Socialist students at my university are protesting Trump tomorrow, in Cardiff. What is wrong with these people?
Socialist students at my university are protesting Trump tomorrow, in Cardiff. What is wrong with these people?
I have no fuckin clue, they're doing the same thing at my university here in Texas as well. Like what do they think they're gonna do, overturn a democratic election system which has been in place for 230-240 years now? I mean, regardless of who you voted for, I honestly think they're wasting time and money.
Shit, you should have seen the protest here the day after the election results were in. I could hear them all the way from the classroom I was in.
Anyways there's gonna be a walkout tomorrow, those fucking idiots should be in class. Planning on taking some pics and posting them here tomorrow, should be liberaltears.jpg, so it'll be funny as hell at least.
lol, the butthurt has gone global.
I get that, but at least Texas is in the USA, what the hell are some Welsh students going to do about the election? What right do they have to interfere?
I'm going to head on down to the protest tomorrow just to see if anyone turns up.
I fail to see why they shouldn't protest.
>democratic election
it wasn't democratic
Different country, their opinion is less than worthless. What goes on in america isn't anything to do with them.
Because protesting should be in anticipation of an outcome
Literally nothing will come from this. The least they could do is go to the inauguration, then they will at least be somewhat relevant.
All they're going to do is hold up signs that Trump will either never even see, or he'll see them and laugh about it while continuing to be president.
>virtual signalling leftists
Our democratic Republic*
counter protest in SS uniform. BTFO commies with superior NatSoc Fascion.
>their opinion is less than worthless
...says the bong on an american anime imageboard forum
>everything I don't like is racist
>Everting I want us a human right and should be free
How big are these crowds? There can't be that many people who act like this
It'll be a few hundred at best
>What is wrong with these people?
They blame Trump for being unable to get into a real uni?
>protesting American government
You're 241 years too late.
>((Cardiff Socialist Students))
What's with socialist brits and obsessing over Trump, like that one faggot on twitter with a "political party" replying to Trump's every tweet and getting the top reply?
It's almost as if it was none of their fucking business.
what you studying you cunt
Too much free time, too less studies.
Just go and bring a full auto shotgun with you to remove these sore losers
We have Milo Yiannopolous speaking at my college tomorrow on the day of inauguration and there should be well over 5,000 commie protesters on our campus alone. I'm not fucking kidding.
find some people who will definitely be going
then you know they won't be home
>islamic emirate of britistan
t. Urban retard
I can't wait for those juicy pics
>milo will never come to my school
He's going to berkley in February, expect loads of asshurt
Then burgle their student squats.
I like your thinking user.
>15 people going
It's over, Drumpf is finished.
These are jumped up liberal children who have never worked a hard days graft in their lives - who wear beanies and slogan t shirts but never a hard hat and hi-vis.
Real socialists were wanting Trump because the current left is fucking weak - Trump represented the destruction of liberals hold on the left. Now we can reform, but first we have to get rid of the liberals.
they're doing that in Dublin too
The socialist party is organising a march against hate
>I have no fuckin clue, they're doing the same thing at my university here in Texas as well
Kek, fucking dumbshits. I love the butthurt so much.
The problem's with Trump.
He's not Nazi enough to end with sending them to death camps.
They fear he'll stop at labor ones.
I got a good seat for the event too but I plan to record all the commies and their cuck chants and maybe post them here once I can upload them all.
How do you guys find out about these university protests at your schools? I go to NAU and have not seen or heard of any non-half-assed protests. Desu I've only received positive comments about my MAGA hat. Even though this county went blue, I think most students are from the red areas of Arizona and the rest of the southwest so they don't vote here. Though I'm also in the business department so a lot of people look up to billionaire businessmen
My Kikebook is filled with people with connections to Antifa, and I live in a pretty leftist city to boot. Then again, most of my friends support Trump anyways.
I think it's funny that, prior to the election, radical lefties were shocked when I said I love Trump, since no one wanted to be a social outcast. As if no one actually supported him. Then after election day people who never voiced their opinions ended up voting for Trump and the lefties were flabbergasted
They're all global citizens.
throw a stink bomb in there
I'm from near Cardiff.
Wanna turn up with Trump signs and laugh at them?
Doing god's work user. Can't wait to see it.
There are no protest at my school but they are promoting the protest happening in NYC Saturday (my school is a train ride away).
There are a group of us from the Political realm group heading over there for the lulz. Feel free to join.
hes not trying to change the world ahmed ya dumb fuck
does any institution in the world push out more SJW shit? you could send trump there and hed come out with an afro and a boyfriend
>be American
>president is democraticallly elected
>protest against democracy
No John, you are the fascists
>protesting American government
The salt still.exists.
Cardiff user reporting in
I will be dropping in after work and looking to provoke these cucks.
I'll be in the Murdoch shirt...
They are coming
>reeeeee at liberals
Would be good to form our own counter protest
I have my MAGA hat ready. There's already going to be a few of us; we're only going to trigger the protestors. We're going to meet up near burger king by the castle.
Will keep an eye out for you. Bring your rarest pepes.
They really want to feel like they're a part of something. They get a kick from being around people who are like them.
It's the same reason we come here.
It's a human motivation as confusing as the desire to buy a luxury car.
One step closer to filtering leaf posters.
Godspeed, you magnificent bastard
What time senpai?
everyone is white in that protest
no on is protesting in asia or africa
Can I celebrate the inauguration? Where to buy that MAGA hat?
They might be protesting in Africa, but they don't have any cameras to record it with
>what do they think they're gonna do,
they want photos so they can write the schoolbooks to fit their narrative
plenty of people with cancelled checks
>protesting a foreign leader
Also they look beta as fuck
Don't you have any exams? I have a few this month
I'll be at the Orlando protest with my MAGA hat on, laughing.
This is happening at York too. Supposedly they're planning to hoist some kind of tolerance banner somewhere.
Very sad.
at least they will be able to tell that you're not gay this time
Bollocks-in work til 5:30 senpai
Was gonna go to Fuel afterwards as there are bound to be some assblasted faggots there
Cardiff annon here, may head down to laugh at these idiots
>Protesting another country's democratically elected leader
For what purpose?
UK leftist demo bingo...
Blue hair
Uniform banners handed out
Socialist worker leaflets
Save the NHS banners
Something about Tory scum
Live acoustic by Billy Bragg
Don't know why they bother, it makes no difference and these generic protests just weaken their stance when there is actually something important to protest.
Exam season is pretty much over, I'm done with all of mine.
You should rent a semi and run them over while chanting Allah Ackbar.
Jesus, they're having one in Orlando? I wonder if any are going on in Palm Beach County. I'd love to show up and call them a bunch of faggots.
H-heh, yeah...
Carry a big sign that says wtf you doing and he isn't even our president
Huff post has an article on all of the protests, I'm sure there's one near you.
I went to the last Orlando protest and the leaders said they wanted protests for the WHOLE PRESIDENCY, so some guys with funding are really pushing this idiotic shit. It was a ton of fun, you need to go to one before you die.
they're doing it up here in glasgow too lol
Same here, but it's not a surprise since these same faggots voted in gay marriage and even held a BLM protest. Dublin needs to be nuked, RTE needs to be eradicated.
Llandaff here.
I bet it'll just be five numpties standing in the rain. Same as the "protest" again Germanine Greer that turned out to be four people with a paper banner.
>The one chance I have at unironically holding a #notmypresident sign.
Fuck off, mayor Khan.
I was thinking of making a sign saying 8 YEARS, do you guys have any good ideas?
Oh okay.
No money is being wasted goyim. The purpose is to broadcast this "massive revolution" all over the world for the whole week end.
They're doing it in most western capital cities. There's going to be something in Denmark aswell.
Somehow, protesting in front of the american embassy is going to change so much.
Attending the protest is just a device to provide them with content, so they can update their social media and virtue signal.
Where's the upvote button.
I agree, I expect it to be a complete flop, there will probably be more pro-Trump people there than protesters at this point. I'll still walk on down if not just to trigger them.
I'm driving from NJ tonight to DC in order to be there for the inauguration; going to make it a holiday weekend and spend it there seeing the sights.
Going to take a lot of pictures then edit them a bit before posting so you faggots can't trace me on Sup Forums.
People just want to be heard and act like they're doing something important. They don't expect anything to get five they just want to gain credit for their actions.