wtf is blood pudding
Wtf is blood pudding
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It's good shit. We eat it here too with lingonberry jam. Tastes good
that does not look like blood, more like jam
It looks like I ate some charcoal and shit it out again.
it's the black stuff, m8
Deep fried mars bars not pizza
The black shit is the blood when it's cooked. Blood pancakes are good too, you're just faggots. Blood tastes good and it makes you strong
fucking this
need a dutch to explain head cheese, searched google and its actually cheese made out of animal heads. hows its taste
>blood pancake
It's the same as Blood Sausage, but it's commonly know in the UK as Black pudding, the info-graph they mixed the two common names for it.
Blood sausage and liver paste is fucking amazing suck a cock
why is menstrual blood the most disgusting thing in the world?, its the only thing that makes me physically ill when i see picture like this
That's for pudding..
It aint actual cheese. It's meat bits from animal heads held together by gelatin and eaten like cold meats
I'm literally nauseous what the fuck
I dont even want to know what "head cheese" is.
the blood of aryans in pudding form
What's wrong with dressed herring?
It's quite tasty
>horse steak
Whoever the fuck made this map, I would never want to eat their cooking
>maggot cheese
I'm sardinian and the smell of that shit nearly killed me
Holy shit
salted pig fat is probably the worst
Damn, I really want some mustamakkara now thanks to this thread.
Spanish people eat nigger nuts?
Might as well turn this into a Sup Forums international culinary thread.
Post "disgusting" national food that's actually fucking tasty to eat.
I'll start.
Anyone here eat grilled armadillo?
dressed herring is tasty
Modern feminism, eh. Have a menstrual Trump
Black pudding is good shit
:) it's real, I like Lard tho, with onion on a bread
>blood pudding
>with jam, cottage cheese and cucumber
wtf really?
What's worrying in this map is that Turkey is considered part of Europe.
>hows its taste
god tier
the only one i wouldnt eat is maggot cheese
like what the fuck is wrong with those island niggers
>eating a critter known to carry leprosy
what are you doing
it's the last true body horror
this is fucked up blood pudding is eaten in scotland far more than in england
It's made from prime goat cock cuts. Especially the head, and seasoned with grilled goat semen mixed with goat milk.
Pretty salty a dish. Improves sex life. You fuck like a goat, hard penis.
>not haggis
Also "liver paste" is a culinary horror? Tastes fucking great with bacon.
It's black pudding. Pigs blood among other things. Tastes great.
The smell is terrible but the taste is good
You can even see the maggots jumping in and out and sometimes they even jump in your mouth
btw you are the nigger
>Squid ink
>Blood sausage
>Deep fried pizza
>Culinary horror
People are so wimp nowadays.
Now my contribution: buchada de bode, with goat entrails (stomach - this cute ball on the pic -, kidney, rips and liver - sometimes heart)
The people from my home town (porto) are known has "tripeiros" wich comes from ´'guts', because in 1414 there was a massive armada expedition to bring the war to the muslims in the north of africa, to conquer ceuta. The battle itself was almost anti-climactic, because the 45,000 men who traveled on 200 Portuguese ships caught the defenders of Ceuta off guard. By nightfall the town was captured.
For this expedition the city of porto offered every single piece of meat they had to them, and was only left with the pig guts to eat. Ever since the local dish of pig guts is famous.
Seriously. Black and white pudding are the foods from back home that I miss the most here in the states. Along with proper sausages, not that spiced the hell and back crap.
I'd kill for a fry.
You have to combine it with kidney bean soup.
Leverpastej är svenskt danskjävel, smaka mina knogar
What is wrong with pickled herring and salted pig fat?
My sides
Black Pudding is the best. You can feel its high iron content hitting you bloodstream. Om nom.
R u even scottish. We do both
How is horse steak a culinary horror? It's the most tame of those honestly
Isn't lard basically bacon ? If so, the one who made this map is a pussy
That's just normal poverty meat, monkey.
Shit, tourist's delight is 99% heart, 1% carrots.
Never had it in steak form before, but horse makes a pretty tasty burger.
What's wrong with horse steak?
It's literally the same shit as a beef steak
i thought leverpostei was common everywhere, i eat it often
Sure is, it just pig fat, I don't know who made that map, I know far more disgusting food, like a soup made from cow stomach :D
sorry daddy, valle d'aosta northern italian master race here
good job eating literally fly larvae
It's good food for a white man
You know you are German when literally all of that is something you want to try ASAP.
did I claim anywhere it was danish? y u heff 2 be mad?
Yum yum.
I'd be hungry if I wasn't sick as fuck.
We eat blood pudding in Sweden too you know. It's not that bad. Tastes good desu. Sounds worse than it is... now... Surströmming is another matter.
>wtf is blood pudding
Blood sausage is sausage with extra blood. Blood pudding is literally the same but in different form.
Delicious as fuck.
its illegal to sell horse meat here
literally nothing
Nothing, people are just pussies.
Try is pretty tasty user, especially in pic related.
What will be left of Roachistan after Russia invades your chitin asses
Horse steaks are fucking delicious, u roach
Wait, do USAians have any weird food to share?
Burgers don't count.
How about leafs?
Lard and dressed herring are great. Was this map made by a burger?
Looks like a cooked dragon egg.
Somewhere i think theres a /k/ screenshot of an user who got leprosy from eating armadillo.
Or a jew, since they picked blood as disgusting from every country they could.
more like a 12 year old or
If you didn't tell someone what black pudding was, they'd have no idea it contained blood.
It's a completely normal taste and texture.
Fucking love it with mint and grated pecorino on it
Yeah it's fucking god tier, we call this speck here, its funny how slovakia is so far away yet cuisine is almost the same
Don't know if it's good or a bad thing, but we don't use human blood
Our ancestors would have eaten the hearts and brains. The muscle meat we eat now would have went to animals and peasants.
>Surströmming is another matter
Its god tier
It's not though, it's incredibly rich and has a distinctive taste of a foodstuff with high iron content.
Horse meat is illegal here in the states.
American food isn't the same kind of gross. It's gross in how indulgent it is. Like eating 10 pound burgers to win a t shirt.
Most of the "weird" foods is just shit from whatever country most of the original settlers came from in whatever part of the US you are in. In the eastern US it's a lot of European and English shit, in the west it's more Asian and Hispanic.
I know, i just don't like it,
I like this more :D, it has the same stuff basically
It is like head cheese, it is called tlacenka around here
Does rolling boiled sap in snow count? I can't think of anything particularly weird
black pudding
Also an iraqi buddy invited me over for a traditional christmas dinner
Lamb shank, neck bones and whole tongue simmered with onions and chick peas and almost like grape leaf filling stuffed in intestine and simmered till it was fall apart tender.
Shit was cash
>not eating horse
S.M.H. T.B.H