What would Sup Forums do?
you think they gonna get enough punishment?
Kill all phoneposters.
cancer of the world
posting from laptop
Fuck that pisses me off badly
No surprise at all
gas the kikes, race war now?
Anyone who could hurt a dog, an animal that spends its life vying for human attention and love, does not deserve to live. If I were a ruler I'd have them executed. It would be swift. I dont get off on violence like they do.
I'm not an animal rights activist or anything I would gladly go and beat the shit out of these cunts.
>ginger muslim
What does kek mean by this?
Torture those sandniggers until they're dead tbqh
Posted about this earlier. Sup Forums told me its 'just a fucking dog' and to 'grow a pair'.
Dogs amount to jack shit and you pathetic fucks that virtue signal about what good people you are can suck it.
It is the only logical answer you pussy pampered cunt.
They both deserve death.
Kill one quick, a bullet to the forehead, cold and callous - but make sure that the remaining one gets splattered in blood, then proceed to kill him too, slowly though, over a couple of hours inflicting similar injuries to the ones they inflicted on that dog.
Dogs are better than people, this just illustrates that fact.
There should be great halls where the most viles thugs are tortured until they die of natural causes, instead of being kept in prison
>I dont get off on violence like they do.
You should definitely get off on cutting up an animal abuser like this
Cum on their fucking wounds
It's just not right.
t. soulless gook
Hmmm, cover them in manganese heptoxide to see what it does to them...
and dissolve them in piranha solution...
Someone who could do this is irredeemable to society.
>They both deserve death.
>Dogs are better than Muslims*, this just illustrates that fact.
Cut off their ears.
it's just a dog, chinks are eating them right now
>Dogs amount to jack shit
loyalty is priceless, kill yourself
>inb4 user is a dirty mussie like them
Nigger, please.
This is a job for Sup Forums
Ignore all the JIDF shills, cowards and inhumane shitskins who try to give Sup Forums a bad name.
If i had the chance, i would give these motherfuckers the treatment in
>pic related
But with a very small flame, so they get cooked very slowly. I would record their screams and make a remix out of it for the whole world to listen to.
Do the chinks make it suffer before it dies tho
And Chinks deserve nuclear obliteration.
Gas these kike faced wiggers.
End your life, buddy.
Some actually do.
>Boiled alive dog in China.JPG
I mean I don't object to them eating dogs but if you're going to eat them you fucking kill them quickly.. They have some sick fetish for torture and shit like the Japs do.
>Video of Frog being eaten alive by a group of Japscum
For what purpose would you do this
let the dog maul them to death
The Masters shall decide their fate.
Dogs are loyal, Muzzies not. Why doesn´t anyone dox these inbred disgraces to humanity?
Cut their ears off and stuff them in their butts.
Literally I would put them in a gas chamber. Animal abusers are worse than Jews.
That frog was dead dude. It's like how a chicken runs around for a few seconds when it's head gets lopped off.
Masters, please let them die a painful, slow death.
>people being cruel to an animal that has accompanied humankind for centuries.
>thinking that animal cruelty is wrong iis a pussy' point of view.
Ok Ahmed, we know you don't like dogs and fags but keep that shit to yourself, you pedophile.
Dox you for being such a feminized easily manipulated faggot.
look at these dirty fucking baboons. what part of the fucking sewer did they crawl out from? im sure these are also > usa hate posters on Sup Forums hahahaha disgusting fucking monkeys.
This is a legit phenomenon. I guess cause they feel outcasted. Same shit happens from second gen Muslim kids
>saying you want to torture and kill people is virtue signalling
Bit of a stretch.
Hurting man's only true friend is nigger tier criminality.
Why not punch a baby or kick the elderly while you are acting like a nigger.
Fuck you Pablo. Whites actual respect nobility and loyalty
They skin it and pick it apart whilst it's moving around m8, it wasn't already dead. Just accept that slit eyes and mudscums are savages.
Just accept it Xang Bing Won.
Chinks are backwards animals that torture whatever they intend to eat because in their primitive chink brains they think that the animals suffering improves its flavor.
The judas cradle in
>pic related
seems adequate too for these pests.
cut their ears off (eye for an eye)
cut off their hands (so they can't do it again)
Castrate them (to remove them from the gene pool)
Seems fair desu.
ugh i hate asians
also muslims
How to spot a nigger. Mad that no matter what you do you will never amount to anything that might rival dogs?
An ear for an ear.
The virtue signalling is this narrative that dog life is more important than it actually is.
Stop projecting human traits on to domesticated wolves.
Found the animal torturer.
Maybe you should get this treatment too, i would like to know how you think about torturing innocent living beings afterwards. If you really think that makes you more masculine you should end your life.
But the dogs life is more important than those pair of disgusting Muslim filth's lives.
In fact that dogs life is worth more than every Muslim's life around the world. I know that might be a bit hard to accept Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Dog Hater, but it is something you must accept.
Its a dog. Literally the lowest form of life. I couod care less. I hope they killed it afterwards. Too many of these rabies infested pathogen vessels are running in the streets.
Is anyone itt crying like a bitch over a crab being boiled alive? Because that's the equivalent. Yet nobody cares.
Because its not cute and cuddly.
Fuck all you hypocritical faggots itt. All of you eat your big fat burgers every day in bugerland. Meanwhile those cows are treated like shit. Injected with all kinds of toxins. Then slaughted. Hanged frombtheir feet and slit open to bleed out.
But all of you wanna cry because a dog had his ear cut off. Dont make me laugh.
These kids shouod get a talking to at worst. Maybe watched so they dont turn into psychopaths. Other than that im ok with this
How important actually is it? Do enlighten us.
>Found the animal torturer.
No I have better thinks to do and you fucks should have better thinks to do than waste brain cycles worrying about domesticated wolves.
Force them to eat my steel toe.
1. Confiscate every last thing they own
2. Use funds and money from sale of their property to fund treatment for the dog, donate leftovers to animal charities
3. Beat them until they're broken and bloody
4. Dump them off in the middle of the woods somewhere
If they manage to survive they get to live, crime completely forgiven
> waaaaah why don't we treat all animals EQUAL?
dumb lefty detected
this except for the last part they should get the chair anyways
This is bullshit and you should feel bad for being such a sack of crap.
Gook or Muzzie?
jail them. 10 years at the least with mandatory psychological evaluations
Crabs and Lobsters do not have nocireceptors, they do not feel pain the way a mammal does. Also they are eaten for food, they are usually killed quickly, they are not exposed to brutality such as this dog has been.
Try again shitskin.
fatima cucked muchamed.
KEK has spoken! Praise Kek!
>comparing a crustacean to an intelligent mammal.
libshit over here
>better thinks
Illiterate subhuman confirmed. Do you really have better things to do? Like what, defending torture on an imageboard?
I hope you get reincarnated as a dog for your filthy mentality and then encounter cultural enrichers who make you howl helplessly.
You can always judge a man by the way he treats the innocent beings he has power over.
Oh noes I don't want to be considered a gook or a muzzie so I should buy into the group think and propagate it accordingly.
Animal cruelty is inexcusable and should only be reserved for the most wicked jews, and only then with good reason.
Gas the subhumans.
>Dogs amount to jack shit
Muslims amount to jack shit.
At least end the damn animal's pain.
They have RPG names.
>You can always judge a man by the way he treats the innocent beings he has power over.
NO that is just shit you guys say to shame people into agreeing with your garbage.
You are acting like a leftist.
>making an animal (something with feelings, memories, and intelligence) suffer for no reason because "its le not human xdxdxd"
it doesnt fucking matter if its not human, you're still making a living thing feel pain fucking morons.
Oh, you're just autistic.
Pack up everybody, it's just an autistic cry for attention.
Why do you care so much about them? I think it's a cruel and unusual punishment but I wouldn't give a toss if it happened to them. Animal abusing Mohammedans are not worth wasting brain cycles caring about, using your logic.
roaches detected
Ultimate B8
This thread has either shown how edgy people on 4chinz still are and/or how many non-whites browse this board.
>comparing dogs to crabs
>comparing dogs to cattle
False equivalency. We've been partnered with dogs since before we even understood agriculture. They are companions, and have evolved to crave human approval and to provide value to the tribe. They are our loyal four legged partners and friends in this bitter, otherwise uncaring world.
Jail time. Big time.
Save the gas for the liberal cucks
Your acting like a nigger.
Make an excuse for the killing farms where they smash baby chickens in a fucking smash chamber you stupid faggot.
I love how you ignore that point.
Enjoy your burger.
Then come complain about a filthy dog having a prick on his ear. Kek
this if they aren't too busy fapping to dudes with tits they could probably find them pretty quick
I don't, why do you fucks front caring about shit dogs, does it help get you laid?
>muh animal rights muh noble and virtuous dog muh best friend wa wa wa
When did all you guys become so fucking weak and pussified? It is just a dog, only reason to get mad is when it would be your own dog.
They should be killed btw, but just because they are muslims, not because they tortured muh dog.
I can understand, to some degree, chinks eating dogs.
But these fuckers are hurting the little doggie for no reason other than fun, fucking sandniggers, literal subhumans.
You're a cat man, is that it?