What's his endgame?


congestive heart failure

Is it so bad a leader would want his country free of foreign influence?

Continuing to resist the Zionists.
North Korea = The only country TRULY free

No Jewish influence in Best Korea AT ALL!

Kim Jong Un is also a Sup Forumsack, so he's totally /ourguy/ here

secure all the dumplings

I wouldn't be surprised if he came on here, Sup Forums is really well known I imagine with the news and their hacker reports. He probably wanted to see what these crazy white people are doing

Cheezy Poofs.

Keep bragging about shit he didn't do to impress his people.

Reminder that North Korea claims it landed on the sun and proved unicorns are real.

Unironically it's possible too.
Pic related is the Official Steam User map.

It actually did have one dot there on the thing.
so who knows

Unicorns were real

Just a couple more big macs

There is no doubt that Kim plays video games, he was educated in the west he knows what they are and I'm sure he knows what Sup Forums is

Switzerland was it? Yea, Switzerland definitely are first world enough to atleast the point where everybody knows of video games and (at the very least) the internet

The area near kim jong un is the best supplied region of pyongyang. They have hot water for 2 hours a day there, electricity during the day, and extra meals. Families also have their own apartments there, and some even have tiled floors to heat from below.

t. american extremely well educated about north korean politics

Unusually well educated...

lol i just read a lot about it, submit the occasional relevant paper. i find it very interesting, especially with the recent wealth of high-profile seoul defectors. read jang jin-sung's book and you'll understand what i mean.

I've had moments before where i've spent all nights looking at North Korea (((Documentaries))) and crap, so yea, i can see where you're coming from.

I like to think of them as the last remnant of the previous century. Something that's not submitted to Modernism and shows many ancient traits.

The Modern Day "Soviet Union" if you will, although people usually told me that Belarus is more inclined to that Title.


Did not expect

that's a fair assessment on the surface, but the regime has very much adapted to the modern era. the UFD has played a crucial role in convincing the rest of the world that north korea is a joke and Un is a fat angry megalomaniac, to deflect legitimate coverage.

as information continues to penetrate north korea, the elite continue to become self-aware, but the stability of the country is contingent on Un's deification. as such, dprk is very concerned with image. the elite want to preserve the status quo even if they realize how ridiculous the dynasty is. bad north korean publicity is good for the well-off north koreans. the entire regime is fighting an information war, atypical of the previous century.

>the entire regime is fighting an information war

Eh, most likely won't do anything at all even if the media does some sort of bomardment against them NK is simply too hard of a place to get information out there.

90% of North koreans live in villages too, not in the capital, so they literally have no access to anything whatsoever and so they've never been attacked or exposed to the west at all

As long as the top military leaders of NK stay in check, they'll be fine, they'll have to stay in check or else they die.