>get more votes than your opponent
>don't become president
would love to hear anyone defend this
>get more votes than your opponent
>don't become president
would love to hear anyone defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
We live in a republic.
Not a fucking commie shit fake democracy.
>counting illegal votes as legitimate
Democracy is tyranny. If you want democracy go to china
Repeated posts on the same issue that add nothing. Mods can you please ban?
>its not 5
would love to hear anyone defend this
hard mode: no MUH NUMBER FOUR (4)
>h-hard mode, no facts in this thread
Fuck off, kid.
California and New York are the first and third largest states in the country and they both went about 80% for Hillary so obviously she got more votes.
Doesn't make her more deserving of the Presidency than the man who won 30 of the 50 states.
>defend this without stating indisputable facts
Why am I even replying to bait
Hillary won the popular vote due to huge margins from nonwhites
Trump won 59% of white Americans
Nonwhites aren't really Americans therefore Trump really won the popular vote.
uh he won the popular vote in most of the states so he wins duh
How many of those votes for Hillary were illegal?
trump won lol eat shit
>hard mode
>conveniently takes out the argument that refutes his entire point
Anyways it's not hard to understand why. The states run the elections. States are given a certain number of electors based on their population. The electors vote based on which candidate wins the state. This is the most effective form of democracy because it ensures that all states have an equal say in the electoral process. People in rural Wyoming make their votes actually count. If we had direct democracy (like the Greeks), we would fall to a system of mob rule (like the Greeks). By giving representation through electors, you make it so that the most populous areas don't decide elections for an entire country. The electoral college benefits both sides. It's just that in this case, the Dems failed to convince Middle America to vote for them.
The electoral college is the most effective way of picking presidents without run off rounds (like most countries). Most countries have a run-off round to eliminate third parties so that from the two top contenders one will surely get a majority. Direct democracy does not work, has never worked, and needs some form of either run off rounds or electoral representation to be fair at all. Eliminating the electoral college is eliminating both the cornerstone of federalism and ACTUAL democracy in America.
Riddle solved
>L.A and New York deciding every election
l.a and jew york don't represent my views nigger
>hard mode
illegals and dead people
Each state has a certain amount of electoral votes, and if someone gets 270 electoral votes, they win the presidency.
Guess who got more than 270 electoral votes?
Hint: It wasn't Hillary Rodham-Clinton
Because the Constitution sets up the Republican framework of our nation, you dumb faggot
nice numerals tho
It's over. Go home.
It doesn't matter how many pieces you capture in a game of chess. If you get checkmated, you still lose.
Some people in solid red/blue states don't vote because they know there is no way thier state will flip colors.
If you were a republican, would you even show up to the polls in Cali or NY?
>get more votes than your opponent
>don't become president
Because being president is not about getting the most popular votes, it's about getting the most electoral votes. This is always how it's been.
Trump got 304 votes. 34 more than the 270 required to win.
>1 post by this ID
Life's not fair.
>letting a handful of big cities decide the outcome of every election
Its in the constitution, and unlike leftists, some of us still respect it.
We arent a democracy and never have been. The electoral college is to prevent someone from stuffing ballot boxes and havingthe majority of nyc, la, and chiraq vote for you to determine the election
Counties. It's how our system works.
Hillary was 15.5% of the nations counties.
out of
So. Just go about killing yourself yeah?
You know how we have a house and a senate?
California and NY would be the two places in this country if this was popular vote
hard mode: no arguments against mine
Still working hard for CTR I see. Look Obummer did the same thing Trump did, why don't complain about that too.
You live in the US and you don't know shit about your own electoral system. At least you're on Sup Forums learning how it works though.
In seriousness though, we are the United STATES of America, not the United Popular Vote Mobs of America.
The states vote. Popular vote only matters at the state level; the state goes red or blue depending on the results of the popular vote in each state (except in the case of faithless electors). Then the results of the election are determined by the states.
That's the short version of it. See here for more info, since you have such a cartoonish and naive misunderstanding of how presidential elections work here:
>completely blue
Flies Are With Her
because of the smart system your founding fathers created
opponent wins more states.
muh electoral college is wrong.
where was that landslide you guys were touting just a week before the election?
>>get more votes than your opponent
>>don't become president
>would love to hear anyone defend this
Trump won more states.
Huh, so the truth is not allowed anymore? Why should two urban shitholes dominate the politics of an entire nation? I hear all this bullshit talk about diversity, and yet political, economic, and geographic diversity get thrown out the window at the first fucking chance by fucking educated-yet-unintelligent baristas that claim the rights of the minority should not be trod upon, for fear of tyranny, until that mantra no longer suits them.
So fuck you, fuck your question, and fuck the progressive left.
People (liberals) seem to forget the US is basically just 50 little countries. I mean it's literally in the name.
>would love to hear anyone defend this
US Presidential elections aren't decided by populat vote. /thread
>Democracy is tyranny
>Let's have a bunch of autistic fucks decide the election instead!!!
>1 post by this ID
>people still respond
Because population density
Geographically, there are areas in America that are just way better to live in terms of quality of life and average salary. These places are so densely populated in contrast with the rest of the country and consequently see a lot more federal spending/investment than the rest of the country. These people are also out of touch with the rest of the country, not willfully, it just happens when you live in a bubble. Why should these people who exist in an area that might aswell be in another country hold the same voting power as the rest of the sparsely populated voters who are on the other end of the spectrum?
Update your map that's from 2012
Fuck off ya lost lmao
1 post by this ID
Because electing the President has never been determined by popular vote. The electoral college is essentially a compromise between different groups that each suggested a different method of selecting a President.
Some wanted the popular vote, some wanted the legislature to select, others wanted the state governor to pick.
The only reason people want to get rid of the electoral college is Hilldawg losing. Democrats actually have a solid advantage in the electoral college.
And yet the reason behind the civil war is still lost upon the retarded. What happens when a rich, populated, and well-developed part of a nation tries to interject with their bullshit? No one can, with sound mind, suggest that a banker in New York knows what is best for a coal miner in west virginia. Oh wait, there aren't many of those guys now, because urban tards decided to cut off a source of cheap power and destroy an entire region's economic viability. Just like san fucksicko trying to vote to destroy their own water supply.
When 40% of the population chooses not to vote you cant say majority voted for clinton more people didnt vote then voted for clinton
how about this?
The United States is a Republic, not a Democracy
This and also you can't say she was technically the most "popular" because in addition to all the eligible voters who didn't vote you have no idea who the third party voters preference was
Democracy is 11 rapists and a woman on a jury.
The """""""election"""""""""" is 51 referendums. You can't win just 20/51 and expect to win. This has been the way for 200+ years and the Demoshits would have known that if they knew any American Civics or a the Constitution.
>Trump land can function properly and independently of Clinton land
>Clinton land is utterly dependant on Trump Land
When will we just glass the (((big cities))) already?
So no California or New york? Then by your rules she lost the popular vote.
Popular vote is a dumb idea a promotes further division. Want an example? Look at Canada. Most Federal Elections here are decided by Toronto. The reason we have JUSTin Turdeau is because the politics of our country are decided by a nest of degeneracy.
Everything west of Ontario hates Ontario for this reason. Quebec hates everyone, but Ontario most of all. The only other place to vote liberal is the Maritimes, and I think their favourite pastime piscaphilia.
Don't let a handful of cities decide the course of an entire nation.
Fucking mexicans, niggers and millions of dead democrats do not a majority make...
>would love to hear anyone defend this
Illegals voting for Clinton is well-documented.
>hey let's go vote for Hillary
>but first I have to mutilate my genitalia and call myself a woman
>let's get the state to pay my bills
That would be the entire point of the electoral college. So that a few concentrated cities full of ((immigrants)) and blacks voting at the behest of their masters does not wholly decide the outcome.
I defend it. Also, CA and NY.
Bonus mode: you're a faggot.
But you hacked it so it doesn't count.
this looks fine desu. in time, major cities are bound to develop. and without the influence of these new (((lakes))), i can't imagine a better place to live.
The United States is a federal republic that emphasize the importance of states. We are a union of states in this regard, hence our name, and that's why the Electoral College is in place.
States were originally supposed to play a much larger role in our society, until that was eroded by those who wanted us to resemble a democracy.
Senators were originally elected by state legislators, who were in turn elected by the populace. The House was to act as the people's direct line to the legislative branch.
It's far more common than you would think.
For example in the UK the UKIP won 12% of the vote and got 2 seats while the Scottish National party won 4% and got 56 seats.
In Canada the current PM's party got less than than 40% of the votes yet formed a majority government.
In both cases it's the lower level breakdown that filters results.
If you win 95% of the votes in the area and your system is first past the post and winner take all, that 95% is as meaningful as winning 31% so long as everyone else only got 30% or less.
Zero of them you cucked Alex Jones cocksucking shitstain. Why the fuck would somebody who's here illegally put themselves at risk of exposure? Where is the proof of this?
>We live in a republic.
>Not a fucking commie shit fake democracy.
You are a fucking moron. Republic doesn't mean anything other than not having a hereditary rule. The US is very much a democracy, as well as a republic.
Wrong, it's technically a constitutional republic, the founding fathers never wanted true democracy in fear of some inexperienced populist being elected Google it
I'm fucking Mexican and I know more about your own political system, kek
US is not a democracy we are a republic. Learn some shit about the land you are on
If the Atlantic provinces had voted all for the Conservatives the government would be a majority Conservative. But they voted all for Liberals.
Ontario was not exactly balanced but it is a 60/40 split.
you see the states?
they're colored for a reason
She "won" the popular vote despite being by far the worst presidential candidate of all time. That isn't possible without massive rigging. There are tons of reports of Democrats voting more than once, Democrats voting in other people's names including dead people, illegals voting without IDs, voting machines turning Trump votes into Hillary votes, fake stacks of Hillary ballots, Trump votes being thrown away, Democrats intimidating Republican voters, Republican polling center workers being kicked out so the Democrats can rig away, polling centers in Democrat areas staying open longer than they were supposed to, suspiciously high Democrat vote totals in certain Democrat counties run by major DNC officials, and of course all the fake polls oversampling Democrats to demoralize Trump voters. We already have huge amounts of proof they rigged the Democratic primary. You can be damn sure there was a ton of globalist-sponsored Democrat fraud in the general election, and yet President Trump still won in an electoral landslide. Say it faggot. President Trump!
They both knew the rules going in
If the game had been "Popular vote" instead of electoral vote, entirely different campaigns would have been run
Everyone bitching about this right now would be sucking the electoral college's dick if the opposite had happened
And the national guard is the only well-regulated militia...
>% of others
>Wrong, it's technically a constitutional republic, the founding fathers never wanted true democracy in fear of some inexperienced populist being elected Google it
>I'm fucking Mexican and I know more about your own political system, kek
It's still a republic and still a democracy.
A constitutional republic is a subset of republics and democracies.
To say that they US government was never to be a democracy is insane given the whole creation was based off the idea of people NOT having a say and that being unfair. The Creation of the USA was in reply to a lack of democracy.
Just because the title given to the government says Constitutional Republic means very little. It's the mechanics of the government that set the type no matter what it's called.
For example the UK is a monarchy, a democracy and a parliamentary system, by mechanics.
They call their government "Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy".
Which is funny as the UK doesn't have a fucking constitution.
Do you understand?
The electoral college forces the POTUS to take the small states into account. Many nations have a similar iteration of this, such as the UK, which requires a hypothetical PM to have their party win the most MP seats, and thus listen to concerns from lots of areas.
There is zero evidence for anything you said. In fact, the only cases of voter fraud were mostly faggots getting caught voting twice for Trump.
Why are trumplets so delusional?
Honestly, I'm looking forward to you poorfags getting poorer in the next 4 years. Should be hilarious to watch 'red america' suffer even more.
>US is not a democracy we are a republic. Learn some shit about the land you are on
In what way is the US not a democracy? Do people not vote for representatives? Is the vote not legally binding on the government?
How does not having a monarchy somehow negate the people having a vote? (even while they do).
Explain what you think the words republic and democracy mean please.
How about get rid of the 3 to 5 million illigal votes. Then there is this thing called the electoral vote. How fucking hard headed do you have to be not to understand any of this? Just get over it. There is nothing you can do but cry like a lil baby. No one who matters voted for that currupt peices of shit Clinton so just get over it cry baby. Big Daddy is here, and you can't do shit. Bahahahahahaha
306 > 232
Sorry, you can't just take over a few states and then make it easier for immigrants to gain citizenship in those states to abuse popular democracy.
Because we're not a popular democracy, and we never were. Stop judging a game of baseball with cricket rules.
Impossible, because this is the argument. Clinton won CA by 4M. Trump won the rest of the entire fucking country by 1.7M. You can't have a single state decide every election.
Also, the popular vote was never the goal of any campaign. You can't lose as per the rules everyone agreed upon and suddenly claim to have won, because you have done something which was never a goal.
We need to fix that.
Seriously. There is no discussion ever on this board save for once in a blue moon. Wish the mods would fucking do something.
Will new england ever be uncucked
Not understanding how our politics have worked since the beginning of the country. Maybe you should defend your lack on political knowledge.
fuck off
Oh shut up. If pic related didn't steal the votes in 2000, you would have been under Democrat rule for 24 years (your entire life most likely).