When did you realize he was going to win?
I realized on election night when his Florida win started to become all but guaranteed.
When did you realize he was going to win?
I realized on election night when his Florida win started to become all but guaranteed.
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When hillary went out in public and almost died
When Hillary said America was already great.
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis "the wise"?
When they hastily gave Clinton California.
That was the death knell.
Kek doesn't disappoint
It was always up in the air, and I never really "realized" he was going to win until I woke up and saw that he won.
But Brexit was a sign of a pendulum shift for me, I think I started to be more optimistic about conservative victories after that.
When Megyn Kelly started having a panic attack that his chances were improving.
I prayed for the first time in over a decade that night.
Trump helped me find God again.
That was the moment
Wtf i love nigresses now!
When PA flipped. Nobody in the MSM saw that one coming, but I had guessed it was probably going to be a thing for a few months considering the two platforms were
>Coal is racist, Trump is racist. I have a vagina.
This desu
Florida was the moment that clinched it for me as well. Everything felt up in the air until then - he'd built an enormous movement behind him, but the Democrats were involved in so much shady shit, I honestly didn't think it'd be enough to beat the vote rigging, the illegal voters, the bussing people between polling stations...
But when Florida went red, I knew. I think we all knew, then.
When he made his concession speech in Iowa back in 2015.
i was cheering 2 in the morning for that.
I live in an apartment.
When he got FL I really started to belive and I was sure heĀ“ll make it after seeing them amazing numbers vom WI and MI
I didn't know until Pennsylvania flipped. Trump had to win Florida, according to the models everyone was putting out.
If anything, Florida nearly gave me an ulcer when it looked like Hillary might win it. I knew the polls were off, but I had no idea that they would be off by that much in the rust belt.
I wasn't *certain* with Florida going Trump either, that's just when I went from thinking he'd lose to thinking he'd win.
I was confident he'd win. Among the people I knew voting for Trump, I was the only to believe he'd win and my vote was more against Hillary than for Trump.
The day he announced.
when the pussy grab video came out
I actually made a shittone of money of donny boy
I was physically and mentally exhausted at that point. I had been up for the last two days working on the ground in NC. I was certain that we were being rused by NYT when their live prediction model went to 80% at 9:30pm. That was when I knew there was a very good chance we would win.
Hello again Hans. I'm the guy who made $5k off Trump.
After the elevator ride when he said "build wall and Mexico will pay for it". Then he unveiled MAGA and I knew it was over.
When Shillery turned Pepe into a hate symbol.
When Hillary sent the nigger to campaign in Michigan, a state they should have had
I thought on election day that Trump was likely going to win FL, IA, OH, NC, AZ, and ME-2nd. Then I thought there was about a 50/50 chance he would win PA or Michigan. I was cheering and optimistic but it was only certain for me when Wisconsin was about 50% in and looking around where the remaining votes were.
When he humiliated jeb in the debates
did you buy anything funny with it bro?
I only spend like 600$ on a squat rack with olympic barbell and 300lbs iron plates
>pic related
thinking about buying a CNC machine too
Florida got me excited.
Wisconsin was when I knew it was a lock.
Hans, I thought you were good engineers? You could have made that out of spare wood and saved some money.
I just pocketed all of mine. Its roughly 2 weeks of salary for me, so it wasn't a big deal.
Same. Once he pulled out to about a 2% lead with 90% reporting, I realized we very likely had it in the bag. I figured we could scrape the win without Penn and Wisconsin, but once the former flipped I was in full celebration mode
Y-you too
I knew he was going to win the first time I saw him pictured as Big E...
When he called for the Muslim ban, and all the (((mainstream media))) cucks started calling him a racist and an islamophobe
And his poll numbers went up.
Pretty much exactly how it went for me
cost benefit ratio wasn't worth it so don;t judge.
nice, what's your job that get's you 2.5k a week?
please don;t say male prostitute
I still don't. It feels so surreal. I'm going to watch the inauguration hoping it will cure me of this.
August in 2015.
It was Taco Tuesday... I was waiting in line to pick up some $1 tacos. Forget what time exactly but probably between 5 and 7. They had the news on.... CNN. Fully expecting a Clinton sweep I was surprised to see them saying Trump was in the lead in a few states.
Mostly states where you expected and early but.... suddenly I thought he had a chance but I didn't dare to believe. I picked up my wife from work and headed home where I fired up the battle station and saw how things were progressing.
I did not dare believe until they had called FL and OH..... and I watched in amazement. He actually did it. The absolute madman!
I was going to blow my brains out that night if hillary won. When I saw he won North Carolina, and was leading in percentages in Michigan and Florida, I unloaded and cleaned my gun in absolute relief.
I own a few small companies. I'm working my way onto real estate investing now. It seems like there's more money in it.
When Tom Brady had a Make America Great Again hat in his locker in October 2015
Damn user
I'd been calling Florida literally since he announced he was running. This state went ducking crazy for the guy, never seen so many signs for a candidate here in my 45 years are a Florida cracker. That INCLUDES Obama
I mean, listening to the poll results on election night
I think it's really disappointing but considering his opponent I'm also not surprised
I can't understand what the democratic party was thinking
"hey lets put an extremely controversial candidate to run against an even more controversial candidated"
Most democratic and 3rd party voters were always going to vote against Trump but Repubs who didn't want trump wanted hillary even less but the dems were too retarded to see it
Here's hoping we make it through the next 4 years safe
When Hillary was so sick that she fell over.
When Hillary said "Pokemon go to the polls"
Honestly I knew Don could do it after he clinched the Republican nom. It was truly an incredible feat beating out 17 other candidates with the party/world trying to sabotage him, the rest was a downhill coast to the oval office against a lying meat puppet propped up with a stick.
When fireworks were cancelled in NYC
I knew right when he started gainin momentum in the primaries but didn't wanna admit it. I saw him as the joke candidate and wanted a "normal republican" to run.
A normal republican wouldn't have won though.
Months before the election when I saw how badly skewed the MSM polls were with oversampling of democrats.
This method is used to discourage people who have low tenacity and put them into a "we already lost" mindset, so that they would not take the time to vote. Didn't work. The fire rises.
I only had doubts after Iowa and the Muslim ban.
when he was winning Ohio bigly, my dad basically told me it was over, and he was right.
It was my first time watching an election and he could already see from the available data that Trump had won
I didn't really think he would win but it's cool
aren't the real estate prices too high at the moment to get into it?
what's your game plan for it
August... The 'polls' started to tighten... They over sampled Democrats all along, and said it was weighted... lol, like the media or pollsters were really weighting them... retards.
Prices are actually pretty good right now. I'm going to buy up bank foreclosures, fix them up and rent them out. If everything goes in your favor, you can get 18-20% net profit.
I just closed on a house last week for $27,500. I'm going to put 10k into it: new floors, some bushes, new appliances, etc. Then I plan on renting it for 650-750 a month.
When Hillary was absolutely fucking toxic, which was from the beginning
My faith in Trump was never shaken
sounds jolly good, I didn't knew you could buy real estate that isn't in a shit location for that amount
all I hear is 8mil little wooden shacks meme
do you use mexican or illigal workers to fix it up? or can you do it yourself?
For those who weren't there, watch this
When he came down the escalator to announce he was standing.
When he destroyed JEB!, who had $120 million of Wall Street money. Hillary would try the same and fail.
last year whe we said we were hoing to meme this fuck into office
>Me and my dad at a car repair place in August 2015
>Getting his van serviced
>CNN in the waiting room at the Iowa State Fair
>Tough looking greaser in corner of room
>Indian guy behind counter doing some paperwork
>CNN: "Trump was here at the fair, ..." as they introduce a clip of Trump
>Greaser walks across the room to get closer to the TV
>Indian guy pauses work to watch
>Trump is funny, off-the-cuff, talks about how he's got energy, etc.
>Trump stuff
>Trumps a journalist that tried to Trump him
Helicopter in background, he's giving kids rides
>Segment ends
>Greaser goes back to corner, Indian guy goes back to work
>CNN: "Hillary was also there and we had a chance to talk about the emails..."
>Indian guy stops working again
>Hillary starts talking
>Prepared response, sounds rehearsed
>Greaser walks away in the middle of her response, goes back to corner
>Indian guy goes back to work
>Hillary still talking
This was when I realized that she was going to lose the independent/non-ideological voters. They were plugged in enough to care and were giving both candidates a fair chance. But they recognized that she was bullshit and he was something new.
There were times I also "knew" Trump would lose and there were times I "knew" he would win after that, but this was the first moment when I felt a strong, internal awareness that he would win
I was sensing it from a month before, but I became sure the night before. I even put $1000 on him and won back about $3000. He's already put me $2000 ahead, so...
As soon as Hillary went full MUH RUSSIA I knew she was in bad shape.
I use rednecks. They work cheap and they love me because I always pay for lunch and give them beer after the day is over. Spics are lazy and they try to get over on you as much as possible. I was desperate one time and hired a few. They would take twice as long to do the work and if you turned your back for a second they would be sitting down.
My cousin does real estate in Germany. He uses Russians for renovations. I guess they are like the Mexicans of Germany.
I'm very picky about what houses to buy. I spent a year looking for this place before I bought it. It's an older home, from 1962, but everything is solid in it and it's in a decent neighborhood.
When she cancelled her fireworks celebration on the hudson after being smug all election season.
i knew it all along, even before he was politicly inspired, he caught my attention in the buisnes world, the things he did, the things he said, i was thinking , this is a man who will be president some day or atleast a man of importance, when he's pushed by the wright people who want to see his visions and from the people who are tierd being implemented.
look at usa now, seems like the time has come for someone like him.
but comparing him to hitler..... no,not even by a farcry you can.
hitler didn't grabbed them by the pussy
hitler grabbed the world by the pussy.
besides that, even if he ran on his own and because of the actuall in the usa and the world or beeing a plant from the (((them)))
i'm happy it isn't hilary.
thankls to those who voted her away :)
greets from the country of beer, chocolat and waffles ^^
I realized it when the media started reporting 90% odds favoring Clinton.
While driving around Orlando Florida with the GF and saw like 6-1 Trump signs vs anyone else.
When polls had him up 5 points in Ohio.
While looking at FB updates from both candidates and seeing how much larger his following was.
Watching election night on CNN and seeing Wolf Blitzer and Cooper do an 180 on Trump hating at the drop of a hat around the 9 PM hour.
Right after Moore released his warning video.
The precise moment Hillary went on stage and said her cringe worthy "Pokemon Go...TO THE POLLS" line.
my sister and her hubby actually have a firm that brings Hungarian workers to German companies, so the companies can just use them for a few months and send them away
russians are rare or maybe in a more specified work more common
electrics and other house building stuff is ether poles or Hungarians
>never give work to spics
anyways good luck with your endeavors wishing u the best
When NY times saidhe had a 55% chance of winning
Sorry about what happened to Hofer. We'll get 'em next time, pal.
When Peter Thiel started preparing his anus, I could tell he knew something most people didn't
When that one guy screamed "Pepe" out loud at Hillary's rally. I knew he was gonna win right there.
that was like nov. 8 at 11pm?
Do your own damn election research cfr.
t. UN shill overcompensating with friendliness in the hopes that we spare him from the rope
About a month after his announcement.
Where is rent that cheap for a house? I'm in commifornia and I pay $1400 for two bedrooms one bath.
Tfw fucked because my job is cali specific
On the coast of NC. It's only 1400sqft and it's an older house, but it'll be nice on the inside once I get everything fixed up. The people were in the middle of a renovation when they go foreclosed on, so it's halfway done already.
I wasn't sold on Florida like you were. I visited Miami like six times last year and only really saw my GF and her dad.
Her dad is a total blue pilled, believes everything on CNN and Con Oliver, yellow dog liberal and my GF gets all her political views fed to her from him. All their friends are the same.
Dealing with that gave me a false impression of the whole state.
I took special joy hearing first hand about how she and her dad were having a collective meltdown on election night after all the shit they talked all year 9u9
When he got North Carolina I started sitting up. Florida had me feeling good. What was after that? PA, WI? Champagne time.
When he announced his election.
I knew Hillary was doomed when she started rattling & ranting on to her small crowds about "racists online cartoon frogs" lmao
Her loosing bodily control and getting tossed into the van on 9/11 was just icing on the cake, webm related
I realized he was going to win way back in November 2015
When he refused to apologize for his "when Mexico sends us their people, they're not sending their best" statement
not at all, i'm compencating nothing here with my post, it was me who typed it , sencere and honest, not a fucking un chil.
you are not alone in this world, there are other people too, people who understand the position you ae in and understands it or atleast try to.
as a matter of fact i was an employe of the european commision untill i got sick of that snakebascet. the things i've seen there , i knew alot before anyone else. how perverted and ndemocratic that place is. un isn't any different
When Hillary got tossed into that van "like a side of beef" and then played it off by hugging a small mulatto child after getting pumped with drugs in Chelsea's apartment I knew it was over.
Top 5 political meltdown moment of all time.
I had a feeling since Hillary mentioned the racist cartoon frog.
Last days were terrible though, I knew that if she had won the world would've turned into a cuckfest, and then Florida happened.