>This is on the front page of Reddit right now

Other urls found in this thread:

>The amount of people crying in the comment section

So many angry fags rn lmao

go back faggot and stay there

>comment section locked

>all the offended faggots cringe about "racism"

upvoted kek

>tfw ironic memes shift the Overton window

The comments section is a lot funnier than the pic.

Is this real life

>you don't know what you don't know

>all the comments about how it's TOTALLY NOT RACIST

fucking lol, stay cucked reddit
racism is funny

really gets my neutrons popping

satan is a pro snowboarder?

>openly bragging about going to Reddit
>coming to Sup Forums and expecting a warm welcome

Fucking faggot, go there and stay there.

Why do people absolutely hate reddit here? It's not THAT bad and this is evidence of it

He told him to fucking change it up a little. Fucking niggers cant even copy homework right.

Wow. That's really quite rude of you mate x

Why is appreciating memes apostacy to Sup Forums? I agree most of plebbit is fag tier but come on

really gets the old dreidle spinning

>calling an italian a pizza is okay, calling a black person a monkey is not

What? At least an ape is sentient, thereal reason people find this offensive is because of self guilt. They know themselves that some black people do look like, and act like monkeys, that's why the comparison is more offensive, because at the same time it's less absurd and more realistic.

Highly left leaning and has SJW mods. Get rid the mods and Sup Forums will hate reddit less.

See, thats why I dont go to reddit. Im black and I found that pic to be hilarious. You guys may be dicks around here but at least youre not fake.

The mods made a comment refusing to take it down now matter how many complaints it gets. It also suggest that the visit /r/Reeeeeee

Ah, in which case I don't know how to fix reddit. Thanks for the information.

Any ideas on how to make reddit great again?


>pic about blm being the apes in planet of the apes.

we do that shit here everyday

removing the upvote/downvote system is a start

>Removing one of the most iconic parts of the website.

Not saying you're wrong, but is that really a good idea?

Yeah, and get rid of user accounts since tracking karma is no longer meaningful, and they only serve to generate forum style wankery. And maybe streamline the comments section, so it's easier to reply to the initial post and have an actual discussion about the topic.

Sounds like a great website, if only someone would do something like that.

>Any ideas on how to make reddit great again?
Never talking about it again

You think it don't be like it be, but it do

All the karma system does is remove things that the public disagrees with, and promotes things they agree with. The entire system is designed to create a literal hugbox where you only have to look at content that has been filtered to agree with your sensibilities.

Yes. Without it people would be trying to spout the most popular opinion and people would actually say what they think. It would also keep unpopular comments from being forced to the bottom by a bunch of sycophantic neoliberals

Now I understand. Thank you for the clarification.

Still, there is no chance reddit would do this.

Great idea! That way paid shills and literal fags can spam every subreddit with blacked and cunny threads without some sort of system to keep it in check.

Not a fucking chance. People go there to feel like there opinion means more than others, and to see people they don't agree with essentially silenced.

Reddit has literal fucking trigger warnings?

For fucks sake. How is it not legal to kill these shitstains?

>Still, there is no chance reddit would do this.
Exactly, which is why reddit is trash.

Ever read A Brave New World?
Pick your poison, the painful truth of Sup Forums, or the comfortable lies of Reddit.

Look at how popular pure unadulterated racism still is on this site. North of 10,000 people upvoted this post.
This is why Trump won.

>upvotes/downvotes are iconic to reddit
youtube was made before reddit

users with lots of upvotes typically have a sense of elitism about them. It creates echo chambers, and makes other views look "wrong".



Can't make it great again, it was never great.

Let it go the way of Digg, which it already is.

just checked /r/all on plebbit
how does The Don reach #12 with 0 upvotes?
I hate that faggot site, they can't even into propaganda

We did it Reddit

Black Twitter is self-hating now?

KEK look at the user HarposMinge, they are beyond triggered, maybe we can trigger them into submission and make them commit reddicde and stop using plebbit altogether, then they will come to Sup Forums and become based af

>bendydick plunderersnatch joke is at ELEVEN POINT NINE FUCKING THOUSAND

This is why reddit is shit

>Ever read A Brave New World?
No, but I heard about the philosophy behind it. I was going to read it some day, but I have other books I want to complete first.


It's heavy handed as fuck, but quite good.

4/chan Sup Forums is becoming another liberal fucking safe space by PC Kikes and triggered niggers. 4/chan Sup Forums is and always will be a free speech (as long as your not mentally retarded or a bot) area where you can voice your concern, criticism, and beliefs. Viva la freedom of speech. Let no Triggered Nigger or PC kike say otherwise. 8/chan Sup Forums is my home now. But sometimes I venture out into 4/chan to give voice to concern. Watch my comment be deleted or my account suspended by a Nigger or a Kike.

yea it probly won't bro you are fine, ok?

You think you do, but you don't.

Fuck off nigger. Kill yourself and your filthy genepool

>tfw people on reddit are calling others normies

How do people drown???? LOL for real just drink the water nigga like the fuck???!!?!?!?!?!!!

Funny junk had votes before reddit even existed

>trigger warning

shmash dat upboat boiii.

It has always been great

>simply point out whites get slammed 24/7 on social media and nobody gives a fuck, yet everyone is in arms if a black person is made fun of
>don't even be crude or racist in the process
>comment deleted and this faggot replies

What a wonderful place.

If the mods are allowing this and allowing the users to decide what does and doesnt make the front page - why dont we just flood DankMemes with this style of triggering images?

If you know what you know, you lose

>institutionalized racism
So how many generations of this "its ok to make fun of whitey" racism do we have to endure before we can start playing the gibs card?

It's a democracy until something they don't agree with gets upvoted onto the front page - then they blather on about how they won't allow "hatespeech" (a photo of Donald Trump) to be spread on their service.

Too late.

r/the_donald has been here for months

>named after based Ezra "I'm gonna kill you, Hebrew" Pound
>is a sjw

Why liberals pretend to take a higher moral ground.

"Let me be offended for you" sometimes it's extremely off-putting and sounds condescending. The see minorities like babies that need constant protection.

The reason these people are subhuman, regardless of color, is because they have no Conscience.
There's a difference between being Conscious and having consciousness, the thinking and the existing. They have no idea to look past "I", and force fed unsubtle identity politics are the heart of all their great struggles. They have no sense of the greater whole besides themselves and their perceived suffering.

To sum up: there's simply no reasoning with these people. Your mind is literally different.

>Reddit literally had trigger warnings
Jesus Christ. End my fucking life, family.

That's offensive as hell, user

>grow up and stop saying things that hurt my fee fees

>Trigger Warning

Same. I can't stand how reddit deletes unpopular posts and gets so butthurt.

>has trigger warning

Yes but it depends on the subreddi some do and some dont

That or you get downvoted to oblivion and disappear. And I'm not even radical like most people here, just not a leftists… but reddit is a leftist cesspool.


Comments questioning the progressive agenda are starting to creep into areas where they never existed previously.

The shitlibs only defense is censorship, and all that does it turn more people against them.

>plebbitors calling each other normies

An Italian is obviously not an actual pizza.

The jury is still out on whether blacks are monkeys.

The truth hurts.

>What? At least an ape is sentient
if triples pizzas are sentient too

So u be sayin they ain't woke ?

This false-flagging nigger.

>It's not THAT bad and this is evidence of it
No it's not, fuck off

I be saying dey ain't woke, son.

Would Sup Forums get great with an upvote system?

What is that image?

For a board called dankmemes, that's fucking gay


>Trump's picture loses the popular vote but still ends up on the winning page


It's an ironic trigger warning is it not? After all the cucks started crying in the comments

Noggin status: Joggin'

It would breed same retarded conformity culture that leddit has.

>inb4 Sup Forums is hugbox
to a degree, but it's not like we don't have several blacked threads everyday


All of you need to stay there and never come back. Regardless of your ideology.

"Words cause harm grow up"
Isn't that one of the things kids are taught is wrong? Like flat out name calling and bad words are just words...

Yeah, sticks and stones my break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Words are just words, it's the meaning that can cause pain. For instance, some stranger on the internet calling me a faggot means nothing, but if my parents called me, invited me to dinner, and then told me I was an accident, they never loved me, and they only actually ever wanted one child, so I'm no longer to speak to them or show up to family gatherings, that would fucking suck.

Now, that may seem like an oddly specific example, and it is. I will leave it to you to figure out why.