*sips tea while waiting for Sup Forums to defend this*
*sips tea while waiting for Sup Forums to defend this*
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Trump said he'd choose the best.
A mostly white country picks a mostly white cabinet
Makes sense, triggered nigger
he's already added a fuck ton of these poc
Is this, dare I say it, not an argument?
(((Jake Tapper))))
Same applies to the cabinet picks.
Fucking hypocritical kike, but I repeat myself.
That's racist as fuck. Don't they understand this?
I'll take "Merit" for 1000, Alex.
There are n cnn slots. Every single one of them is a retard.
>judging people by the color of their skin
>unironically implying that we should chose our leadership based on the color of their skin
I am so done with liberals. Where do I sign up for the death squads?
>not ONE, I repeat, not ONE token negro in the cabinet!
jews aren't white
I would prefer 23 out of 23 picks be white men.
>sips tea
Okay women and faggots sip tea.
There's your answer.
Trump is picking people on the content of their character not the color of their skin you racist Trapper
>not one token
Sleepy Ben
you can thank obama for removing the need for the Token Negro , they can never complain they never have positions of authority anymore
das racis i h8 drump now
What exactly needs defending? Be detailed and specific.
>Total white population of the US.
>White percentage of Trumps picks.
I bet all the best paid anchors and executives at CNN are either white men or light skinned Jews.
Does Tapper care to step aside so a darker skinned person can take his place?
>18/23 = 78%
Mirrors the population of the US.
Got a problem, kike?
Sip thread?
Does anyone understand "best man for the job."
i really don't understand why people think like this. The same people claim judge curiel can't be biased, then imply whites can't possibly be unbiased
3 out of 8 Supreme Court Justices are Jewish, and Obama's nearly got a 4th in there, with Merrick Garland. And Jews are 2% of the population. Asians are 5% of the population, but there are no Asian Justices. Yet we're fine with a full 1/3 being Jewish?
Oh, well I guess we better kill all white men to solve this problem.
Yeah, Trump fucked up. All his picks should have been white men.
Sip thread.
These men came here to work, not to justify their existence to you
Defend what?
18/23 = 78%
Been sipping libfags tears since november 8 and will be for at least 8 years. Keep em' coming!
No need to defend what clearly whites do better
As if that could ever be a fucking white male. Nice patriarchy, bro.
> no women, niggers, spics or chinks
I fail to see the problem here.
Inexcusable. 5 niggers/spics/women. Disgusting.
Great point. Will take into consideration when I give a shit about white guilt.
>still haven't learned proportions
this simple
OP reckarino
Because its 2017.
Jesus... Liberals, poor faggots. They can't see further than two moves into the future. All the ridiculously little crap they are grasping at, all the bullshit that they make up - they are making, perhaps, the best gift politician can dream of. After all this bullshit, even if Trump really fucks up in the future, no one would listen to them. He is basicaly invincible now, thanks for the leftist shilling. In fact they're so hilariously bad at it - i'm unironically starting to think that they're actual "kremlin trolls".
but you tell us race and gender don't matter?
61% of this country is White, 12% is Black, 18% is Hispanic, 6% is Asian, 2% are Mixed, and 1% is NA. Fractional %s Greek and ME. 50.8% is Female.
Trump puts 78% White, 21% Female, 4% Asian, 4% Black, and 0% Hispanic.
The only thing that could be seen as an egregious red flag is no Hispanic pick when they're the largest group of color in our country, especially after Trump's word-salad'd comments but there're huge differences between latino groups anyways.
Or, y'know, he picked them based on merit.
You can't completely blame dumb liberal cucks who're still living in their elite isolated bubble worlds for the "outrage" due to stirring the part and working the marks on Trump's part, but if you're a little smarter than the average bear you can see through all that shit.
So? What's there to defend? I don't understand this mentality at all. I'm Latino and hate hearing this shit. Forcing diversity just the sake of it is ridiculous.
Should have been 23
Sigh. Vagina isn't a job qualification, OP. Why would you think that a vagina makes someone better able to do a job, or the fact that someone doesn't have a vagina is pertinent to their position?
Vagina is not pertinent or relevant to having a job.
>As a person who has experience with a vagina, they actually are detrimental to workplace efficiency.
>I said "white men."
Not an argument.
>Le demagogue
I thought race/gender/sexual orientation/religion shouldn't matter and we shouldn't divid- Oh wait the left is just telling nonsense they know they can get more votes by divide and conquer tactics, they don't care if it's wrong.
Hey Jake, don't know if you looked in the mirror lately, but as it turns out you're a white male?
So how about you step down and let a person of color have your job? It'd only be right.
Haha fuck you , no more fucking Mudslimes sailing our country down the shitter
Can you kill yourself now OP?
what is pic from?
White Males*
This. Why the Hell wouldn't he?
Of course their white it's the current year.
It's disappointing it wasn't 22 out of 23 (minister of Education should always be a conservative female).
2005 Emmys. Sang "Green Acres" song.
White men cabinet makes country great.
Affirmative action BTFO forever
>I have to defend this
It's literally a fact there's nothing to defend lol
>unironically expecting token diversity hires in 2017
What current year is this faggot stuck in?
>the US
>mostly white
>b-but muh nig nog quota
*sips (you)s
It's a funpost you stupid hick
No Hispanics because he doesn't want his team getting soft when the deports start.
why is first post always the best post?
Why should I be defending? You haven't made a criticism.
What is meritocracy, senpai?