Is owning a cat blue pilled?

Is owning a cat blue pilled?

Only if it's an outdoor cat that brings back the parasite.

depends. cats can be useful, but owning it as a replacement for other people's affection is pretty beta.

outdoor cats are redpilled

I think it's just owning a cat.

Not every fucking thing you do is a red or blue pill.

Bluepilled as fuck, anyone that says otherwise is a cat or a jew.

>cats can be useful
name one thing cats can do that a good terrier can't also do and better.

Owning anything other than a nigger is blue pulled as fuck imho


Cats make you stay inside while dogs bring you outside to run them and play in the yard.

Ive known a guy to go full shut in with a cat.

I like them enough but they are not a pet that bring out the best in you.

leave it to the jew to be proliferating harmful parasites

No and it's not redpilled either, it's just a fucking cat


Cats are useful as their urine deters pests
If you keep your cat outside regularly check it for parasites and always wash your hands after touching them.

They only make you cry or sad when they're run over :(


Its something a faggot would do.

Apart from killing pests around large space, cats are pretty much useless to Humans. Most cat owners are slaves to their cats. A dog is the white man's best friend. A dog will defend you when your life is in danger, love you as its master, can go hunting with you, and will help you get fit when you take your dog for a walk. Cats are loved by redditirs who love meme and cuck culture.

No, but it sure is a chore.

>Most cat owners are slaves to their cats
having own both cats and dogs I'd say dogs are the ones that really need care and attention. Cats are automatic as long as you give them food and water, they even go away for days and come back whenever they want

Toxoplasmosis causes feminism.

But you get more use out of a dog than a cat. Cats are independent indeed, so are other wild animals. Dogs were breed from the ground up to be a companion for Humans. Sort of like a servant but more tolerable than a nigger slave.

something a faggot would say. We had so many fucking farm cats you couldn't count the bastards. "Wash your hands billy"
>how about you don't stick your fingers in your mouth after sticking them up cats ass

>tfw cat crawls on two front legs because back ones flattened

>But you get more use out of a dog than a cat
Leave it to an ameritard to be autistically focused on how much mileage he can get from a pet's sphincter.

AYO HOL UP....*barks at literally nothing for several hours*....LEMME GET DIS STRAIT.....*attacks toddler unprovoked*.....YOU BE SAYIN...LIKE....*vomits unidentifiable bile on carpet*...WE WUZ....SUM...*farts rancid corpse gas*....SUM FINNA....*kills neighbours cat*....LIKE...SUM FINNA.....*tears brand new $7000 mattress to pieces*.....WE WUZ SUM.....*consistently stinks like putrid shit*....MANS BEST FRIIIIIIIEEEEEEENNNNNNNNN-*gets hit by car*

Yes. Rome wasn't founded by two brothers suckling from a cat. Cats are for failed women seeking to fill their childless void of a life.

Bitches love my cat


This, the merchant is right. Indoor cat owners are always skinny manlets with noodle arms.

Toxoplasmosis isn't a problem unless you eat your cats turds or something similarly retarded

Right here

Rat or house mouse control.

Before the black plague, Europe had a view that black cats were associated with witches and unlucky so they'd kill a majority of cats. This contributed to the drastic growth of the rat population which carried the bubonic parasite. So disease control and pest control

maybe not but it does make you a fucking faggot

Leave it to a syrupnigger to steer the convo towards pet dicks

This, how the fuck is having a cat in your house a determining factor on how much you understand the world

It's literally just a fucking cat

The fuck you think jack russels do niglet. They aren't bred to be little assholes for no reason.

Cats kill rodents like the terminator

>name one thing cats can do that a good terrier can't also do and better.
hunting for vermin in high places like roofs, beams, attics, etc.

Cats will hunt everything. A neighboring house to me was unoccupied for years and was infested with roaches. My other neighbors were always complaining about the turks getting into their houses despite the poison and traps.
I rarely saw a live one in mine because my cats would camp out the window facing the derelict house waiting for turks to get in.

That flag is disgustingly true

>The year of our lord 2000 + 17
> Not raising your own private food supply for when the end times comes
> Not having that private food supply be the other white meat (cats)

Its like you're not even trying

>slave to your cat
Its a fucking cat. If you aren't full on cucked its not hard to keep them in line.

I have both 1 dog and 2 cats, and trust me, cat piss/cat shit smells far worse than dog shit. The only part of your post that is true is the dog fart + barking, the rest is either owning a shit dog like a pitbull, or being a nigger and not properly training your dog.

Because one animal can be trained to hunt for mice means another animal isn't better at it naturally? Also show me the evidence that the removal of domestic cats in Europe didn't contribute to the black plague

>yes goyim waste your money neutering a half feral animal so that a few months later it can get eaten by coyotes


Parasites is the meme.

Lmao what kind of shithole do you guys live in that has rodents to the point of needing a cat?

Dogs are a mans animal. 95% of cat owning males are skinny, limp wristed beta males.

>1 post by this ID

Slide thread



The koran encourages cat ownership

kekked hard
all true

I have a cat because I like my cat and she's pretty funny and chill
it ain't that deep

This. We have a black cat that came to us on Halloween and he was very friendly. We took him home and had him checked. He's clean and quite honestly he acts like a dog. I've never had one that does that. Hell, my father and his woman even like him when they come over and they don't normally like cats

>high places
Only relevant reply kudos. Find carpet pythons better at this, and more respectful creatures to boot.

>let me just be a lazy nigger and throw this wild animal to do work for me rather than train our best friend.
The right kind of terrier is also genetically dispositioned to kill rats, and by breed in particular locations, like under houses. Much like herding dogs naturally just herd sheep and run circles around things.

>Also show me the evidence that the removal of domestic cats in Europe didn't contribute to the black plague
never denied it you twit, of course removing a predator increases the numbers of the fucking prey. If they'd killed off all the foxes they'd be whining about the rabbits.

Jack Russel Terriers were bred specifically for rodent control you sperg.

cats go out to shit and bury it tho

you dont have to do much with a cat, they basically exist on their own. dogs on the otherhand cant be left alone for an hour without going crazy and destroying your house. if you dont live on a farm, hunt, or have some actual purpose for a dog its just a messy, loud, useless parasite

I own a cat now, but I really wish I still had my old dog to be honest.

cats are like fish, they barely need any attention

my dog-owner friends will hardly ever leave the house or visit because they can't stand to leave their dogs alone, despite working 8 hour jobs.

As long as they're fed and given fresh water before I plan to be gone, my two cats are fine alone for 24-36 hours. They're much more independent, and content to eat spiders and chase each other in my absence. Dogs are a ball and chain to single people not living in an active family household, I still love dogs though.

Yes. They carry diseases that get in your head and turn you into a faggot.

This might not be relevant for city dwellers but cats are great at keeping snakes at bay.
In the countryside here we have a snake called the yarara which is deadly. I know a guy that lost 3 dogs to yarara bites until he started getting cats by recommendation of a neighbor.

He has like 5 cats now and regularly finds the dead bodies of yarara snakes around the property, they haven't killed any cat or another dog in 2 years now.

Outdoor cats shit outside, numbnuts. The only reason humans gets that parasite is because they are fondling cat shit.

Promoting having an indoor cat is promoting getting a parasite that makes you crazy and turns your unborn children into faggots.

Farmland. Barn cats are great for passive vermin control.
Cats are shit tier pets, though. They should stay outdoors.

I see your point but riddle me this

>be Google
>be trained how to be civilized
>okay it's genetic now
>stop training
>stop being civilized

>be white man
>civilized by nature
>stop training

Different species, same logic

The reason they get the parasite is from eating rats, numbnuts. Which happens when you let your cat out to forage and hunt.

Mate I live in rural Australia and you're telling me about snakes. My dickhead koolie has killed about 4 browns in its life, wish it didn't because the moment one bites it it's as good as dead.
Also try cinnamon spray for snakes. They hate it, wont cross it, wont live on it.

Same. Cats are better pets for apartments. Once I can afford my own place I'm getting a Rotti and a husky. My cat can come too if he hasn't pissed me off enough to toss him out

Nogs such as yourself weren't hand bred by a greater species for centuries with rigorous selection and eugenics in general. If you want an actual example try dingoes or african painted dogs.

My cats are indoor cats so they have a litterbox, and it gets putrid fairly quickly. I also feed a neighborhood straycat, and he pisses in front of my door a few times.

I love cats so goddamn much. But I know it's just toxoplasmosis

I like cats. There's just too many of them, killing off too many wild animals.

Keep them indoors.

Because rats and mice never make it inside a house, right?

>Owning an animal slave

>makes you more attractive and taller
>increases your dopamine

toxoplasmosis seems symbiotic more than parasitic

>Nogs such as yourself weren't hand bred by a greater species for centuries with rigorous selection and eugenics in general. If you want an actual example try dingoes or african painted dogs.

You're kidding right? Slave owners didn't pick the nig nogs that were the bulkiest for hard farm labour? They weren't bred with that intention? And you say I'm the nigger


It's like owning a rock iguana.
Not very smart animals, but smart enough to know that playing nice with the humans rewards in food.

I'd say Dogs>Birds(only some)>Minks>The rest.

If you want something that kills pest just get a Rat Terrier and a Mink for the ultimate combo. Both of them can at least communicate and work together.

>animal slave
Cats don't listen to you. Dogs are real slaves

A cat can survive on its own. The only reason why you get one is because you want it to clean out mice and other small animals that are hiding in your house/barn.

If you believe a cat is like it is in the picture; a cuddly cute friend, then it is still not considered bluepilled. You are considered to be shot.

You wanna find me some examples of that go ahead. Find me a nice advertisement for a prime nog stud, maybe some cases of inbreeding to perfect and preserve certain qualities in nogs. Or maybe even a nog show at a county fair?

Dingoes, the actual example you are looking for, were left to slide into canine niggerdom for 4000 years. They're hardly dogs anymore.

If you're a cocksucker, maybe.

Only if he has MAXIMUM SWAG to go with his MAXIMUM CLASS.

An outdoor cat basically comes and goes whenever it pleases.
When it rains it comes in for food.
When it's hungry it comes in for food.
When it's tired it rest near the house.

But then it leaves to do whatever the fuck it needs to. It's like feeding pigeons in a park.

The missus wanted a cat because our yard isn't quite secure enough for a dog, and maybe we lucked out, because our cat is based: doesn't shit on our property, will come when called, and sits for his food.

People who let their cat or any pet make them their bitch are getting cucked. He meows for food, but he doesn't eat till after we have dinner.

Cats have grown on me in all honesty and if you get one young and raise it right they can be affectionate pets. Ours only kills pests and doesn't bring them inside so it has a slight utility to.

I can see why people don't like them though

Why the fuck are you spergs trying to claim that everything is blue or redpill? It's just an animal. I have seen the biggest turbocucks own dogs.

Cats are nice if you have a ton of shit to do. Dogs are adorable, but borderline retarded. Leave it alone for a day and it implodes

Most cats owner are usually shit

Some cats can make for great pocket dogs that will run around, social and play, but good luck finding the right race

I'll give you that but it further illustrates the point that you can train a breed to do a task with each generation but terriers were selected for rat control because they had the capacity to learn the skill. Cats do it naturally. It's instinct for them so they have the advantage. Also they can fit into places that dogs simply can't. There adapted to hunting rats. Dogs are only trained