I hope he does just to trigger libs to no end.
Maybe grab him by his boipussy too.
I hope he does just to trigger libs to no end.
Maybe grab him by his boipussy too.
Other urls found in this thread:
This would be so hot. A quick kiss, too. Hnnngggggg....
Why though? Why is this even up for discussion?
It would put a cramp in the libs style and turn people against the trannys just like how Milo had the SJWs hating gay white men
For political reasons I approve as long as Pence get a go at "it" in the next 8 years,
No that's gay as fuck.
Every ounce of their insides would want to scream that Trump is gay, but they can't because they spent the past 8 years saying Bruce Jenner is a woman.
Trump aint gonna do that.. OP is a faggot.
God the butthurt and confusion it would cause would be so massive but I still can't condone it just because of the sheer faggotry involved.
If trump does this I wont vote for him again.
He was elected because he went against the bullshit agendas that have been pushed for the last 8 years.
If he goes on stage and does anything with bruce jenner, then he is essentially laying down and taking it like a bitch.
Are you a bitch, Donald?
You apparently missed the time that big Don let Bruce Jenner in his tower for a tinkle and told him to piss wherever he wanted.
Hate to break it to you, but Bruce Jenner is a Republican even if he is a huge faggot, and his family is tied to Trump.
how the fuck will that thing even be there, deny access, not press, not politician, no reason for him to be there
Do hotels even have separate bathrooms?
I think it's moreso the fact that they hate everything about him, call him racist and that he'll fire up the gay death camps but if he would shake a leg with a tranny at the inaug, what would be left to scream about?
Don't let your memes be dreams.
Buckle up, buckaroos.
Oh yeah! Just slap Caitlyn Jenner on the ass. And have Jenner say, "Way to go Trump, on behalf of all women, I am giving you the green light!" Then the left eats itself.
Fake news
Wtf this is absolutley disgusting in every way shape or form. They better not do this.
>Buckle up buckaroo
fuck that
They'll just say he hates black people.
Until people forget about this, and then they'll get back on the point about him being an anti-gay bigot.
It doesn't follow reality, they just want to be angry. They'll create reasons to be that way, they constantly do it.
They are children, functionally.
Wouldn't be the first time Trump got up close and personal with a man in a dress.
Literally South Park was right again
Lel they already turned on Jenner from what I've seen
Are you retarded? Liberals would actually like him for that. It's conservatives that would throw a shit fit.
Fucking kill yourself you piece of shit, its "Americans" like you that make me want to move.
that does sound pretty hot
Please, they'd continue screaming about the exact same things because they are completely disconnected from reality. They call him racist with zero evidence, they call him homophobe even though his call for protection of LGBTs at a Republican convention was met with roaring cheers, and they call him a xenophobe for suggesting that as president he'll do the job of the president.
fucking kek.. Does it ever end? I truly hope we get a full 4 years of memes out of this guy, thanks again Murrica!
Pls let this happen, it would destroy the left and their identity politics for the next 8 years.
>Richard Johnson
>Dick Johnson
>Penis Penis
Caitlin Jenner expressed the wrong political opinions, so it's opinions no longer matter. One might say it's not even a tranny anymore
>Maybe grab him by his boipussy too.
I wouldnt even know what to think. It would be the biggest sandal ever
please don't
Caitlyn Jenner bro. Not Blaire White.
>on behalf of all women
Top fucking kek. The minute that happens is the minute the left drops sjwism like a fucking stone. They are already quickly devolving into circa 2003 neocons to be contrary to Trump, he has the power to meme them into adopting full on cuckservative out of their irrational hatred towards Trump
He should make it a show too graping him by the pussy and breasts while saying to libs that this now belongs to him. Libs will love him for it they love to get shit on.
I remember seeing a sjw rant about how he is rich and white so it's easy for him to be a tyranny and nothing special
I don't care if he talks with him or hangs out with him or something, but dancing with him is just too far. That's just helping the jews agenda and is fucking twisted to have the president of the united states chest to chest with a tranny.
if he does it, i will delete my trump folder
>but he's troll-
fuck off
Omg you're so intolerant!
hehe yeah that sure would show them.
You know what else would totally trigger some liberals is if he and everyone else in the alt-right got down and sucked a dick.
Those liberals would be furious!
>Libs would shut up!
No they won't.
Time and time again the Left has proven that their bubble is unburstable.
If Trump would dance with Jenner, Left won't see it as Trump not being anti-LGBT,
they see Jenner being pro-Trump, who is Anti-LGBT, therefore a traitor to the movement.
Did you not see the RNC where he was applauded saying he will protect the mentally ill? If there's one thing conservatives Christians hate more than gays is Muslims. I think they know deep down that gays are probably born that way and think trannies shouldn't cut off their dicks but they understand that it could be anyone's kid born that way. But God dammit, do they hate Muslims who come here more than anything else.
Also Peter Thiel said he was proud to be gay at the RNC and was given a standing ovation.
This. What the fuck?
If he does it I'll stop supporting him.
>Heh guys Imagine if he sucked nigger dicks!! Dat wud trigger liberals!! xDDDDDDD
>Drumpf fags already forgot when Trump was hitting on Rudy Giuliani in drag
>4 years
Well, you're half right
Grabbing the boipussy would be the cherry on the top. Not sure if there is a pun in there.
Are trannys really a threat?
I know faggotry is something people can slip in and out of so it can spread easier, but seriously, how much of the population is actually going to have hormone therapy and surgery and all the rest of that shit? It just doesn't seem like something that will ever catch serious wind. It might seem like it on the internet because they put themselves out there, but in real life there are tens of thousands of normal people for every one of these kooks.
It's still a dangerous way of thinking. You have lefty parents coercing their kids into thinking they can be another gender and then pumping them full of hormones. It's sick what they're doing.
I can see this going down.
>dances with kaitlyn
>waltz etc
>when finished give him a quick peck on the cheek
Taking a piss is literally a non issue. Trumps building meaning trump doesn't give a fuck.
This was hilarious. Libtards confirmed for no sense of humor.
Oh for sure, I'm only talking about adults. Parents who do this shit to impressionable children need a bullet in the brain.
He can't just cheat on Rudy like that.
What's the fucking point? So we can accept trannies and faggots into our right-wing movement? Congratulations, you just let the Left win by having us accepting their ideologies - although I suspect that was your agenda all along.
Fucking kill yourselves
Libtards really hate Bruce. They know Trump will grab that boipucci.
You misspelled Sean Hannity
Only a threat when parents force their kids to become a girl or make them think it's okay to slip in and out of genders like a split personality. Between consenting adults, I don't give a shit.
Libs won't know how to react, their heads will explode. 6-D chess.
Pence with cattle prod: "may I have this dance?"
t. Nigger
why the fuck would jenner even be invited?
This. The normalization of this bullshit has to stop. I didn't vote for a fucking tumblr SJW.
He's going to dance with Hillary. Screencap this
Caitlyn Jenner is redpilled
>literally estrogenpilled
it's a ruse
Why even suggest such a retarded thing?
Southpark did it!
He should have butt sex with him to secure 2020
Yeah it's Giuliani.
I think he should dance with her.
And when her extra large clit is pressing through her dress into Trump's leg, he should gracefully ignore it.
This, he did it to get out of manslaughter charges, was so obvious at the time but normies are more easily distracted than someone with ADD
user please.. My cock can only get si erected!
The Trump tower is more than just hotels. I've been to a conference at the one in Chicago. They have a restaurant, conference rooms, a ball room, a piano on every floor. It's amazing.
I hope he says "I'm not swingng that way, I never dance with guys"
Entire liberal media would be so triggered it would be best ball ever.
Trannies have always flourished under conservative ideologies--Augustus' Rome, modern day Iran, Pakistan and Thailand. Many examples.
Pence wants to make Jenner "dance".
Nah, they would be more triggered if he danced with 'her'. It would undermine all their bullshit. Then he could go on Twitter, his first tweet as president and say
>Wonderful dance with Caityln J. She is a beautiful and vibrant woman! The liberal media and loser protestors are the real bigots!