How does this make you feel?
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It makes me feel like there is a hope for the white race
You can be a national socialist and not be white tho
Wasn't Hitler and NatSoc against any kind of mongrels?
>national socialist
Wrong. Ideology is built around the supremacy of the aryan race.
But memes aside, nothing stops an individual to believe in ethno-nationalism. Then picking the Nazi flag is weird, but the concept of ethno-nationalism and the concept of this picture are perfectly fine.
National socialism is the politically correct term for authoritarianism. So both of you are right.
Nazism is only one form of national socialism.
It's the idea that your own race and nationality is better than others. The Germans are the only notable example of National Socialism being used, so of course it was centered around the Aryans.
It would be anti white and pro latino Nationalism, but it's still nationalism.
Explain yourself
Well, the fact is that just like every "pure" ideology, national socialism is taken and some of it is changed to fit into the environment and surroundings. National socialism comes in many shapes and forms, which technically, are endless.
I am sure the Eternal Swedes of Dice will make a game about them in which white men are the villains.
Isn't Nazism just a short and slur for NatSoc implying they are the same and only thing?
You are among my most favorit posters, greatest ally.
What if I'm a chink and have nationalistic pride in my home country and race while also supporting the preservation of the white race and European culture?
Another example of Latin far right
No, not really. Nazism is based on NatSoc, but is not NatSoc at it's purest form, but only a more fitting version of it to the surroundings and to the current time.
Kek, nice pic. Have another.
Nazism is an idea for all men and women of all races. Even Hitler would have preferred a world where nations are deeply rooted to National Socialism and each nation working hard on what they excel in.
remember, hitler recruited indians and blacks
I take it you're a real Aryan then?
Why am i not surprised by this....?
>triskelion in colours of romanian flag
guys, it's that kind of "latin"
I'm fine with it. but then again I"m not a fucking NWO FED SHILL working for (((Traders)))
They look like subhuman mongrels
They are mexican actually
they are from Ecuador m8
If you do support it, you should come up with your own flag and logo, because the Nazi flag stand for European nationalism.
It makes me feel glad and happy there are people of all races smart enough to follow the National Socialist ideal.
National Socialism is the recipe to fix any nation.
>nigger calling other people mongrels
Good for them
Those are the current gyppos in LATAM and need to be purged.
I always found it weird for non-germanic countries like latin america, etc to adopt the imagetic of germanic nationalism\traditionalism\symbologism
Even in Iberia i find it weird since there was a presence of people's from different continents around this parts wich goes against the "pure-blooded" imagery associated with ethno-nationalism.
Elements of celtic culture aren't that out of touch tough
latin kings+ nazis=THIS PIC
Then you're the type who'd want ethnic nationalism to spread worldwide. Just like me.
Is that your gang?
Realizing white supremacy is a joke for brown people to feel white, which is probably half heartedly a joke anyway
Is this yours?
Indifferent. I see them all the time around here.
do you have the picture
como puedo negar mi ascendencia alemana?
The "na" in Nazi isn't really bound to one group, so it's nice seeing that the ideology lives on.
>the Nazi flag stand for European nationalism
It stands for germanic ethno-nationalism. Not european, they are many white sub ethnic groups in europe apart from germans. They unironically thought slavs (other europeans) were subhumans and had little love for the latin europeans either.
I know you probably agree, but that line still triggered my autism anyway.
no its like 2 or 3 guys with a nazi flag in a room
Battlefield 1 2
Hitler wasn't first national socialist nor he was the last. There are many other forms of this ideology. Look at Strasser brothers, Ernst Röhm and many, many more.
Probably this one then
now i just need to write the text into it, have been looking for this badboy ever since i got a new pc
(you) in the bottom right.
You're welcome
That is the virtue of superior National Socialist thinking, we are all playing the same tune.
I stay in my country, you stay in yours, I mix with my race, you mix with yours, we all get along and preserve our ethnic and national identities.
The same way it's weird for germanics to adopt the celtic cross as a symbol of germanic supremacy
the nazi symbol is borrowed from india, and germany was never all blonde blue eyes, racial purity at this stage in the game. is a meme. in america everyone is a lil mixed with something or other. and i like how faggots try to say te swaztika is for white people it fucking isnt , the libs ignorance knows no bounds
They were for Ethnic Purity.
Which would make Mexicans BTFO
Don't you understand that NOBODY likes blacks? Even people of color. Even blacks themselves hate each other.
wrong they took and repurposed the swaztika, it can be done again
That's fine. Nazi =/= racist
Yes, that's true.
Even romans used swastikas.
There's ancient ruins of a roman city here in Portugal where you can see tons of mosaichs with patterns of swastikas bordering it like a frame
Hurry the fuck up Pekka, I have to get back to work.
Hitler himself said Naziism is meant for ethnic Germans living in Germany ONLY. So since all of you stormfags are poseurs anyway, why not let the nigs play pretend with you?
makes sense, that's white for argentina
>the nazi symbol is borrowed from india
Prove that claim, user. Good luck.
Yes they did However using the Nazi flag without changing it even the slightest isn't that logical.
They are not from Argentina REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Hitler himself said Naziism is meant for ethnic Germans living in Germany ONLY.
it will take a long time, for memetic potential you have to choose the right font, colour and placement.
and i cant remember how it was on the original pic.
I don't blame them. It's either their own twist on Nat Soc or they turn into niggers.
That's not a difficult choice.
>Wrong. Ideology is built around the supremacy of the aryan race.
Wrong, Oswald Mosley wasn't Aryan and considered himself NatSoc.
>How does this make you feel?
Ambivalent. I'm NRx.
Hitler spent a good chuck in MK to discussing the inferiority of South Americans because of their interbreeding with the natives. This was when he was comparing it to N. America which he thought far superior due to genetic preservation of the English, Scots, Germans, etc. that moved there.
Völkisch NS (nazism) is a type of NS. There could just as easily be a NS movement for hispanics without the requirement in Völkisch NS for lebensraum.
I'll wait but if i get in shit i'm blaming you.
Fuck off kike
Yet, even the sumerians had a go.
Most likely the "truth" is that the swastika is a geometric pattern that's easy to do and recognize, and therefore had some degree of popularity among many artisans/craftsmen across the globe throughout history.
Then the nazis came along and turned it into a bad meme for normies. Which triggers the jains endlessly.
That's why i said that
If a person fights for the betterment of their race, they are a disciple of Hitler.
open your borders wait I for got kikeland is natsoc
Take this one for now
it makes me feel great. I think south americans are human just no mexican taco niggers
What is this low quality shit
Feels good to have some useful idiots to use as brownshirts
There's a little bit of Adolf in all of us OP.
I'm perfectly fine with it.
Hitler hated divisive kikes and the degenerates that came with them. Period.
>mongrel nation advocating for racial purity
you cant make this shit up
Thanks friend, go to go now.
You have to be an special kind of retard to be Nazi anyway.
> A NatSoc, only must have an intense love for his people and desire for that love to manifest itself as a state apparatus with its people's best interest in mind.
Israel is one of the only natsoc countrys in the world along side best korea
Fuck off commie
It isn't a phenomena really. You're bound to find weird shit anywhere in the world. Pretty sure there must be Nazis in Israel.
>Implying I'm commie
Nazism is a bluepill
Thats some anime convention and those are team rocket from pokemon...
no because dark skinned people can't cosplay
it's known
Doesn't seem any more absurd than NatSoc Slavs to me.