Donald Trump family is tall as fuck

I feel intimidated. Look at poor Mike Pence

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Fucking lankets


i want to suck her

lanklet women wearing heels
Top kek

She's so underrated

Tiffany is much more attractive than Ivanka, which I guess has something to do with Ivanka being well past optimum breeding age.

those fertile tits

Tiffany's gross.

Mmm look at that downie face. So attractive.

And there were giants in the earth in those days. Nephilim, the Great Men.

Hail Pepe (memes be upon him) prophet of Kek, Shadilay

literally made for breeding

Spotted the manlet

That's what selective breeding does, Trump's family has been rich for ages, Pence's not so much.


>Someone being jealous.

And yet they're all the pets of a turbo manlet that fights bears. Really makes you think.

Literally the next stage in human evolution.

Actually the most manlet countries breed the most right now.


>you'll never suck her golden neck
>you'll never caress that thousands-worth hair
>you'll never fuck whilst smelling the scent of overpriced perfume

Shit taste.

OK Juan. Keep fucking your frog faced fat latinas that reek of tacos and nigger sweat.

Its funny because Tiffany looks like a bleached "latina" because of her mongoloid face.


tiffany's skin must be so soft

Keep projecting. If you like downie-faced pigs, good for you. She has no redeeming qualities. Shit figure, shit face, shit everything.


Guacman is taller

you're only getting me harder

I can't believe people actually find Tiffany attractive. She looks like an abortion.

It takes a special man to be tall and a beta.

The most beta cousin in our family is 6'8 and the most Alpha is 6'0 and had killed shitskins in Iraq

>tfw 5'10 and mediocre

>What is nephilim?

The only trump kids that look 100% normal are Don Jr. and Ivanka, although she had some surgery done I think. Idk about Barron, he's still kinda young. Tiffany is the worst one though.

her feet must be divine btw

Barron is pretty handsome and already tall as fuck.

I hope he isn't autistic.

Ill post this from the thread i made on /fit/ to height shame people.
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Nutrition related growth
01/19/17(Thu)08:57:03 No.40076918
17 KB
What can i feed my kids to get them as tall as possible?
>Genetically speaking, the heights of mother and son and of father and daughter correlate, suggesting that a short mother will more likely bear a shorter son, and tall fathers will have tall daughters
Can anyone here confirm this?
What's the height of your parents and what is yours?
>Today the tallest race of humans is the Nilotic peoples of Sudan such as the Dinka they have been described as the tallest in the world, with the males in some communities having average heights of 1.9 m (6 ft 3 in) and females at 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in).

spotted the scrawny lanklet who wears heels for no reason other than to break her ankles.

Tiffany is hotter than any chick i'll ever manage to get.

Assuming i don't become rich as fuck.

Tfw Tiffany will never ride you while sharing her piece of pizza with you.

>shit figure
You sir are a huge faggot, faggot

All Trump's Kids got that autistic look. Certainly means that Trump has defective genes. Even Trump sometimes looks autistic.


she seems like a laid off girl

You mean laid back.
Laid odd means unemployed

And not a single one of them could pilot a tank or drive a plane without being cramped and getting killed.

>fertile tits
have you ever even touched a woman?

Not that tall. Women are on high heels. Men are just above average.


not earned so I must admit

she is qt

Erik is 6'5"
Jr is 6'3"
Trump 6'3"
Tiffany is 5'11"
Ivanka is 5'11"
Melania is 5'11"
Baron is 5'10" and he's only like 10 yrs old.
That nigga gonna be like 6'8"

don't burgersplain him

tfw a 10yo is taller then you.... Manlet for life

I bet they make a lot of short jokes at Mikes expense when they're in private.

>been saying the wrong term all along

Eric and Jr are tall, yeah. (Trumps's height is questionable.) But not intimidating as OP said. I mean, tall dutches are, but then I understand that we are talking about the US.

I'm sure he preferred to be corrected when he's learning a new language.
Would you prefer sounding like a jackass?

Dutch people are tall
But they're not as tall as some Sudanese tribes are.
I remember watching a (((vice))) documentary before they were jewed.
Back in Sudan there was this refugee camp full of south sudanese.
All the men were lanklets that weighed maybe 140lbs at the most, but were on average 6'3"-4".
All their heads went over the fence and made eye contact with the camera.
Anyone remember this?

I just heard from a YouTube faggot that mike pence is implicated heavily in pedogate

They are gonna rule and rule

How tall is Mike Pence, I thought he was like 5'10" or 6' ?? Damn maybe they are the chosen ones

Trump is tall too.
He's the same height as George Washington was.

WTF how fucking tall is barron? isn't he like 10 years old? trump genes are so powerful

Barron will top the 7'0 mark

I told you, he's 5'10" and 10 yrs old.
That's some tall kid.
I was like 5" at his age, and ended up being 6'0.5" tall.

Nicole Kidman likes them with head between her tits and fast as duracell rabbit.

Jesus christ he's huge, apparently he always wears suits too and is fluent in slovenian because of Melania.... is Barron a prodigy?

>always wears suits

>dad is a billionaire
>dad is the fucking president
>mother is a super model
>1 sister is hot as fuck
>Other sister is a butterface with a hot bod
>5'10" at 10 yrs old
>probably has a huge dong
>sister wants your huge dong
this kid has enough going for him
Next thing you know, he'll be the first trillionaire

>tfw only 5'9/175cm tall
>tfw brother is 183cm tall and only 15 years old
>tfw all my cousins are taller than me except one
>tfw manlet

just for reference

Trump's 6'3" is very questionable. His driver license and thw pics of him with other people whose have similar height. Maybe he ia shrinking for getting old also?

Just for you Sven, I took the liberty of dressing her in modern traditional Swedish clothing.

Is Trump doing the Jeb Bush trick?

Barron is gonna be a trillionaire and the next supreme ruler of the United States, they will have to create a king position for all of his vast accomplishments.

Yea people shrink as they get older, also he and a lot of other older people slouch, like bernie panders

well, he is 70 something.
My dad shrunk 1.5inches due to construction and getting a slip disk removed.



>that blonde light fuzz



He probably suckled on Melania's superior organic milk ducts until he was 4 or 5, she dotes on him. Lucky bastard I predict he will be 6'6 with a 10 inch knob and an endless stream of supermodels sucking him off

/ss/ manga when?

The average height of the Dinka tribe is 6'3" in Sudan.
Every year the men participate in a "Fat man" contest where they eat and laze about for 4 months.
The women are on average 5'11"
Look them up.
Dutch BTFO
One of the only photos of the savages I could find where they weren't buck ass naked.

Any manlets here shorter than Barron Trump?


>also long dick
>make me cry

That has got to eat Pence's girl. The president's wife and daughters are super model status and she looks like the successful crossbreeding of Pence and pig

5' 6" reporting in


She has the most normie personality out of all the Trumps. If you listen to her in interviews, she is really down to earth with the girl next door personality.

They all lie. Nigel is 173 cm, 5'8" for murricans. Look at this picture, dont tell me he's 6' 3". 6' 1" at the most. I think he uses height lifting insoles.

50% Italian/Maltese and a mish mash of European heritage (Irish, English, Scandinavian, Western European, etc).

yeah, trump is barely 180

Well isn't that much shorter. Plus all the Trump girls are all wearin heals

Which one is Tiffany? My money is on 4th from the right.


She is cute like one of those apple head chihuahuas.

Suits are really comfy as everyday clothing.

Whenever I want to fap, I put on a suit.

No fucking way
Post the pants Paco.
I bet it's disgusting.

believe that's her my dude


god that face is fucked
2nd trump wife was the worst
also the ugliest kid
