What are you faggots' reasons for not believing in human induced global climate change?
What are you faggots' reasons for not believing in human induced global climate change?
Climate alarmists are just trying to make a quick buck like everyone else
Because they're rural and suburban retards. Their only purpose in life is to shit up everything for no reason.
>posting in a spam thread
>not saging
>1 post by this id
>being this new
There's a difference in believing that we're changing the climate and in believing that climate change is something thought ought to be stopped.
Seeing reports of climate change on other planets within the solar system.
Because climate change has been going on for 4 billion years. Now get away.
The fact that the problem is monetized.
We have to ((pay)) for our "guilt".
I agree that the movement is being taken over by greedy elites for gain but also believe it makes complete sense that our emissions and output has an effect on the environment
1. Because it isn't allowed to be questioned.
2. Its ENTIRELY described as a bad thing with ZERO positive effects so it comes off as fear mongering.
3. Huge government funding at stake
4. Constantly changing "facts" that never quite line up with reality.
5. Earth is a self regulating system and has been for millions upon millions of years. To believe we are anything of any significance to the health of the earth is comical.
Yeah but this is so because of mass production of cows through animal agriculture, I.e. still human induced.
because our children will just evolve to live in higher co2 environments, thats the whole point of natural selection
Not how that works.
Not sure you understand how natural selection works....
>conflates 'survival of the fittest' and 'natural selection'
What about people in the third world that literally burn animal shit to cook food?
Because when people think of climate change they only think of sea levels rising and stupid shit. whereas they foget what is happening in parts of china which will soon start effecting the world.
In before our children have to wear masks to stop shit getting in their lungs.
But there are real observable effects of our actions, the Great Barrier Reef is utterly destroyed because of pollution and corrosion and we have reached our Carbon Tipping point because of GHG.
You're referring to parts of China being inhabitable because of pollution?
Parts of China are uninhabitable because they are desert and mountain.
Yes, I think we need to start looking into cleaner energy as enviroments are litterally dying from pollution such as the now not so great barrier reef. Its not the warming up we should be worrying about, its the shit we're breathing in and are in contact with 24/7 that we should be.
Yes that's how it works. He said our children as a collective for our kind.
Well obviously, fellow burger chan, but there are cities in China whose smog is so thick and toxic they have to be evacuated.
theres really not much saying that humans are the reason
climate is always changing and currently it's moving away from a minor ice age thus, making the world a little warmer
its not like the oxygen is going to run out or that everyone will die from carbon monoxide poisoning if we stop using coal and oil
Even if he was right you'd be supporting mass genocide in favor of people ending up having better genetics in the future. That's like if a mass plague spread through and scientists just gave up trying to find the cure because "well fuck it, someone will end up being immune and reproducing".
>lowering everyones quality of life and ruining the economy = making a better world
98% of GHG effect is from water vapor, of which we cause 0.001%
all of the CMIP models of temperature prediction were proven false by the observation data. the trend was BELOW the lower bound of ALL of them
what are your reasons to believe in it?
you make the claim, burden of proof lies on you
The lack of credible evidence of any kind as well as credible solutions proposed by the people pushing it. Yeah, pollution is bad, we get it. How the fuck is producing the same goods in another country + shipping it here somehow better than producing it locally?
I haven't looked into it much, but that probably has more to do with them being communist and forcing everyone into the cities.
c:\Documents and Settings
Not sure you are really arguing any of my points here. Earth is self regulating, it doesn't mean it will be particularly palatable for humans but it will be fine.
Its not, there is very little reason to believe some human would be born with a higher CO2 Tolerance and that it would have any impact of human life such that those genes would be passed on while others die off.
Maybe because the faggots yelling from their 3rd story apartment that resides over an artisan cheese shop cry out about the evil deniers of the true path: science. And yet they feel it is necessary to dip into the pocketbooks of others to fund the heathcare of another. So they deny evolutionary theory, or are at best attempting to subvert it by weakening the strong bloodlines via taxation and giving it to the weak bloodlines with congenital birth defects.
So I distance myself from those who would hold such a reverence for science when it suits them, but quickly disregard it when it harms them. Fairweather 'scientists', if you will.
Well yeah, Earth will always be fine it's not a living thing. The problem is as you say, Earth will not always be a sustainable environment for humans the issue herein lies when there's a possibility we can keep the earth sustainable for humanity.
The Great Barrier Reef is fine:
Yes, it's a link to Brietbart. No, that doesn't automatically discount the facts. Surveys at dozens of sites along hundreds of miles of the reef find that it is either perfectly fine, or recovering from the latest (of many throughout history) bleaching event.
The minuscule change in average ocean temperature, or the unsubstantiated claim of a change in ph of the ocean wouldn't selectively kill one small area of a homogonized whole, just like how supposedly rising sea levels cannot possibly pick and choose where they rise and would affect the planet as a whole, not just in a few specific spots.
Cherry picked data, and a mandate to prove the earth is dying leads to junk science like the claim that the reef is dead.
Correct version.
Those are answers not solutions. This thread is inane. Also there's no need for "belief" in science, if anthropomorphic global warming is real then present the evidence.
For me it's not a matter of belief. If it becomes a problem, we'll solve it with technology (necessity is the mother of invention). The problem for me is that these activists are not focusing on tech that will solve the problem, they're focusing on two things: tech that delays the problem and globalist politics they're sneaking in by using climate change as an excuse.
Here are some quotes from an article written by one of the most famous climate change activists, titled "What is Blocking Sustainability?
>The required unprecedented level of mutual trust among nations and the loss of some national sovereignty represents two such major stumbling blocks...
>one probably necessary sustainability tool — a global system of ecological tax reform (e.g., global carbon taxation)...
Basically they're just trying to use climate change as a vehicle to push globalist/liberal politics. It's another academic field corrupted by SJW's.
>what if it's a big hoax and we destroy the economies of white nations for no reason while simultaneously being tricked into accepting literally billions of "climate refugees"
Are you fucking stupid? Do you think all that particulate matter clogging the air in China is CO2?
>wants livable cities
>does nothing about black crime
Never said it was, cucklord.
Fair point
Who gives a fuck? I don't live by the coast. The seas can rise 300 ft, I don't fucking care.
The sea level has risen and fell throughout time. It'll do it again. There's not much we can do to stop it, especially with increased volcanic activity, now.
We damn well better step up our collection of fuels while we can for as long as we can so we can harvest enough material to build solutions to rising water and higher temperatures. We already passed the point of no return, so conservation isn't the answer, although we don't need to be wasteful because some resources may run out.
For the sake of argument, what if it wasn't and we destroy the sustainability of our planet because we valued economics over survivability?
>Not just having house plants to convert c02 into sweet rich oxygen
Humans exhale c02. Every breath you take is producing climate poison according to these fanatics. Rmyt.
Aborigines defy your claim.
Planet earth has NEVER been stable.
Its been in constant flux, going through stages of warming, then cooling, then warming again.
That's part of the reason for the multitude of species.
Change creates an environment that's more advantageous for a npon-dominant organism and populations shift.
With change the planet would still be full of just dinosaurs.
because the rothschildsa re behind it
There wasn't that much adversity.
Well, there's a couple billion years worth of evidence that shows climate change is completely natural and normal.
Not a single scientist says that there was no climate change before, what they say is that it happens a lot faster due to human actions.
Interesting take
It's not like I don't believe, I just don't give a shit.
Also, good luck forcing anyone to go renewable.
Also, good luck making a renewable base load.
Nice. Legit as fuck.
Why should I trust the people who told me I'd be underwater by now because I live near the coast?
Seems like an excuse for global socalism.
>burden of proof
babby's new buzzphrase