paid
>don't protest
>handed her position because of her gender
did you just redefine "allegiances"?
Ask her
>Do you support me getting shot if I disagree with you?
>kek. i'm going to buy every single 'tell-all' book from clinton campaign staffers.
Can you access her email? You might be able to find login details to which ever group is paying her.