Bbbutttt jet fuel caan'tt melt steel beams!!!11 HURR DURR AUTISM AUTISM

bbbutttt jet fuel caan'tt melt steel beams!!!11 HURR DURR AUTISM AUTISM


When will conspiracists realize that they're retarded and have negative IQ?

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hey rabbi, watcha doin?

Just burning stuff

people forget to take into account that a steel beam when softened by heat will be crushed uner the weight of the other 30 tonnes of metal on top of it.
9/11 truthers need to stop posting the steel beams shit and get back to pointing the blame at the cia desu


I think Jews did it
That will be Teheran's official statement about that disaster

Why, did you crash a plane into their skyscraper also?

The jew loves his insurance payouts. Here we can see one collecting right now. Look at his hands as they subconsciously rub together. This lets us know he's kvetching. Scientists have yet to understand this subconscious impulse in the Jew, but many believe it is a means to reduce anxiety, as the increase in shekels brings both joy and fear of loss.

Does jet fuel cut steel beams too merchant?

Fucking this. I've been saying this for fucking years.

We good yids

we dindu nuffin!!!

The whole steel beam angle is a meme anyway. Mossad agents caught with bombs and the motive to start war in the middle east is better. CIA and Saudi involvement also

hey i made this exact same thread earlier
you are welcome my greatest ally

It was built in 1962 by the prominent Iranian Jewish businessman Habib Elghanian

this isn't even the critical point, yes soft metal can buckle and lead to a collapse when you have that much weight pushing down


and they ignore the pictures of girders with molten cuts on them

We have years of documentation of outright ridiculous shit.
The airforce training exercises.
The documents in building 7.
Investments into airline companies.
All the weird shit likeWhy did the basement get glassed like in
>pic related
Even if jet fuel melts steal beams, does it cause them to get so hot they stay molten for days?
What are the chances that 3 buildings (7 was an openly admitted controlled demolition though, brought down before it's fire was a threat to it's structure) would fall perfectly in their footsteps.
The people who wrote the god damned report said the entire investigation needed to be done again, they met so many brick walls it's just fucking stupid.
Fuck you cunt. Anyone who isn't the least bit suspicious is a fucking twat.
You've had years just to crack open a pamphlet sized document and just listen to the other side to see if anything was out of place.
Instead you shoved your head in the sand.
You're as bad as any Obama shit sniffer refusing to admit the shady shit that goes down here.

Forgot the fucking pic

Get out of here with your reason and logic. Don't you know where you are?

When will you realize, that regardless, jews are the escape goat.

They cut a lot of them during the rescue ops. Plenty of video out there showing them do it to.

Even wood will melt steel dumbasses. Go online and look at a wood burning forge.

Not to mention the general impact of heavy, high speed object might have detrimental effects on the structural integrity.

Logic and reasoning would say a collapse like that wouldn't happen shit dick.
You're saying they get stressed and malleable from the heat. That means they'd have give before snapping or just giving out under the weight.
That means the god damn tower would tip.
In you're head the jet fuel just burned out and entire floor perfectly so the whole damn building falls perfectly straight down one floor, which somehow is enough force to cause the whole thing to pancake in its footprint.
And even IF this was actually pulled off by a rag tag group of professional boxcutter swordsmen, we knew ahead of time.
This is the goddamn Lusitania all over again.

only Liberal Leftists believe the government and George Bush (a fucking white male) conspired to murder 3,000 americans. They say this to shift blame from those poor muslims who were just on the wrong plane and dindu nuffin'.

and without a bellows?

good point

What do you say about the cia funding and training Al Quaeda?

You've got to be trolling or you watched that video of that stupid inbred.
I have a goddamn forge.
My friend and I have done blacksmithing since we first dug a pit in the ground and melted cans for fun.

I'll tell you what, go stick a fucking pan in your oven and rub your face on it after.
Then do it again with the oven door open and stick the pan on the other side of your face after.
Are both sides equally disfigured? no?
What a fucking surprise!
Just gonna leave this here

>Steel beam gets soft
>Collapses under weight of dozens of tons of building
>Friction causes it to melt
Heres a proper explanation.

I just don't get it.
Every election cycles.
Every catastrophe.
Any time the government shows just how fucking bold it will be,
people just forget.

I think cognitive dissonance really does have a hold on most people. Some people are just too weak to accept the implications of some things when it shakes their understanding of the world, even just a little bit.

>towers collapsing from fire proves that it is not US authorities behind 9/11

nah, it's ju8st that most people are indeed stupid and animal like.

And the jews know it and know how to utilize it to their advantage.

First law of thermodynamics

nice try kike

>i'm autistic that can't comprehend basic natural phenomenons

The building owner was actually a Jewish man who was executed by Iranians

I'm aware of that, it's just fun to see the amount of autism that some "hurr durr juizz" people can have

As for WTC1 and WTC2 a plane cannot bring down a building that is designed not to be brought down by a plane. further more if the plane was responsible for the building collapse it would have fallen sideways and not in a controlled demolition. 99% of the Jet fuel burned as massive fire balls outside of the buildings. You must be retarded if you think that some burning furniture can soften steel.

A small section of a building can't crush a much bigger lower section. In the process of crushing. energy is used up for the deformation, so the movement must slow down. Instead the downward movement accelerated constantly. So explosives removed (nearly) all the resistance or David Copperfield added energy to the downward movement by magic.

>speed of wind at 100 level building...

>The building owner was actually a Jewish man who was executed by Iranians


No no no it's supposed to drop straight down, not topple over. It's all wrong.

How can you explain Jewish people being murdered by the same goat raping cunts?

This is really a shitty conspiracy theory

Comparing crystal growth, basalt fucking crystal growth to a god damn supposed stress break in steal.
People come the fuck on
>DURRR weakened and made malleable from heat
>prefect fucking stress break
>a perfect stress break that happened on a path of absolute most resistance
Wouldn't the fucking beam start to couple in any fucking direction before it gets a perfect 45 degree crack down the center?

I'm convinced the only people who aren't suspicious are mainly shills.

There's a vid on YouTube, Russian scientist explaining how this was caused by a subterranean controlled nuclear detonation to basically bring the foundation down.

It seems like they also planted demolition explosives like thermite throughout the supporting beams.

Used the planes as a cover for the real explosion of the demolition.

That 45 degree cut is from the search and rescue operation, it wasn't found that way

no goat shall be allowed to escape.

>Iranians actually have no problem with Jewish people but only with Israelis

Please stop, it hurts me to kill your arguments :(

>WTC1 and WTC2 a plane cannot bring down a building that is designed not to be brought down by a plane.

>designed to resist a 707 on landing approach with 290km/h
>got hit by 767 with 490 km/h

if you know basic physic you know that 3 times the energy alone from impact.

Any sources to back that claim up? I couldn't find any doing a quick skim.
And still, that isn't the only one.
And still that's probably the smallest item on the shit list.

Compare and contrast the collapse of the Plasco building to the collapse of World Trade Center 7

One of these things is not like the other

American populism and individualism have led to a culture of paranoid narcissistic subjects. No respect for intellectual authority whatsoever, everyone thinks they understand it just as well as those whacky faggy college professors.

A. It's spelled steel
B. It doesn't matter, you're talking about probability. What's the probability of the universe being existing as the way we know it? A friction of ∞. What's the probability of snowflakes to shape so perfectly? etc etc.

Anyway, as others mentioned, it was cut by S&R operations. Stop taking drugs and spare your gray matter

And still then tell the man who made the stupid claim in the first place, I'm the one refuting fucking hell.

>dozens of tons
Try millions.

WTC is Plasco at larger scale, it even makes the comparison even more reasonable as WTC had tons of steel, high speed wind, jet fuels, tons of paper and burning material.

>tower 4

The footprint of that building was not even in the bathtub, what you posted is just a picture of manhattan's igneous bedrock.

>99% of the fuel burned outside the building
>David Copperfield added energy
>Energy could not have come from anything else than explosives otherwise it's magic
What kind of energy could that be I wonder? Lets ask these guys.

>dozens of tons
Like, dozens?

that shit reeks of disinfo

The paranoid narcissism has been brought on from decades of the public being spat and cultural Marxists stepping in to coddle.
I have great respect for authority but that doesn't mean I will blindly follow and not question the odd shit that only gets run around answers.
I'm sorry to have made my first spelling mistake because I'm taking the bait hard.
The probability of it happening twice, next to each other is pretty much impossible. But go ahead and go on about your 'understanding' of chaos theory.
They are crystals.
Which form quite predictively.
We now understand that snowflakes aren't special, there is a limited amount of formulae that they can follow.

>oh wow everything so perfect and mystical
I fucking hate you faggots. You make appreciation for weird coincidences like the Fibonacci sequence in nature seem fucking stupid.

building looks like scaffolding with cardboard

gas yourself

>Jews in Israel need their population to boom in order to justify expansion
>Diaspora Jews don't wanna leave their nice Western European accommodations to go live in the desert surrounded by violent Arabs hell bent on destroying them
>Suddently the Israelis get and idea
>If the diaspora is too worried about mudslimes to move to Israel, then why not infest Europe with mudslimes so that's no longer a determining factor!

guilty conscience, shlomo?

The building acted as a furnace. Becoming over 2000 degrees C. That causes the aluminium to burn at over 3000 degrees melting the beams.

Tower 7 is the only compelling evidence. Especially since it had questionable documents inside


notice how that entire building is engulfed in flames? did you notice how the bottom 3/4 of WTC 1 and 2 were not like that? Did you notice how the Iranian building toppled over and how the trade centers came straight down through unaffected areas and pulverized them like butter?

really makes you think

I said compare and contrast -the collapse-

That's the important part. If you want to claim structure is the important part and that the buildings are extremely similar that's great. Then why did WTC fall so fucking rapidly, down into its own footprint whereas the tiny 17 floor plasco building crumbled and almost randomly broke apart like wet weetabix.

WTC 7 went from standing tall to flat as a pancake much quicker than the Plasco building, doesn't really make any sense. If a building as large as WTC7 were to have a structural failure caused by a randomly spreading fire towards the base, it definitely should have toppled over rather than fall straight down. If It had a fire like the plasco building, it would have clearly, slowly broken apart and crumbled as a result of the fire like the Plasco building did.

Didn't fall like it should as a result of a fire on any level. Buildings just don't fucking fall that neatly as a result of fires unless you specifically make it fall that way.


Yeah the kike is full of shit. That photo was taken after most of the debris were removed, and they cut the warped pieces of steel off because it's impractical to work on.

What about the 80+ stories below? they weren't softened by fire. they were more structurally sound floors which would have provided enough resistance to stop the relatively small chunk in comparison to what was below. the building would have been decapitated at best.

>aluminium to burn at over 3000 degrees melting the beams.
How do you not know the melting temp of aluminum fucking idiot

red hot steel is still strong

>comparing anything made by dirty muzzies to that of american engineers

I lose a piece of my soul every time I open this thread.
There are still so many people who accept the commission report.
Thank you leaf.

But that's not what happened.

He said burn. At high temperatures aluminium burns very well and produces a lot of heat like termite. Although that normally requires it to have a large surface area i.e aluminium powder.

The problem with the demolishion version of 9/11 is that there are no witnesses of people who mined the walls of the Trade center buildings. It is a really tough work to do and couldn't be done in a couple of hours.

The building falls floor by floor. Do you even understand how structural integrity works?

As the top floor collapses, it puts more weight on the floor below it, then that one collapses, so on so forth. There was enough weight that the entire building collapsed.

Just collapsed under the sheer kinetic energy of hundreds of tons of material being accelerated by the Earth's gravitation.

hardened steel snaps like that under heavy load

So why were there israelis driving bomb trucks around on 9/11, taping the towers collapse and cheering, getting arrested for driving said trucks and allowed to go back to israel without being arrested at all.

Let me say that again

Driving bomb trucks

not arrested

sent back to israel

Also they all have confirmed links to Mossad agents.

Tell me about the five dancing Israelis, jew.

>As the top floor collapses, it puts more weight on the floor below it
no, it doesn't get heavier.

>bomb trucks
the fuck is that even. Also don't you think if it was planned they would avoid using so called "bomb trucks" exactly right then and there?

Room temperature steel is even stronger, which is all that matters, because engineers design the building based on the strength of room temperature steel, not red hot steel. (they often have safety factors though)


>israelfag makes a retard of himself
every day on replay


it was a controlled demolition


Feigning intelligence by insulting others IQ does not make you appear educated. Over 3000 architects and engineers know the 9/11 commision report is bullshit and have proved it. AE911TRUTH.ORG

I didn't say it got heavier you retarded leaf. Without the structural support, more weight is rested on the supports below. That's how the fucking physics of skyscrapers works.

>9/11 truthers need to stop posting the steel beams shit and get back to pointing the blame at the cia desu

ok sounds good thanks for the tip rabbi

Yeah it does.

>Over 3000 architects and engineers know the 9/11 commision report is bullshit and have proved it.

also didn't firemen across the globe decide to go on strike because if the physics the 9/11 commission report claims are true are factual then the job is too dangerous

Jews are well-known for their low burning point, which is why planes still rely on fossil fuels instead of renewable resources

>Old Iranian building

>I didn't say it got heavier

>There was enough weight that the entire building collapsed
heavier? do i weigh more when i fall?

I was making a small estimate. But that is what happened. I still believe it was a government job though so you have nothing to defend. I looked up. It starts to burn at just under 4,000C

No because they were on their way to bomb the George Washington bridge and other targets. The show wasn't over yet but heroic, working class hero New York police put a stop to it before they could pull it off, and had to keep their fucking mouths shut about the Israelis they just had to let go.

One minute the police were all "WE CAUGHT MORE TERRORISTS!" and then they were like "What? I don't remember that, Who? When?" playing dumb to save their fucking careers.

You completely ignore the crucial part of the argument, in that it's not added weight causing the collapse, but structural failure. You have support beams in the upper levels that work in tandem with every other support beam in that building. When the entirety of the top floors fail, those support beams are no longer doing their job, thus a large portion of that weight carries on through to the lower levels, causing stress. When there was a critical failure in the upper levels, the stressed beams failed. This is how structures work. Foundations don't magically hold all of the weight above them.

Really makes you think...

Also, rarest of pepes.