I was born with a female brain, therefore I'm a woman

>I was born with a female brain, therefore I'm a woman

>I was born with male genitalia, therefore I'm going to chop it off and turn it into female genitalia

Do trannies realize how hypocritical they are?

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>Expecting downies with mental disorders to make sense.

They're sick retards

That's fucking horrifying. Why don't people recognize this as a mental illness?

>gender is a social construct
>I must change my physical body to match my gender but it's also all in my head

Nigga has some 5 o'clock shadow is what he has

>I have a vagina!!!

No, you have a medically disfigured penis. You and the doctor who performed your surgery need straight jackets.


You can't alter the brain, shitlord.

This is a false equivalence.

If you have had to deal with gender dysphoria you would understand.

Really makes you think

tranny here.

I agree, sex reassignment is retarded.

I just want to wear pretty shit, so I do. Still a dude. Don't care.

cant wait until I am an old perv who fucks these freaks

starting to hate my normie life already and im only in my 30s

>gender is a social construct

10/10 logic

It makes me cringe just thinking about cutting my penis off. I cant even imagine the level insanity to decide your gonna cut of the only means of reproduction. This guys entire blood line is destroyed. I wish i could laugh at this. But i just feel cold and empty.

>the doctor who performed your surgery

I have no idea how anyone can do this.

Dude is going to get murdered the first time he finds himself some ghetto nigger that finds out he shaves in the morning.

Most British women look like this after the age of 25 anyway.

whats hypocritical about that? you cant get brain surgery to turn it male retard and I'm sure a lot would if they could

>I accept that my brain is female
>I don't accept that my body is male

Do you see the disconnect?

But I thought that men's and women's brains are the same? And therefore equal? How could you then be born with the 'wrong' brain? Isn't gender a social construct? I thought we are supposed to challenge gender stereotypes - to accept that men don't have to be overly masculine and women don't have to be overly feminine? So why is a boy that likes traditionally feminine stuff suffering from 'gender dysphoria'?

I'm confused.

The fact that he thinks this is attractive at all just reinforces the fact that it's all a delusion. It's one thing to think you're a woman but ffs don't you see yourself in the mirror you hideous freak.

At some point in the "everyone is special" evolution it became taboo to suggest that a man who wants to chop his penis off is mentally ill. But it is still ok to say a man who wants to voluntarily amputate his leg is mentally ill.

>I have no idea how anyone can do this.

Doctors are capitalizing on mentally ill faggots wanting to mutilate their genitals. That's not stupid, that's fucking genius.

What I have a problem with is the media outlets and (((Hollywood))) trying to normalize it. Be a mentally ill faggot on your own terms, and don't use brainwashing tactics to try and make me accept your mentally ill faggotry.

If you agree the social construct exists why would working to match it be a symptom of illness?

If there is no social construct surrounding gender what could possibly upset you about other peoples choices regarding gender?

Pick one, shitlord.

They'll never be accepted by normal people

Their peers will 'accept' them but not the straight males or lesbian women, they'll only attract insecure homosexual men

Literally just a chubby guy with rainbow paddle pop coloured long hair.

that´s just sad. it will take him a while but he´s gonna regret that day for the rest of his life and never have children. SJWs fooled this poor guy to not get treatment for his mental illness and here´s the result. It´s probably just gonna get worse.

>If you agree the social construct exists why would working to match it be a symptom of illness?
biology>social construct

>I have a wound!

Ever heard of drugs?

really sad, manipulated people.

as soon as they get out of the hospital, they realize that the "genitalia" are a mess of desensitized skin.

so they wear a fake gay smile and keep faking a "happy" (((transition))), which is NOT.

OP is making a false dichotomy between brain and genitals to imply transexuals are giving prominence to one and ignoring the other

We are whole persons capable of knowing our genders. Unless you were planning on sucking that brave womans penis why is it's absence now offensive?

>getting the vagina before the facial hair removal

Can't imagine how much of a car crash it looks down there.

Wish I had his beard genes.

Poor asshole actually believes the lump of mutilated flesh that used to be his cock is now a vagina. lulz

You mean retarded.


So apparently the Hippocratic oath means nothing now? I guess that makes sense, because marriage vows mean nothing now either.

Sure you can with enough hormone pills

I was born with the brain of a dog, from now on I will walk on all fours and only answer to rusty, I can no longer talk only bark. Forcing me to talk or stand upright is an infrigment on my dog rights

>Biology > Social Construct

In what context? Behaviour? (rape)

The thing that makes us human is our ability to control our biological urges and mere chemical programming. The exercise of will over animalistic savagery is what makes humans great.


If you're born with a penis, you're a male. If you're born with a vagina, you're a female. End of story. If you feel there's more to it than that, then you're suffering from Gender Dysphoria which is a mental illness.


if I say im a cat can I lay around for neetbux?

>In what context?
In the context of which gender you are. If you're going to troll at least don't be completely retarded.

you shill like a fremale negro in her special days.


Trying to figure out liberal logic will just make your head hurt.

None of this shit makes any sense.

You are confusing gender with sex.

white males no longer are excepted in society. white women though are still symbols of beauty.

that's all they see on television, name one postitive white male role model on us tele?

Yeah, I'm the confused one.

When are white bois gonna learn that only tiny asian men are the only ones who can pull off transitioning into women.

Real talk though, I never understood why you'd want to go from being a average looking dude into a really ugly woman. And now that he's gotten rid of his she-cock all that's left is a ugly woman. The she cock was the only thing keeping that sissy an interesting sexual encounter, now she's just got a weak ass fake pussy that probably can't take a real pounding without breaking.

Bingo. Having a dick and wanting to bang guys makes you GAY.. not a woman trapped in a mans body. Even if you also happen to like flowers and shit.

No one said they were the same, the gender equality argument is that they are equivalent.

thats because theres literally novelty in being able to call yourself a woman without actually transitioning
sure you'll have a feelingless gaping wound where your genitals once were,but you wont have to go through all the hormone shit and then reverse that process when you realize you fucked up

Gender is a made up fucking meme.
Theres no such thing. The word only exists in English

No. Crazy doesn't recognize its own craziness.

Does not pass

Yea, gender is a social construct.

Aren't vaginas harder to reverse than hormones?

Does your life of sin and lust fulfil you?

>I was born with a [insert gender here] brain

Is this a softer way of admitting you have a mental illness?

They don't even have a female brain, male and females have different brain structures and chemistry and his is male through and through.

Biology is a tranny's natural enemy.

There are male to female trannies that only want to bang girls

Bruce Jenner is one which is why he won't cut off his dick


Fucking almost threw up holy fuck. The end times are near.

It is not the absence of it that is offensive. It is the fact that we allowing these delusions to become normalised and those who reject their sin are somehow seen as 'intolerant' and immoral.

My brother in law is like this. Thinks he's a fucking female and wants surgery and shit.
>would look like a bulldyke that a bulldyke wouldn't date

I realize this is a serious mental disorder, but truth be told, these men are just to big a pussy to admit they like cock.
Self acceptance and admitting this shit could prevent you from wasting buckeronees on dumb surgeries.

No confusion.. (unless you're on a University campus these days) Gender is almost entirely the result of sex. This is why most little boys play with trucks and most little girls play with dolls. Gender is an expression of biology for almost all normal people. The idea that Gender is a creation of society is the hip in style thing at the moment. The idea will die out once people get bored of it.

A state funded doctor will be forced to come to yours shortly and attach a tail onto you. Whos a good boy?!

Sin perverted our whole race

13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Tranny vaginas from a jew

If I was "it", I would have waited until brain transplantation was possible for humans, then put it's brain into a woman's body.

That or reconstruct the entire body on an atomic level.

>I have a vagina
>I have a 5 o'clock shadow


>sin perverted our whole race
I wish that statement weren't true

These doctors know what they are doing shitlords.

Everyone knows self hatred and feelings of inadequacy reside in the genitals and not the brain

It's a simple, logical procedure!

That hair looks like cotton candy draped over his head.

yeah but having a "vagina" is pertinent to their idea of being a female,so its too hard for them to clearly see that in the event they want to regress back to their real state, the dick isnt just going to magically come back

hormones take time
getting your dick cut off is an immediate "fix" and all they think about is the present and what they can do quickly and rashly

Why do these narcissists feel the need to broadcast their delusions to the world. Is it a cry for help?

I'm glad this degenerate did cut it off...removes his failed genes from the pool.

Dude. The last thing the conversation needs is more delusional social constructs (sin)


>"I have a bagina!"

>mfw he has five o clock shadow and a male face

Autistic women have masculine brains. Does that mean that they're all men?

>Do trannies realize how hypocritical they are?

this. only dickgirls are acceptable



This is why homos hate trannies.

Better question should be: why do you even care?

It's worse since they use biological essentialism (I must have a vagina because I am a woman, even if you have to make one) while supported by the SJW left which has the opinion there is no such thing as gender and no difference between them.

If there was any consistency they wouldn't need to dress up in women's clothes to be women. But they do that and demand physical changes.

Rlly maek think

Thank god.

One more genetic disaster and degenerate removed from the gene pool.

>Do trannies realize how hypocritical they are?
Most mentally ill people don't.

>My penis and body say I'm a man
>My brains feels like a women

all women are autstic so does that mean all women are men?

who is this semon daemon?


But literally they are just men in dresses.

Trannyism should simply be considered part of the body mod movement and not about "gender" or "sin"

Letting go of delusion about gender will allow one to see that there are two sexes and that some people for whatever reason are happier when mutilating themselves.

Letting go of your delusion about sin will make you happy too.

>and 5 o'clock shadow

>tfw you'll never have a real red tide

And this is the reason people who do suffer from gender dysphoria hate these faggots.

Instead of actually going through with the treatment and going about there business of whatever gender they wanted to be, they want to flaunt around and be faggots.