>"G-guys, its all the rothschilds-- who just happened to be jewish, but its nothing to do with that, its just a cohencidence, I mean -- its the illuminati!! The illuminati and the freemasons!! Both groups of which hated catholics for various reasons, nothing to do with the Jews. Actually, its all the fault of the repitilian shapeshifting aliens!! Yes them. Just not the jews. Nothing to do with the Jews. How dare you suggest Jews have anything to do with this, all Jews are good people, praise Israel."
"G-guys, its all the rothschilds-- who just happened to be jewish, but its nothing to do with that...
Other urls found in this thread:
Alex Jones and the other controlled opposition kike shills should prove to everyone that they're not harmless and must be driven out as soon as possible. Sometimes you need to purity spiral.
>acshually folks, Hollywood is owned and run by Arabs
I remember when he debated Duke, and he brought out his JEWISH producer to prove that he isnt run by jews....
Yeah but jew is not a race, why you pigskin cant understand that?
Fucking stupid subhumans
That manlet kike was so triggered top kek I enjoyed him being blamed for being the parasite he is
Alex J-oo-nes
Jew is a literal corruption of judean, even atheists jews still identify as jewish.
>Conflates every single claim to make a bombastic story that is loosely based on facts
>Does the exact same thing to sell supplements
>Literally called out by Bill Cooper
>dominican republic
Good cunt.
I dont like Trump being so cozy with the kikes, but at least he will reomve that horrendous faggot embassador that Osama sent here
I can't wait until Trump invades Iran. It's going to be glorious.
>invading huge mountainous country of 80 million people
because of all the american deaths? America could barely occupy afghanistan, Iran is like 4 times that size.
where the fuck are you from
The land of the chosen people
Who said anything about occupying Iran?
Trump is gonna glass the place.
Jews detected.
Fuck, you kikes have huge digital noses too.
a y y l m a o
>managing Iraq is equal to carpet bombs and bunker busters
Iran will be no more by the end of Trump's first term.
Trump will be ousted before finishing a first term Kiklestine.
i dont have a problem with that, but can we please at least let iran nuke israel a few times and kill a few million kikes before we hiroshima them? basically two birds with one stone.
I see you love Israel so much but live in the U.K.
Why not fuck off back to "your" country and shill from there instead..is it because your using a proxy already?
Jesus.. He has named the Jews but understands that it's not only Jews who are responsible.
This isn't America, in the UK its letfties who hate Israel.
>this is the man who's been pro-Trump
The kikes control both sides, there's nothing we can do anymore, it's way too late.
Sup Forums has been infiltrated and is now a psyop, JIDF has been subtly (((influencing))) all of you, (((Kek))) is another one of their tricks.
You've all been JEWED.
The truth is out there.
because then we won't have any place to deport our Jews to.
praise kek
fuck off Schlomo
You have no power here
Jews are a religion, Christians are an religion. Fuck off ice Jew back to Israel.
Oh and by the way the common link between all the things you've mentioned is actually Satan.
>mocks people for not being willing to name the Jew
>refuses to acknowledge the hand of Satan because (((atheists))) convinced him that religion is silly
I really dislike nu-Sup Forums.
You r/the_Donald fags have really REALLY ruined this fucking board.
Old Sup Forums would have seen through the Jewish lies.
>deport all jews to one place
>nuke them
>no more jews
sounds like a plan to me