Work for a federal agency. How much you wanna bet these are still up come Monday.
Also, can you guess who I work for?
Work for a federal agency. How much you wanna bet these are still up come Monday.
Also, can you guess who I work for?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hmmm I dunno op but I actually believe you so go on. Reflection in the tv shows some dc styled building
sure just take a picture right in front of a web cam so the NSA knows you are posting on Sup Forums.
Don't have really much to say. Everyone I work with is super butthurt about the incoming inauguration but we all have work off tomorrow so I'll be comfy
2nd that!
Department of commerce.
tell us more about the mood in DC, faggot
any gossip on tomorrow's ascension?
No. Hint, look at the pictures
office of being a faggot
quit larping
man I'm so glad I don't work for the federal gov't right now
keepin it municipal to do the greatest good with the biggest real-life impact
You realize that 85% of people in DC voted for Hillary and those people write my newspapers and work with me? Of course the mood around here is awful. About to have an office potluck where I'll have to hear all my team members (mainly women) sperg out about tomorrow and the administration change
We can see the building across the street bro in the reflection. Not a smart thing to do
Traitorous talk afoot thanks I'll let the God Emperor know
>You realize that 85% of people in DC voted for Hillary
why did she need the votes of thousands of felons to pull Virginia though?
DHS obviously
of course I realize that user, I wanted more info.
have fun at the potluck, try not to reveal your powerlevel
I'm guessing you're a nigger so Dept. of Corrections.
What are you in for?
Das homeland my nigga
Hope Trump dismantles your agency.
You do realize that 60% of America wants to see you all hang, right?
>Islamic carpet and bowl to the left
>Picture of Obongo in frame
I'm guessing State Dep or CIA
Id be upset if I was going to lose my for show job too.
Hey OP, you think the new regime will open avenues of advancement for you?
Op should we be scared of inside job? I'm worried, tomorrow will probably be fine but in the future?
its department of engergy dumbasses
False flag on Trump tommorow.
saudi undercover as reporter, they're gonna make shit up
screen cap this if you want
No please do and FB live tendies getting dropped
Do you have the trump photos to replace them yet user? Can we see?
I haven't been to a federal government website in ages. They're all tablet-ey now.
why not put up a giant picture for trump when nobody is looking?
I mean isnĀ“t it required by law to have a picture of the current president in public buildings?
Op is in deep cuck territory
fuggg they hate trump
You know it's not personal though. I just hate the patriot act and everything that came along with it after 2001 brother.
FBI J. Edgar Hoover Building 1 floor
That's kind of a random spot for a web cam...
>J. Edgar Hoover
my favorite tranny in US history
How can 91% of D.C. vote for Shillary
Don't republicans live there too?
justice dept
get back to work, Michael
well they would, republicans traditionally have this starve the beast small government thing happening
not that they have done anything like that the past 100 years
The second guy isn't Comey though.
Probably on a sideboard next to a conference table.
I just met a DHS agent a few weeks ago. We were drinking.
It's an alphabet soup building
Absolutely. Dat fucking reflection...
I hope they are, then I have a reason to come back inconus.
I'm guessing if you keep it up, you won't be working there long. Also, you need to do some pushups.
you mean neo-con, rino, or cuckserative like mcstain? didn't you see so many of those wretch said they stand with hillary? they don't want change. it's a game to them. whoever gets in power doesn't matter. that's why mccain and romney came out the hardest against trump. these """""""""""""""republicans""""""""""""' are democrats while democrats are insane marxist/communist
Pretty much this, you do have a lot of real deal Republicans but i doubt you're going to find a lot of them in DC, a lot of those people are career politicians or people looking to get bumped up in their job/pay, so they back whoever may make that happen regardless of politican party,
Whoever OP is with, he's across the street from the FBI building.
DHS in boston.
are you one of the TAs?
wait is that uscis?
are you a fucking application interviewer?!!!
Just because you can stick something in your butt, doesn't mean it's a dildo Bulgaria.
OP what did you major in?
What is the point of this thread?
To point out how deeply anti-Trump DC is?
wew lad
real surprising
real informative
judging by your webcam you are a stripper.
Anybody guess State yet?
Is he the three faced man shown in the pictures?
Just get the fuck out of this thread already, retard. We're way past that question.
You're department of Justice.
What are those dhs agents driving around all the time even doing. Seems like a waste. LA porte
Dear fedanon. Can you help us get lefties to shit their pants tomorrow?
With many thanks,
Hey dindu, enjoy private life
We know who you are and where you work now.
If you REALLY worked for the feds you wouldn't point your webcam directly where you beat off so your colleagues are forced to watch
oh lol is that the FBI building the the reflection on your TV?
You dun goofed, OP.
You work for your mom doing big boy chores, I bet they are still up since their your pictures all you gotta do is not take em down. Get ready for Trump. Faggot
OP left the thread a long time ago, dipshit retards.
Print outs and distribute OP.
Love Lain and redeem yourself.
Black, by the haircut
What do you mean by these still being up in Monday?
The pictures or the men?
OP was giving us a warning of dire things to come?
85% of GS workers voted for Hillary
So this is, for Trump, like a hostile corporate takeover, or buying a small business, where you step into a situation where everyone hates you for having assumed control.
A purge is coming. The unproductive in the GS economy know that shit's about to change
85% of our entire Federal Government is going to fight against Trump right down to the moment
they are fired for incompetence
This is going to be a shit show.
I should add (LEO type agencies like FBI, Border Patrol, ICE, and the military love Trump)
I'm talking about the useless leaches in the EPA, Dept of Education, HHS, HUD, and the hundreds of other bureaucracies are the ones who are going to put up a fight.
Should be fun
does an administration transition have any effect on hiring practices there? is hiring done at the normal rate while there is an ongoing transition
Hi, DHS.
Nothing fishy about celebrating the victory of your president, even if you consider him LITERALLY Hitler, huh?
Do you know about these?
You could get in real trouble for that, Helpdesk-kun.
T. Triggered snowflake
Bump for interest. What else can you say, OP?
I'm stationed in the UK, we have an Obama Cut out in our office. I've ordered a trump cut out with his two thumbs up pose, once he's officially in I'm setting it up over the weekend with my MAGA hat right in front of the door so it's the first thing everyone sees
OP again. I think my ID is going to change though since I left the office
We are hiring because we get flooded with work. It's based on the agency
New president, DHS, and agency head
so no reason to think an administrative transition would cause any change in the flow of the hiring and clearance process. gotcha
when i walk into the VA this shit pisses me off.
i hate this piece of shit liar.