Guys, I'm a nervous wreck. What if they fucking shoot Trump? What if they kill our only hope? This anxiety is killing me

Guys, I'm a nervous wreck. What if they fucking shoot Trump? What if they kill our only hope? This anxiety is killing me

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Pence will save us


Well, it'd be moronic if they do, since Pence was picked to act as insurance in the first place

I got my guns ready user. Do you?

I am man I have over 3000 rounds of rifle ammo for my AK and 1000 rounds of pistol and buckshot. Plus a contigency bag filled with the latest altas, passport, 20k in USD, Compass, camping equipment, toilet paper, and more.

If it happens I'll Innawoods but I'm hoping we don't go full /civilwar/

Our only hope for what? If you knew anything about Trump you would know that he is an unprincipled, cheating, lying charlatan who has abused and gained any system he has ever been a part of.

My family is rich and he will lower our taxes though, so meh.

>what if they fucking shoot Trump
Get ready for a war

Is that real?

>20k in USD
>II'll Innawoods


Yes it fucking is

Neck yourself CTR

Killing him will only make things much
Worse for libfags, and give us an excellent case against them, and make a martyr for our cause

It would literally be the worst choice, I am sure he is safe.

>commie revolt in the US within your lifetime

Uh no?

You sound like a "feeling" based person. Why shouldn't people abuse and exploit the system if they have the ability to?

He'd be immortalized in history

Kek will keep Trump safe. Don't worry!

>my family is rich

t. Underage Neet

>Not wanting Mike "Deus Volt" Pence to be in charge and purge all the faggots


I was skeptical about pence at first, but damn he turned out to be a great guy. His resemblence to wojack helps too.

If they shoot trump you have the permission to go ape shit on the kikes and nigglets

wtf I love the establishment nao

>mfw when libtard Bernouts side with huge corporations to get Trump assassinated.

Because that what jews do

(((Jake Novak)))


A lot of people believe Trump is going to get popped tommorow. I on the other hand don't believe that is the most likely scenario. Popping him would awaken to many people and too much outrage, at least on the first day. A more likely outcome is them writing off an attack on people in attendance as a result of Trump. The blame will be thrown on Trump and our country will be thrown into to turmoil. They are going to attempt to draw a line in the sand and divide us. A mass shooting/bombing of a bunch of liberal sheeple would be any easy price. Killing trump out in the open is too risky at this point. Prepare for the false flags.

Hrm. Good point. Lets not rule anything out. Jewish trickery abound.

>What if they fucking shoot Trump?

Pence is sworn in and gives all libshit SJWs the helicopter ride.

Mike "a car battery for every fairy" Pence

>Jewish trickery

You are aware that trump has jewish daughter, praises Israel and its prime minister and also invited jewish settlers to inaguration.

You are being delusional.

You realize that there's more than one faction of Jews, right?

Russian Hackers here. Just stating in advance we have nothing at all to do with whatever is about to happen tomorrow.

That's what (((they))) want you to think user.

The Russkies are waiting for you to work for them, you krokodil fag.

Oh I hope, hell, Trump being safe can sage them too

Relax Trump is part of the globalists' plan to clean the american politics of old apparatus while tank the global economy so that we all turn to them for guidance, nothing will happen to him... only he's not there to help you either, sorry senpai just being honest with you

You're bringing my caviar, right?

If they let Trump live, Nationalism happens.
If they kill Trump, the fire rises, and we get Fascism at the end of the shitstorm.

Either way, we're gonna win, and we're going to keep winning.

I doubt any of them are after our best interest, but they're not a hive mind. There are different factions of shekel-sniffer with varying interests.



Kek confirms.

He will be our martyr desu. Day of the rope can't come soon enough

>textbook neocon will save us

>those digits
He has spoken

Nationalist post number confirmed

>writing off an attack on people in attendance as a result of Trump.

Nobody buys that bullshit anymore.

Is CNBC saying Kennedy got what was coming to him?


I am more nervous for the crowd..

I kept tossing and turning in my bed last night after seeing this thread.. I'm now pretending to have an important call because I feel like shit - literally up all night worried that they were going to shoot Trump tomorrow or attempt.

Remember they did it at least once on the campaign trail

Think Soros is going all out tomorrow.

It's only logical to see it, and accept it at this point, hope the Secret Service and Military are not compromised.

We kill them back. And we won't be discriminatory about traitors. I'll get the first plane to america to help you motherfuckers. Trump is a salvation,you can't let them kill him.

"Are they even going to be able to hit him?" is the bigger question.

Honestly, I really wanted to go to this inauguration with an AR in the trunk, and I wasn't going to miss it for anything, but with this many people ready to lay their lives on the line, I don't really feel I have to for it to be a success.


That will only turn him into a martyr for the cause.
Might cause a civil war.
Pence will become president and rule with an iron fist.

Who else is having an inaugural party? How did you prep?


Bottle of Jameson

Hot chocolate + peppermint schnapps

Lobster tail

Kek. I was Ok with this until he blamed anarchists.

#NotAllAnarchists #AnarchistsForTrump

grow up. The CIA offed JFK. The CIA installed Trump.

those faggots will rue the day they ever thought they were tough enough to take on the High Inquisitor Pence.


haha, Trumptards think Trump will do something for them, hahahahahah

There is a reason the banks that saved his ass would not let him have anything to do with running the companies he bankrupted and they saved

Trump's investors always lose, Trump always wins

we still on for that CS:GO tournament this weekend?

tell Sveta to get that vodka cold, wear her freshest ADIDAS tracksuit, and cousin vlad to turn up the HARD BASS.


They're gonna come for him, i doubt he will die, but be prepared

I checked and i keked

>Those digits
OH SHIIIIIIIT, Trump is Hitler confirmed


>1488 get

I can't handle all this winning!

I mean fascism doesn't seem so... bad.
Better than communism I'll tell you that much.

everyone knows people pay in bottlecaps when that happens.

If they kill him we win


Not gonna happen, stop wanking over your survival fantasy.

trump will have his own security too. the cia would have to kill his private gaurds too

the digits

>20k in USD


Oh shit its happening

Jews as in the race or people who follow the jewish religion? You and i could convert right here right now, but still be able to want a pure blood ethno state. You could follow stormfront and say the one drop rule but judaism follows real jewish blood comes from the mother.


I kind of like this desu

You either die a hero...

or you live long enough to see your goal made reality.

Shit son, witnessed.

Trump Steaks and Trump Vodka

He needs to have bullet proof glass around him 24/7

I got the song for you lol

you get a gold star

So why is everyone ignoring all media outlets already setting up the narrative of assassination to prepare the masses?

>save us
Jose, first, he's not going to save you, you are beyond saving in the favelas.

Second, Pence isn't a neocon. I know there's certain buzzwords you pick up from the first-worlders on here, but please, leave the discourse to the educated.

I realize you won't be able to respond, your time on the public shitty computer is almost up.

Mike "When The Clown Goes Down I Wear The Crown" Pence

this is the author

he has a family
find him and kill him and his family

>implying Trump doesn't have his own privately hired mercenaries keeping an eye on the CIA

is that tweet fuckin real?


what if?
they shoot pence instead of trump?

well fucking kill CNN if he get assisinated

Kek please, that's going a little far.

Nein. Die Juden wollen das nicht.

>try to go 1 day without praising kek and then this happens

>hoping we don't go full /civilwar/
