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Were you forced to read books about the Memecaust at School?
Were you forced to read books about the Holocaust?
Yes, which is probably what kept me from becoming politically challenged like you. I didn't fall into the trap of hate, rather I flew to the well of understanding to drink from its continuous stream of knowledge.
Always thought that the cats were cool in that book
That is some pretty gay bait, user.
not being a nazi isn't "gay" or "bait", if anything it's not being retarded.
No, but we forced to read about Gulag and Stalin's repressions.
you sound like a huge faggot
>drink from its continuous stream of knowledge
Whats wrong with nazi, tell us.
We had to read the Weasel's book, Night. My teacher was surprisingly redpilled though. She made us critique the book and point out any factual errors or places where the author might be biased.
I had to read Maus in a comic/graphic arts class my high school offered during my last year there. I think one of the teachers was Jewish. We also read V for Vendetta, Watchmen, and Batman: Year One, I think.
The comics teacher just gave us photocopies of the comics to read, and emphasized the relation between Art and his father more than the actual holocaust. The presentation I later did covered cartoons, especially Ralph Bakshi, which the teachers enjoyed. One of them gave me a book as a parting gift, which was very nice.
I remember learning about muh lampshades.
I actually feel bad for these mice, have more compassion for fictional characters than the real thing they represent.
>not being a nazi
>well of understanding muh
>doesn't know history books are written by the victors
>rather I flew to the well of understanding to drink from its continuous stream of knowledge.
if you had done this well you would never die, but you will die so you have failed
We had to read it too, but it was presented as factual and then we watched Schindler's List.
Weisel was a liar and a fraud.
>Were you forced to read books about the Memecaust at School?
Maus was actually good, fuck reading the lesbian homoeroticism that was The Diary of Anne Frank though.
It's important to look at a subject from all viewpoints to gain an understanding of it, not even reading books from an opposing viewpoint makes you literally as bad as the people who think that owning or reading Mein Kampf makes you a Nazi.
How can you condemn Hitler when you don't understand him or what he stood for?
>implying the trap of hate is a bad thing
also, fuck white people
Fuck off burger, this is our job.
You were? Our school programm pretty much skipped the XXs century in Russia, I had to learn all that shit myself.
Had to study Solzhenytsin at literature, however.
>fuck white people
*tips fedora*
Yeah, I had to read Night. Stupid fucking book and a waste of time.
We had to read the stage version of Anne Frank.
I remember laughing at Maus. The nazi cats are great. I also remember making fun of that shitty book Night, was able to see through a lot of it's bullshit even though i accepted it as mostly fact at the time. Weasel was one slimy jew fuck.
Like five different ones. By the end of it, a good portion of people started to hate the holocaust, but not in the intended way. More in the "If I have to read another hundred pages about some guy or girl who mopes around in a camp before being rescued, I'll start the Fourth Reich myself." Kind of way.
I remember we had to read the script of a Anne Frank play back in 8th Grade.
It was the first redpill I ever took, too. I noticed how the facts didn't line up (like how they have to stay nearly silent or they'll get caught, and then ignore it multiple times with no repercussions) and then read the actual diary to see if it was just an accidental contradiction by the play writers, which it wasn't.
>be white boy with blonde hair and blue eyes
>learning about the nazis
>"hitler believed people with blonde hair and blue eyes were the master race"
>being a huge narcissist, i decide hitler must be right.
>liberal brainwashing completely backfires.
You should see the manuscripts. The handwriting is completely different after the first few pages.
That's the real holocaust, and it wasn't done to the Jews, it was done by the Jews.
(((Bolshevik))) revolution
Stalin was Georgian Jew
Bolshevik Jews steal all the money, Russians are impoverished. Communism was hypocrisy, USSR were (((merchants))).
Red pilled dissidents killed en masse in Russian Siberia gulags by Jew Bolsheviks
Did they at least cut out the gorrillion pages she wrote about how much she wanted to fuck that other girl she was stuck there with?
If anyone wants to read it:
Funny how these are from a publisher in (((New York))).
It's been a while but I think so.
I actually enjoyed reading the comic
I'm sure they made me read some account of the holocaust at one point during my primary school education. It didn't leave a lasting impression on my mind, though. As a child I was much more inspired by reading about the accomplishments of great empires and civilizations than tales of poor victims like muh 6 gorillion and niggers in the American South.
No, it was pulled from our school after parents complained. This was in the 90s.
Solzhenitsyn named the Jew
So red pilled
But Shalamov was the better writer
>Compares Jews to rats
>Parasite the bring diseases
Quite acurate
It interesting, we didn't learn about Holocaust at all.
They tell us about Auschwitz or something, at that all.
They probably didn't want to talk about the 30 million killed by the Jews.
We read dat boi in the striped PJ's for english class.
And I read Maus for fun, enjoyed it too desu.
>I didn't fall into the trap of hate,
You lucked out
I learned about every culture except my own, we glazed over the revolutionary war, it was the closest I got and the holocaust shit just never stuck with me
I dropped out after 7th grade
>Download doesn't work
>No seeders
Fantastic, time to rev up TOR
Redwall was based but my school never did it as required reading. We just did the standard Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men, Scarlet Letter shit. God, the Scarlet Letter was one of the worst books I have ever read. It was fucking awful. Lord of the Flies was okay.
My 12th grade English teacher made us read a comic book about Superman's human family during the Civil War though. That was pretty good and surprisingly didn't get too preachy about the whole slaves bit. It was more about two brothers who ended up on two sides of a war and the aftermath of it.
I didn't really learn about the holocaust, really just about Hitler's rise to power, and how reinvigorated Germany after the Versailles treaty.
>the gorrillion pages she wrote about how much she wanted to fuck that other girl she was stuck there with?
“Once when I was spending the night at Jacque’s, I could no longer restrain my curiosity about her body, which she’d always hidden from me and which I’d never seen. I asked her whether, as proof of our friendship, we could touch each other’s breasts. Jacque refused. I also had a terrible desire to kiss her, which I did. Every time I see a female nude, such as the Venus in my art history book, I go into ecstasy. Sometimes I find them so exquisite I have to struggle to hold back my tears. If only I had a girlfriend!”
–The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne Frank
I was raised Jewish and went to religious school so I had the holocaust forced down my throat through all of elementary, middle and high school. There was a point where I got sreiously depressed and then really angry that they wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.
It makes me even angrier now that I know most of it was bullshit fearmongering bordering on brainwashing.
Like, the entire middle third of that fucking book. I'll pull some bits for you.
>After I came here, when I was just fourteen, I began to think about myself sooner than most girls, and to know that I am a “person.” Sometimes, when I lie in bed at night, I have a terrible desire to feel my breasts and to listen to the quiet rhythmic beat of my heart.
I already had these kinds of feelings subconsciously before I came here, because I remember that once when I slept with a girl friend I had a strong desire to kiss her, and that I did do so. I could not help being terribly inquisitive over her body, for she had always kept it hidden from me. I asked her whether, as a proof of our friendship, we should feel one another’s breasts, but she refused. I go into ecstasies every time I see the naked figure of a woman, such as Venus, for example. It strikes me as so wonderful and exquisite that I have difficulty in stopping the tears rolling down my cheeks.
If only I had a girl friend!
And that's not friend who is a girl girlfriend, that's straight up lesbian lover
t. 4 years of german
Not ashamed to say I fapped to that
Notice how all these stories never point out the extraordinary representation of Jews in Banking and Media. Or their control over the Communist movement in the Soviet Union.
Jews dindu nuffin is the theme of all the anti white propaganda.
Download works fine here m8, but I can put them on Mega if you want.
>them almost-quints
Fuck was meant for
Anna "totally not writed by a relative" Frank (((((diary)))))
Had to read the boy in the striped pyjamas. The teacher was a foolish Jew lover and forced the blue pill down our throats.
My history teacher praised Hitler for being a genius and doing a favour to mankind for killing so many of the Jews.
I used to make fun of him and thought he was another cuckoo fundamentalist. Turns out he was the only red pilled educated paki I've met.
deadary of a Frank.
No because our country was neutral during the war. They didn't even refer to it as a war and called it "the emergency".
I think it has to do with a kind of shame for not getting involved properly and the state apology thing over Hitler's death.
Its actually the reason why Germany has a green away kit in football. Ireland was the only country to send condolences over Hitlers death and was the only country that would play Germany in football in the aftermath of the war for a few years.
No, I even had a professor who admired Hitler.
We Americans were forced to go to the Holohoax museum on taxpayer money
>tfw too intelligent to believe in the holocaust
We were forced to read liberal horseshit in school like Native Son, To Kill a Mockingbird and Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Now I'm trying to play catch up trying to read all the classics of Western literature I should have read in school, like Homer, Shakespeare, Milton, etc.
If I ever manage to reproduce, my kids are getting home schooled 100%.
Jews are rats
well that checks I guess
>When a Sup Forumsack isn't a leaf but he acts like one.
>Didn't even finish grade school
You should probably kill yourself, you epic failure of a human being.
It's weird. Anne Frank is pretty much just an anecdote here on how much the Second World War sucked in the Netherlands, there is more attention to when everyone was fucking starving in the winter of 1944 to 1945 and the fact that the Germans stole all of our bikes.
>the Germans stole all of our bikes
This was the real shoah desu senpai
>tfw dropped out in 8th grade
>made 40k starting when I turned 18 welding
>Now I make 80k working in a machine shop doing complex one-offs.
Highschools not a place for smart people user.
Yeah, the 10 million bikes. Do you have any idea how fucking traumatic that was for the Dutch, to live in a country without bikes? It was literally like hell.
They even fucking translated them to our language of 2 million people. I read them as kids. I was redpilled as fuck quite quick
>All these people being confused as to why the Holocaust is covered so heavily in American education
Did you think we were just making shit up when we said the Jews were in control of everything?
This book in which poles are depicted like pigs despite that they were in the same boat. Classic jewish disdain for the goyims.
>germans stealing bikes
Hol up... so u be sayin' we wuz germans 'n' shit?
I thought it was a really good comic book actually, redpilled me that the holocaust was real
>One of them gave me a book as a parting gift
at least you got something out of that course
>he thinks 80k is a lot
Our history classes are basically
..early german history
HOLOCAUST/cold war
HOLOCAUST/raf terror
We were forced to watch Schindler`s Liste when we were 12 years old.
In our music class we had a guest reader.. well its music guess who it was.. RIGHT
it was a Holocaust survivor reading from his book telling us how guilty we are.
For someone without a highschool education? Yes, it is far above average. I'm also only 23, and I don't plan to sit on my ass forever. That number is only going up boys.
That truly depends on how you use your High School education. Most kids after achieving one fall for the college meme, without even having a practical career path in mind, and end up with jobs that a HS dropout could just as easily get. In which cases yeah, it was a fucking waste of time. But for smart, motivated individuals a HS diploma is necessary for moving up the ranks of society.
That's not a Canadian flag
Yeah. The only thing I got out of it was that Anne Frank was cute.
>Anne Frank was bisexual
Maybe 2016 wasn't the year the world went insane. Maybe it was just the year it dropped all pretense of order and sense.
During my time in an American Elementary School we were forced to go to the muh six million museum of “tolerance", we also watched Schnidler's List and Boy with the Stripped Pijamas, we also read the censored Anne Frank diary.
During HS we were required to read only 4 books per year, one per quarter.
One was always Shakespeare, one was a holocaust book, one was about black people, and the fourth was a tossup between another white guilt book or about womans suffrage or some shit.
Except in 11th grade when I took an AP english class, our teacher was a hyper commie but had us read around 15 books rather than just 4. John Adams, The Fountainhead, the commie manifesto, metamorphosis, crime and punishment, etc. with surprisingly not a single book about the holocaust and only one about blacks. That teacher got fired a year or two after I graduated for making fun of a trans kid or something.
i loved the Maus. I find it very humble and it depicted jewish nature trully, just as their suffering
>(((Schindler's))) list
The Pianist was a much better holocaust movie and didn't portray all Nazis as inhuman monsters (pic related)
haha that could never happen in reality, man would never do that to another man...
(((Roman Polanski))) is a pedo, I wonder if (((Spielberg))) is one too.
Wow a russian (((goldberganović))) shilling for the holohoax
We only learned about WWII in the context of what it was like for soldiers and those caught in the Blitz. There was barely anything about the Holocaust.
Did you move to Mexico voluntarily or did they deport you? I didn't think they did that to children.
When lil kikelings get circumsized the rabbi sucks their bleeding kike schlongs. When those lil kikelings grow up they instinctualy want to suck baby benises
i just understand how easy things like that can happen. And assuming you are from Mexico i think you also understand how easy human life can be taken away from him by an armed group. In case if ISIS and Nazi Germany those armed groups have extremelly large power on the particular territory and they can abuse it how the see fit.