All forms of nationalsim are degenerate.
The state cannot control you, and NS does not work without a racially homogeneous mono cultural nation, which no longer exists.
Socialism without nationalism is the only option which can work.
All forms of nationalsim are degenerate.
The state cannot control you, and NS does not work without a racially homogeneous mono cultural nation, which no longer exists.
Socialism without nationalism is the only option which can work.
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What kind if retarded shit am i even being fed here? It's trash.
>What kind if retarded shit am i even being fed here?
The truth, sometimes its hurt.
Smells like propoganda but thanks for trying to fill heads with bullshit. I hope you're being paid well.
>which no longer exists
>no longer
not yet
the state is the manifestation of the universal will and ethics of the nation the state has a right to exist and the state represents the true will of the people all within the state nothing outside the state nothing against the state
>muh faggotry
Have fun with your shitskin masters.
Enjoy your cuck nation and shitskins fucking your women for decades then.
But DDR was nationalistic you dumb retard. Socialism without nationalism is an oxymoron.
10% of our population died becouse of the war, how do you think we recovered from that? Right Immigrants. People are far to much mixed and globalism give NS no chance.
>But DDR was nationalistic you dumb retard.
DDR was isolationist which is not nationalist, learn the diffrence and dont try to learn me about my own country.
>DDR was isolationist which is not nationalist, learn the diffrence and dont try to learn me about my own country.
There is no difference.
Contrary - National Socialism is the only system, that is Just and can work in long term.
Nation is alive being, while State is just a mechanism...
> homogeneous mono cultural nation, which no longer exists
You have let your jewish empress Merkel to cuck and destroy your nation, now _almost_ completed... (remember, who protested recent AfD claims to finally stop German bashing with Holocaust guilt. All those, who cried loud about anti-semitism, are national traitors guilty of High Treason of killing all your nation...)
There still are homogenous uncucked nations, though...
You cannot make a portrait of Family, because Family does not exist in material world. You can picture Mom, Dad and Kids, it's constituents, but Family is relation between them, it is a Process in Time.
Same way, you cannot make picture of a Nation, because it does not (materially) exist. You can make picture of individual people. But Nation is a Relation between them, a Process in Time, a Virtual Being, which is alive and also it can die or rather wither...
Same way, Forest is not a just a sum of trees.
Same way, house is not made of identical Equal bricks with equal position and purpose. House is a Structure, all Bricks have got their assigned position, which is not Equal. But importance does not lie in the Bricks, important is the Space between Walls.
Equality is like laying the bricks in one row on ground, or better drill them to a fine homogenous dust. That is equality. The Structure is a process, that requires Maintaining which consts Energy, to oppose Weathering and Gravity, which tend to equalize and destroy every structure into homogenity of Dust...
Ah, here are those precious immigrants of yours.
Americans nuked the wrong country.
>There is no difference.
are you just dumb or do you just pretend to be? Didnt know the USSR was nationalistic.
Also - look into Canada - a NON-NATIONAL state (they say post-national, but there was never a nation to make any "post"...)
Totally controlled by LGBT lobby, feminists. Their "liberals" claim, that telling Truth is Hate speach, and so that "liberty" must be limited by perceived "feelings". (hence their "liberals" are absolutelly anti-liberal... your only freedom is to DESTROY conservative values by any obscenity...)
The people without nation are just a TOY in the hands of their Governors, who are elected by a statistical process, that has got very little to do with actual will of people, who are then free to commit almost any fraud against will of people, as long as (((judges))) are not feeling offended...
There is no democracy in the West, there is just an elected Tyranny, and the chance to Elect someone, who has not been first Selected by Elites, is very low (it happened now with Trump. Kind of a miracle, ultimatelly not a general rule...)
And so - if you like a State without a Nation, please move to Canada, and bring all your jewish destroyers of Europe (Merkel, Schulz, Gabriel) with you, or better let's deport them to Israel, if they are so loyal to it already...
Start arguing any time.
I dont think you know what nationalism is...doesn't surprise guys sure fucked it up last time you tried.
The map is misguiding.
It seems, like migrants are commiting crimes only in Germany.
Where are French migrant crimes ?
(it would be worth finding europe-wide statistics of EuroStat... if it was not controlled by jewish inviters of this destructor wave...)
Verrecke du Zecke!
Halts maul du Bergjude, geh das Zahngold deiner vorfahren bewachen bevor Deutschland einmachiert.
If you really want more muslim immigrants in your country after what happened during the last 2 years, you must be insane. Not joking.
> socialism
Kill yourselves and your degenerate offspring and stop playing into the oppressors hands.
Socialism without nationalism is exactly what is wrong with European culture today.
Fuck globalist and their jewish masters.
Ich sehe du brauchst Nachschlag.
Never said i want more muslim immigrants or socialism just told the truth that NS dont work.
Someone does not understand
> Iron curtain
Now Europe is doing to Syria and Iraq same, what the Western countries have been doing to Socialistic block:
> All intelligent people, come here, we like to invite your doctors, engineers, constructors...
Didn't you hear these claims now in Europe, that they want preferentially admit skilled workers from middle East and Africa ?
They are intentionally causing BRAIN DRAINING of middle east, because that, what will stay there, will be a total garbage... They are using Brain Sucking into their countries to help themselves... (which will not help much from these arab shitholes, but was helping them in cold war era from eastern Europe...)
Then when seeing this, I fully understand, why there had to be an Iron Curtain, to prevent brain draining by skilled people, who will betray their own nation and run for a better economic situation.
Why better? Because ruled by those, who print fiat dollars - it is not Just, the economic benefit... (and they are not even petro-dollars, now they are only a fear-dollars...)
And it must be blocked, so that the Printers of Fiat Money will not suck all intelligent people from arround the world to their western ivory towers, leaving all poor people arround the world heavily taxed and exploited...
This is, why a poor country must protect it's skilled people from escaping for an Unjust Profit...
This is also, why admiting skilled and strong refugees (all that manage to come here are the stronger ones) is so evil, most evil for those weak, who stayed there, that we suck their strongest and leave the poor without help...!
Admiting refugees does not help middle-East people, it hurts them severely...
(and they cannot come here all, because it will become a same shit-hole as there, where they are comming from)
>> All intelligent people, come here, we like to invite your doctors, engineers, constructors...
where i said that?
inb4 muh national socialism
And of cause, Trump's program is pure National Socialism...
> Give people work
> Rebuild highways and factories
> Protect economy by tariffs
> State planning of industry goals, forcing industry to relocate
> Protect nation by a wall
> Cult of personality
Is mainly supported by rust-belt workers, and by farmers in middle lands. Clinton was a puppet of banksters and sheiks and Media Lords, to fulfill their ultra-capitalist goals, but failed, because people desired the socialist Trump...
It really does not matter, that he hijacked GOP voters first, he hijacked workers too...
Just snowflakes, (((officer clerks))) and (((academia))) did not vote for him...
History is against you anti-socialists, it was just necessary to NAME it differently or not name it at all, because people are most offended or attracted by labels and do not look inside any more...
>All forms of nationalsim are degenerate.
literally the opposite of a degenerate nation is a nationalistic one. Degeneration is the collapse of the nation. Nationalism is the building and maintaining of a nation.
>The state cannot control you
It doesn't have to. With the right education, you will choose to do exactly what those in power want. It is true no matter what, so the problem must be addressed by the state in forms of checks and balance or propaganda memes that build the nation.
>NS does not work without a racially homogeneous mono cultural nation, which no longer exists.
Then we make one. Deport yourself or hear my rifle report.
>Socialism without nationalism is the only option which can work.
Socialism without nationalism is a system where you stick the nations foot into a pile of leeches and see what happens. National socialism is not marxist communism, but rather a blueprint for optimum social welfare. The socialism of NatSoc is the concept of a eusociety, not a society of pure equality.
It's not misleading, it is only incomplete.
You're claiming it works, only in a homogenous society, but that you are too much of pussy to implement it. The obvious fix is
>homogenize society
Right on Jan. I wonder why we don't hear the point about brain drain damaging the third world more often. These countries need their doctors and engineers, let them stay there and improve their own country.
>homogenize society
yeah want to see how you homogenize 40% of your society without a complete civil war and breakdown of your nation.
> > All intelligent people, come here, we like to invite your doctors, engineers, constructors...
> where i said that?
You? Why you?
European leaders are saying this, and state television is arguing, how it is beneficiary to admit in skilled middle-east people, how all migrants and doctors and engineers and how our work market will benefit from it...
(or probably they are accenting this here in Czechia, where we did not see much migrant samples yet and we are reluctant to admit them, so they are such lying to convince people? Possibly...)
Beside it is a complete lie.
IF really came skilled workers, our own workers would be severely damaged by lowering of wages.
It would also damage middle East by brain-draining.
Good enough, that it still does not work much, and only the worst dirt of Africa and Arabia is comming here... (as said by some African president, that the migrants from his country to Europe are complete garbage)
Btw - on picture, why is that (((Lieberman))) a liar? Because regardless of skin color, I really do see manual workers with little intelligence. Possibly ""not all black people"", but these ones selected are manual workers, not scientists and philosophers, and not educated much... That's why Lieberman is liar. He could probably select a better sample for his anti-white claims...
Dude you have a racially homogeneous monoculture right next to you retard, stop projecting.
> It's not misleading, it is only incomplete.
And incomplete information is often misleading. This is your FAKE NEWS - not always lying, often just not telling whole truth.
This map purports, that only in Germany there are migrant crimes, but Czechia is clear of them (which it almost is), but Francia is also clear of them, which it is not.
So misleading on that map was, that it pretends, that only in Germany there are migrant crimes...
[In Czechia, one of most loud justice court with migrant crime was an arab nurse, who sues school for not allowing her to have a scarf (hijab)... people are widely supporting the school. What a nasty crime, to wear a scarf ! :-)) ]
What about National Socialism? It worked for Germany until WWII broke out.
>What about National Socialism? It worked for Germany until WWII broke out.
so it not worked
So pay for infinite niggers sitting on welfare?
Only a German could look forward to this.
It's the other way.
(((They))) are always doing their best to destroy any socialism, or to plant a wrong version...
Hitler was Rothschild descendant, a jew.
But still he wanted a peaceful solution, was maneuvred to war by England...
It easy to say, that socialism always failed, if it was always fiercely destroyed...