We are we punishing humans for fucking up animals? Aren't they merely soulless automatons? Why killing insects or even plants is ok, but dogs and other parasites are a huge no-no? Your taxes go into hunting down that man (or a woman). Don't you have more important things to spend your taxes on?
We are we punishing humans for fucking up animals? Aren't they merely soulless automatons...
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Hey, the 17th century called, Descartes would like a word.
>We are we
>punishing humans
implying it was humans who did that to the dog
kys polish subhuman
Descartes was a fag and now he is dead.
I will ask again. Why are animals protected better than our homeless people?
See poland this is why you got partitioned three times and both the nazis and the soviets treated you like shit
Because there is a special connection between humans and dogs, it is completely natural as well. The only people opposed to it are retarded Muslims and psychopaths.
Because even animals are more useful than homeless people. You have to be a monumental fuck up to become homeless
Any real other than "dogs are making me feel warm inside so it must be wrong to eat them"?
Throw dog abusers in the oven with the kikes.
>Why are animals protected better than our homeless people?
Because no one cares about junkies who ruin their own lives.
Your final (You).
Animals are property. Property rights should be observed.
>Because there is a special connection between humans and dogs
Evolution made them behave like that to become the parasite that you like to feed. Nowadays they are useless for hunting if you live in a city. What is their purpose other than to make you feel like better about having no gf?
>Your taxes go into hunting down that man (or a woman)
Yeah, because someone that goes out of their way to cause unnecessary pain to an animal (not even for reasons of consumption,) is going to limit their sadism to 'animals'.
Someone like that probably wouldn't flinch when torturing a human—so please, explain why that vile excuse for a person should roam free?
This seems to be an issue for animal control.
Just firebomb that useless city already
0/10 OP. made me reply. Poor dog.
>explain why that vile excuse for a person should roam free?
Maybe he just uses animals to ease his inner pain instead of Video games? How do you know he would harm a human?
The dog probably got caught up in a turf war with the other territorial animals running loose there.
Fucking disgusting.
Torture of animals demonstrates a capacity and a propencity for unprovoked and cruel violence. Thus you are a danger to society, thus you are punished. What's not to get?
I'd adopt that doggo.
I would personally firebomb the house of the nigger who did this
Polandbro, its realy depressing me that you wrote this post. You are catholic as we are. Our religion says, that we have to help the poor and fallen.
What is moore poor and fallen than an animal, what cant scream for help and deffend itself?
By the way, you are right, a lot of holes needed to be filled with money. If some human beeings were decent this wasnt a problem. But realy sometimes the green party peoples are retarded too...
>dog tortured by nigger
>why punish the nigger? dogs have no feelings
>said nigger tortures a man/woman
>why punish the nigger? he probably killed a slut/a cuck
This is why your country gets divided by other countries every 50-100 years
If you let it slide, then what will stop a crazy neighbor cutting your pet's ears if he has a dispute with you?
>a capacity and a propencity for unprovoked and cruel violence.
Sounds like a natural human male behavior.
>ease his inner pain
Is there something you want to tell us, Polish edgelord? Or are you just spouting edgy nonsense. Only subhumans torture an animal. If you're going to eat it, then do it quickly and fairly painlessly.
Im no bleeding heart liberal but you should watch this.
If you are going to kill, kill quickly and as painlessly as possible.
Show mercy whenever you can
We have dominion over this earth and the creatures therein. As such we have the mandate to strive for excellence in all things.
it keeps happening
>Our religion says, that we have to help the poor and fallen.
Animals aren't poor nor fallen.
They don't have the concept of money nor concepts of success/failure.
A sign of muslims coming to your neighborhood.
You went too far with that post. It is now obvious that you're just shitposting.
Clearly the Nazis didn't kill enough of your people.
>Aren't they merely soulless automatons?
Sure but Ill feel pretty good when I spill the guy that did it brains all over the sidewalk.
>If you're going to eat it, then do it quickly and fairly painlessly.
That's another thing. Why does it matter how you will murder your pray if it's destined to die anyway. It won't give a fuck about the pain once it's dead. Stop projecting your feelings on dead things.
You're the only soulless automaton up in here my man.
> another polish shitpost
>If you are going to kill, kill quickly and as painlessly as possible.
But why? How will the animal benefit from this once its fucking dead?
Torturing animals is a sign of a dangerously unstable person. I don't care about animals, but throw anyone like that in prison or put them in the army and ship them to Afghanistan before they move on to going after people.
dude, its kinda fucked up to do that. those people are dangerous freaks and need to be put down
Abusing puppers should be punishable by death
Dogs have been bred amd adapted for thousands of years to be companion animals to humans. If you don't like dogs/dogs don't like you, that suggests a lack of quality in you. If you harm dogs (except in self defense) then you are a sub-human. I'm okay with my taxes being used to hunt down and lock up sub-humans
Besides, harming/killing animals for pleasure is an indicator of someone who is likely to eventually move on to hurting/killing people.
Also this
How you treat things that you have power over shows your character
Maybe Hitler should've genocided you.
Hey Poland, step up or we shall have to take over again. We need clay for storing Ahmeds, anyway.
Why is male aggression frowned upon in modern western society? Violent people used to be respected by everyone and rewarded for their violence.
Because dogs are fucking loyal, unlike women. Fuck off.
Stop feeding them and see how long they will keep loyal to you.
If you watch the video i am confident you will understand.
You're on Sup Forums you have time to watch a 5 minute clip on youtube.
I saw that video years ago.
Elephants may be smart, but they are not humans and they will never be. Nothing will convince me that something deserves any special treatment just because its smart.
How is mercy special treatment?
Hello toilet cleaner,
It is clearly apparent the shit you clean on a daily basis is now coming out of your mouth.
Doggos are based.
Are you he? Get back to hades.
You just know a Muslim did this
He was probably a white Christian male.
It's easy.
If you're fine with maiming a dog you're fine with maiming a human.
Chronic homeless are parasites. Dogs can give benefits like not stealing your money for drugs.
Or a nig. Bastards seem to take joy out of kicking cats too.
I assure you no such thing exists anymore
The ability for useful and justified violence is the same as "a capacity and a propencity for unprovoked and cruel violence."
The key words here are "unprovoked and cruel", not "violence"
>Why are animals protected better than our homeless people?
They're not.
A stray dog will be locked up and eventually killed.
We kill about 1 million pit bulls per year, and that's just in the stray dog category.
A homeless man can roam and live on the streets.
>ever more valuable/productive than dogs
It figures it's the dumb polack who doesn't understand it's not what you hurt or kill but why.
You hurt or kill things/people for fun then you are shit and should be hunted down.
They feel pain. If you're going to kill it to eat it, then do it. If you're going to kill it to feel what it's like to kill something, you're awful, but do it quickly. Why make something suffer for your own pleasure? That only shows weakness. It makes other people crave to end your internal suffering. Because that's what it is - your suffering being projected onto something else.
So no matter how you justify harming animals, they don't deserve to suffer humanity's curse. That's ours to deal with - leave them out of it.
>Why make something suffer for your own pleasure?
Why not?
That only shows weakness.
Homeless people choose to smoke meth and drink
Fuck the homeless sacks of shit let them starve or better yet grind them up for kibble for street dogs
Dogs are disgusting animals, truly the niggers of the Animal Kingdom.
Because only niggers and psychopaths have no respect for God's creatures. You're probably a soulless chink that snuck a free ride into Poland. Open your eyes and you might see the spirit in those animals.
>asking source for psychological inferiority/superiority ego complex
Why not? Did you read what I wrote? Because when someone behaves like a spiteful cunt, people that see this behavior see it as weak. That makes them naturally disrespect the individual to the point of feeling violent towards them. That's why there is such strong resentment against animal abuse.
OP asked, so I answered. Is that basic enough for you?
St. Francis taught us to treat animals with kindness and dignity. Only degenerate subhumans think animal cruelty is excusable.
Is not the same*
I need sleep
>swedish flag
Hello ahmed the cuck
Dogs have been conditioned over thousands of years to be man's best friend. Anyone that abuses a dog is no better than a Chink, and deserves death.
Op was the edgy 14 year old that showed his friends shovel dog and laughed saying "Sup Forums is kewl and desensitized me, you normies wouldn't understand kek"
Dogs form bonds with people and become emotionally distraught when people betray their trust. Comparing them with insects is incredibly retarded as insects are basically programmed to do certain things and have absolutely zero intelligence, emotional or otherwise, not unlike slav scum like yourself.
Most advanced vertebrates feel pain. They have emotive states. Abuse causes them to suffer. Suffering for no purpose other than the jollies of some sick fuck without a shred of empathy is objectively bad, so that person should be punished.
I'd much rather abuse your dumb ass, or really any other human than some innocent animal. It's like abusing a young child, or invalid.
They don't have the conscious power to choose the right or wrong thing so are ultimately innocent.
A human typically has done something in their life to warrant some degree of pain and suffering.
Your shit post is a good example
My dog doesn't do meth and stab people.
We won all our meaningful external battles and now only have our own minds to fight in the modern world.
>and now only have our own minds to fight in the modern world
Tell that the the military aged male refugees.
If you can't see sadness in that dog's eyes then you might be autistic/a nigger/another shitskin subhuman minority.
There is literally nothing wrong with killing and punishing humans, cuck.
I don't give a fuck about taxes,anyone that does that to a dog should be harshly punished.
Probably has to do with evolving together, i dunno
That argument is enough as we choose to give them rights as we feel empaty towards them unlike with plagues like insects and ugly shit animals. A dog is family and is useful even as just company. Now,you sub human mongrel, go and choke into a horse dick already.
Isn't it past your bed time, Lao Ming?
>"dogs and other parasites"
>implying that dogs are parasites and the """""humans""""" that mutilate them aren't
t.slavic shithead
oooh so edgy
everybody point and laugh at the emotionally inept autist that will die alone
if you don't have compassion for dogs you aren't white
We fucked dogs up interbreeding. My parents' lab is pure and he's basically autistic. He's deathly afraid of our pool. My 4 cats are all throwaway mutts and have seperation anxiety without me, well 3 do, i think one is autistic (pic related). Clearly my cats have similar feeling of affection for me as a person. They just really like people. If you hurt anything that likes people you're insane. Even lions raised on hunting farms are curious and walk right up to "wannabe hunters".
Deer for example are retarded. They should just be food. They have nothing but survival instincts.
Forgot Pic
Humans didn't do that to the dog, niggers did.
I literally would take a random stray dog's life over every non-white on the planet.
There is literally nothing wrong with eating meat.
Appealing to anything is a logical mistake. You can't make a single argument against eating meat.
>Your taxes go into hunting down that man (or a woman).
Did you think that maybe the consistency of your retarded animals doesn't have to do with their genetics but rather their upbringing?
Unnecessary Animal abuse is nigger behavior and shows that you are sub-human