Sup Forums what are your thoughts on David Duke? Is he based or is he a muslim-lover?
Sup Forums what are your thoughts on David Duke? Is he based or is he a muslim-lover?
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a true pioneer
rural and suburban retard
Great man who does a great job in exposing the Jewish problem.
Based. Shills will disagree.
There is literally nothing wrong with Muslims as long as they stay in the Middle East.
David Duke and Pat Buchanan are the greatest historians of modern times.
Had coffee with him once, by accident. Seemed alright, couldn't really tell his political leanings just by meeting him. His gf was/is a UN lawyer-- so i dunno. Panders to a crowd i'd imagine.
Duke just fuck off man, go do your thing and leave us out of it or give us some examples of how people have been discredited by being called white supremacists
Controlled Opposition.
He even defended Kike Enoch.
Hi David. Nice plastic surgery.
We had no problems with the Muslims in modern times until the occupation of Palestine.
This would make sense. I mean, he seemed like a normal dude. Had the house in the Alps for a bit, and such a goofy, 'non-based' dog, it was hard to see him actually believing his own rhetoric. (has some kind of white pom/pug looking llap dog.) So soft spoken I almost thought he was gay.
FBI agent
> Is he based or is he a muslim-lover?
this aint mutuallly exclussive.
the true redpill it is to realize that islam is not all that bad.
Mebbe, why else would an aussie give a shit about this shit-disturber?
Why don't you guys realize that Islam stands for everything we believe in??
I don't know anything about him but he's fucking ugly.
He is pretty based for exposing alex jones that one time
This. He wrecked Jones so bad he deleted and removed the debate video.
his head looks like neapolitan ice cream
His radio show is nice. Basically made me realize playing vidya was a ruse and how I fell into a lot of memes made by (((them)))
So even though sometimes the old man may make mistakes, he has good intentions for his fellow people.
>somehow rural AND suburban
Does being this stupid come naturally or do you have to work at it
What did he say about video games?
>tfw david duke is built better than you
Islam dictates that a man can only have 4 wives.
In Biblical Christianity, there is no such rule, I can have a thousand wives if I want.
Islam says Jews are "people of the book", and that Muslims should respect them.
Christianity says Jews are the sons of Satan and a curse to all the earth.
Mohammedans BTFO.
He needs to realize his time is over
David Duke is the only honest and eloquent person who advocates for true nationalism.
He calls out the jews. He fights for whites.
Of course, he is demonized by the media and even subjected to tall poppy syndrome by other nationalists.
Same thing. Rural and suburban retards are on the same level of stupidity.
Okay but in practice Christianity only lets you have ONE wife. Islam in practice lets you have 4 or more.
In practice Islam wins.
It matches up with everything Sup Forums believes.
Based. I've been wanting to read his books.
In practice, Muslims hate Jews.
And in practice, Christians are Jew lovers. All those Christian donation shows are like "Donate to Israel"
here's the link for anyone who is interested
How instead of males building their bodies, most of them were feminized and controlled to waste time in vidya instead of self control and taking care of self and body?
I related to this because I saw what he meant by it. Sure games are fun but it created group of a generation that was made a certain way.
Can't remember which episode it was though. Might have taken some things out since it was almost a year ago.
>Islam says Jews are "people of the book", and that Muslims should respect them.
Islam also says this about Christians, Zoroastrians, and other monotheists. Moreover, the Quran describes Christian monks as being the closest to the Muslims amongst the people of the book and the corrupt Jews as being the furthest.
Should have been Secretary of State.
>stoning for adultery
>no alcohol
>death for leaving the cult
There really is some degeneracy here I'm not too fond to miss out on.
And we don't accept harming children either.
You can play video games and take care of your body at the same time
>t. city person who voted for Hillary
Well of course.
Yes, this is why you have your countries and they have theirs -- this is a concept you krauts ought to learn
he looks like child molester so he probably is a muslim lover
He's an inveterate fraud who was convicted of ripping off white nationalists.
But the wast majority of gamers do not take care of their bodies.
A leaf and an urbanite.
but user, I believe in Jesus Christ.
Muslims do too wtf lol
Ahead of his time. I'd vote for him if he ran for president. What make you think he's a muslim lover you fucking KIKE!
Pretty sure Icke would kick his ass.
Can we bring back celebrity deathmatch?
Fed shill vs mi5 shill, tought choice.
Do you know breathing is also (((their))) meme? Stop breathing rat once!
Nice try Schlomo, but it didn't work.. jew harder next time, mmm k?
Leaves like you make us look bad
David Duke is almost undoubtedly a kike or working for the kikes. He was INTENTIONALLY trying to associate himself with Trump while at the same time posting the most autistic overly racist memes on twitter every 5 mins. At the very least he's a moron and can't be trusted
He seems to be a decent historian in the least.
He knows Moslems really hate Jews, also blacks hate Jews & catholics don't like Jews historically.
Based although he needs to ramble less.
What's wrong with you?
His face sure looks like a good place for a bullet
That was brilliant
Jewish boss of Jones comes out
>"Oy veyyy it's isn't us hissss, SHUT IT DOWN!"
Alex Jones, as much as I like him and agree with him on many things, truly is a mouth breathing idiot.
He's a little autistic but still pretty based.
Explain Saudi Arabia, the Judeo-Islamic State and Turkey serving and protecting Israel.
How dare he say something about my Moshe, if it hadnt been for Mr. Goldstein, my wife would never have met Muhommad! Ugh the thought
Based as fuck.
It's only just beginning.
Those are the corrupted churches Paul warned us about, they are apostates:
>Acts 20:28-31King James Version (KJV)
28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
31 Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.
Biblical Christianity is about reading the Bible and living according to the Pure Word of God, not blind allegiance to this church or that church.
>1 Corinthians 1:11-13
11 For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.
12 Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.
13 Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?
Monogamy is a pagan Roman/Greek tradition that was introduced into Christianity by Catholicism.
It has nothing to do with Biblical Christianity.
Because they fuck kids and lack pride honnor thats what makes the whitemen the strongest, thats why we fight the anti white en masculine leftyculture