Eternal Life

Do you buy that this aryan CEO has successfully reversed senescence? Perhaps I'm posting this on the wrong board but I think someone here will have the knowledge to call bs or not.

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These crocos somehow manage to be immortal, as do tortoises and hyrda- so its definitely within the confines of nature to be possible

Also if anyone has a more recent article on Elizabeth Parrish (post April 2016) I'd appreciate you posting it


she is not white, she looks like a semite, and if it works why does this roastie look 40+?

Immortality is possible but it's highly unlikely the rich will share that with plebs. More likely, it will usher in an age where the rich live forever in luxury while the poor starve and live like chattle. Especially in the USA where the poor are taught from day 1 that they are lesser beings by virtue of not having money.

Elysium will essentially become reality

That's the worst transition job I've ever seen, he should get his money back

Are you taking the piss? You can't get any whiter than that

I bet people said this about computers and all grand new discoveries- in time I think it will become affordable. Just like sequencing your genome has gotten progressively cheaper.


How is someone immortal if he dies when he gets ran down by a car or chokes on a wiener?

Some day I wish the illiterates and sub 120IQ plebs would never visit Sup Forums.

haha, god no

2nd law of Thermodynamics, bitches

>Immortality becomes possible at the exact moment in history where whites are choosing to not have children and the non-white population is exploding


Maybe in your country, in mine the insurance companies/pharma conglomerates set prices/manipulate markets and legally have monopolies over many different medicines which, in other places, are cheap. This is why Shcreli is a piece of shit, price setting/manipulating markets was illegal at one time, further what he's doing to others is vastly immoral/reprehensible.

Just refresh my telomeres senpai

Nigga you can keep feeding energy into a human body, it ain't a closed system.

nigga the whole fucken universe is a closed system.


Shkreli isn't charging patients hes charging the insuracne companies, look at his videos on youtube hes a troll but not a bad guy.

shut up with this science bullshit nigga

>sub 120IQ

that includes you fucktard
immortality entails biological longevity of an organism, accidents and voluntary demise don't count. shit happens.

Well, you have a point. I think the OP means functionally immortal though, not capable of transcending the bounds of space and time immortal.

tl;dr entropy says no eternal life for u

I'd get more sciencey on yo ass but it be like 4am where I'm at

>immortality entails biological longevity of an organism

just end your life now please..

She only claims that telomeres in some of here cells lengthened. Sure, I believe so, here is the test in the end of the page

There is a lot going on in geriatrics and age reversing now, field is abuzz. it was stagnant mostly with small breakthroughs but after these two finds with the mice not long ago (blood transfusion and specific genes were targeted) it exploded. You see new journals showing by the dozen now. This, better organ growin', scar free healing around the corner and we might be just years before tech will be viable and available.

Shit one fucking madman just opened a firm in degenerateland where you can buy blood transfusion from young people if you want to be a wannabe red shield. Its a non tested meme but when people are trying to cash on something you know its going somewhere.



ok yeah thats fair. Reversing telomere shortening sounds like a good start from what I've read on the subject, but the process needs to be stable after iterative courses, which we don't have data on.

Its a step in the right direction though, which is nice.

*courses of treatment

bluh bluh sleep deprivation

Theyll figure out the cell degradation possibly within our lifetimes.

Which will produce some really spectacular cancer and dementia.

I dont expect immortality in my lifetime.

Hopefully the chinks will test it first so we don't have too.


>Reverses Aging
>Does not win Nobel Prize in medicine.

Obviously fake.

>Scientific Breakthrough

That what she did test on herself to begin with. She is a hero who risked her life for the medicine

>undying soros
pls no

this will happen user
we all know it

Did she look mannish before the experiment?

Dont fall for the immortality meme people. You are already an immortal spiritual being. You dont have to identify with your material form to such extremes, it is merely a vessel for you to have this experience to grow your soul.

I always preferred letting go of ego. Your children are the extension of you. The voice in your head is just an illusion let go of ego.

Excuse this faggot, he's never actually seen a real life woman besides his mother

Because she strengthened her muscles with another gene therapy taken at the same time, that could be why

Jesus Saves

Satan perverted the human race

Surprising she would do both at once. If it goes wrong itll be harder to figure out why.

She still looks 40 though

How long she been doing it? Will probably take awhile.

Invincibility is when you can't be killed by external force. Immortality is when you cannot be killed by internal ailments.

Invincibility: You can't be killed by people or accidents.

Immortality: You don't age.

Absolutely BTFO but what can I expect from a slav?

this guy is an idiot, don't bother leaf
anyone who starts his first post with 'illiterates and sub 120iq' implying 'oh im so smart' is a filthy subhuman, i feel dirty for falling for a bait

i mean i hope its a bait and dude ain't that fucking retarded

looks like an old tranny

She only did it once to test the safety so far

Personally, I don't care if I live forever. But if these nerds can effectively create an affordable treatment that let's me live for awhile while enjoying cigarettes and staying relatively spry, I'm okay with that.

The goal should be to eliminate the threat posed by common disease that ends human life prematurely so that we can just live our God damn lives without some faggot interrupting your unhealthy steak dinner and saying "that stuff will kill ya!"

This is what I hope for.

Post your mom's picture and we will compare, sweety. Also, we are judging not someone's beauty but technology here

>Cure senescense
>Cure only a tiny part of the shit that fucks you up with age
Lmao you brainlets think there is such thing as a single cure to ageing and cancer because you dont understand the complexity of both problems

My mother is a woman, so she doesn't have clearly male facial structure with such a strong jawline that "she" looks manlier than the majority of men.

Form is fleeting, but life is eternal

Lemme guess, you think evolution is bullshit right?


He is either an American with a proxy or a muslim.

>>Scientific Breakthrough
>>>>>literally zero scientific breakthroughs were caused by women


Incredibly intelligent women are rare but they exist and should not be ignored or devalued.

I would rather girls look up to Marie Curie than the fat nigger whose divorcing kanye

i cri evritim

Dude, whatever. First, Liz Parrish looks great, better than many Hollywood "beauties". Second, whatever facial features she has, why would we care if we like it or not. Maybe she comes from Vikings, whatever, different ethnic groups have different features, however, only personality and what people do matters. We are here not for Trump's beauty contest

She looks like a He

I think she's pretty

Please cite your sources and look up various dictionaries dear leaf.

If you ever read literature even as old as various religious texts, you would understand, that immortality has always been connected to something/someone who "cannot die". Immortality therefore implies eternal biological life or in other words eternal life and also implies that for something to be immortal it cannot die, it cannot cease to live and etc.

One of the most used phrases is that words are immortal... how does that fit your whole theory hmm?

bitch looks good for a 44 year old

Immortality is eternal life, the ability to live forever.

Invincibility is the quality of being too powerful to be overcome.

It's kind of my language, asshole. I've been speaking it my entire life. Google it and you will get the answer you seek in about five fucking seconds.

Irrelevant ass nameless countries thinking they have one over on me because my nation has a cute nickname.

I like the look of her. I'd fuck her right away and impregnate her.

You are not entertaining one bit .. if you had any shred of intellectual honesty you would use google to find out that the word "immortality" has always been a bit of a dilemma dating back many many centuries.

However any good observer would see that the truly intelligent people in the debate over immortality are able to at least discern and differentiate full "immortality", partial immortality and all of these nifty details you simply can't avoid if there's a shred of intelligence in your head.

To avoid this dilemma caused by the more of plebian upbringing, the smarter scientists/gerontologists/etc rather came up with the word "biological immortality" which counteracts all of the stupidity that can come along from the plain use of the word "immortality".

So yeah.. justify your existence or end your life you fool.

She's clearly attractive you FAs.

what does this mean mexico?

How cute that you have your own language.. but this is not how argumentation over misuse of language works.

This debate is much deeper (although it is very simple) than you have ever thought and it IS actually important as interventions into human aging are slowly coming which means people are going to ponder this topic much much more in coming years.

Either join the dark pleb side or join us who actually put some intellectual effort into not to stumble over this simple but very abused word.

>chokes on a wiener

>Half of Sup Forums

Top lel she messing about with scientific therapies when Blood Libel + that eye disease which makes your eye look like a keyhole = young blood in = you are what you eat.

They gave a Peace prize to Obama, Nobel prizes are basically a joke at this point.

To a degree, she has.
But telomeres aren't the only age-related breakdown in the body, and gene-therapy doesn't completely cure shortening at the present time.

Yes, but transfection rates are only about 80% at max.


She's playing with fire. Better hope she isn't burned.

Leggo my Eggo

i don't know why but i want her to look me deep in the eyes while sucking my cock

i don't believe it one bit because of some common sense reasons

There's nothing sadder than immortal people desperately trying to become immortal their own way.

There's no intellectual effort to be made into the definition of these words. You simply look in the dictionary and find the word.

You are asking how one can be immortal without being invincible. It's quite easy, you can possess the ability to live forever without having the privilege of not being able to die.

Borrowing from fiction, I have an example for you. Vampires could live indefinitely, so long as they have a steady supply of blood. They can be killed by decapitation or being stabbed through the heart.

That's an example of immortality sans invincibility.

It's interesting that you conflate your arrogance with intelligence. You aren't actually a smart person because such a simple and easy to understand concept is beyond your grasp.

Why would anyone want to live forever?

>You are already an immortal spiritual being.
Think of how much "spiritual progress" you could attain if you didn't lose your memory every 100 years. It's almost like we're in a system DELIBERATELY DESIGNED to keep us spiritually retarded FOREVER.

i don't know why but i want her to look me deep in the eyes while i'm sucking her cock

Found the socialist, everybody.

You can wear that shit ideology like a flag draped over your shoulders while you're in college, but keep up that kind of niggardly talk once you go out into the real world and get a job and the pussy will dry up quicker than Arizona in the summertime.

It wouldn't even have to be "forever" but imagine having the power to make the decision of when you'll die. Imagine doubling or tripling the duration of your life. To become more educated, more wealthy, travel and see the things you want, try different careers or experiences, meet more people, etc. I mean maybe you feel like you can do and see everything you want in your ~40-50 years of healthy adult life, but many people don't think it's enough time and depending on their ambitions I can definitely see how they'd make a case for longer life.

is this the CEO that took a bunch of investment money and then disappeared to south america for practical experiments and was never heard from ever again?

You can kill yourself any moment, no problem! You don't even have to wait to get old. We would rather enjoy technology to keep the illness of old age away

That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Every time a cell replicates it's self the telomeres get shorter. As time goes on and the telomeres eventually ware off the gene sequences begin to replicate incorrectly and the animal dies.
Happens with every living thing that has DNA.

I think very few people want to live forever but many do want an expanded lifetime of hundreds of years. I myself could do with a good couple thousands of years to live.

No, you are wrong. there are organisms that evolved to overcome this, and are immune to ageing

literally better than nothing

But also an enzyme called telomerase lengthens the telomeres, otherwise, we would already be old just in 50 deletions. Here is the report by the company

Telomeres can be maintained and replaced by telomerases, but there is a reason nature evolved in a certain way that most animals aren't constantly replacing their telomeres.

Its one fairly common mutation seen in cancers, as cancer cells need to divide indefinitely, the other major route being deviations from 2n ploidy (cancer cells stop having the normal number of chromosomes).

Indeed the fear was that she gets cancer. But this didn't happen so far. Also, the mice with Maria Blasco's experiment who had the same therapy as Liz Parrish did lived longer and they did not have more cancers

>So far

Which is the point, its like women who take HRT. They are fine for 10 years, and boom - they need hysterectomies.

The science is potentially valid, but her results that have been published are not. They've suggested her telomeres have been lengthened and quoted a precise amount, but there is no indication of exactly which cell types were tested for telomere length.

Just needs more testing / more results, 3rd party analysis.

>More likely, it will usher in an age where the rich live forever in luxury while the poor starve and live like chattle.

Implying that's a bad thing.

Search her schnoz, you know it to be true