Why is this always their argument for free healthcare? "Hur dur...

Why is this always their argument for free healthcare? "Hur dur, if you don't like paying for other people you are a greedy person who is evil!"


>free healthcare
>paying for other people

I'm generally curious about this too, it's not even a convincing argument, yet I see it all the time.

fuck off



>appeals to emotion

I've gotten so bored of folk wisdom. It feels like being trapped in purgatory.

That's actually kinda spooky, not sure what (((important))) thread I'd be sliding by making this one but whatever.

I'm not a shill, just curious, I keep seeing this pic plastered all over social media as "the perfect argument" to healthcare.

Healthcare should be free, as in tax free. All healthcare companies providers investors, anyone who works in the healthcare industry, should pay no taxes. That is the correct way to interpret free healthcare.

The problem is most of the money doesn't go to that kid that needs a heart surgery or whatever, it goes to fat and unhealthy fucks who knowingly destroy their own bodies. It also doesn't just go to YOUR people, unless you refer to people of all races as "your" people as long as they have citizenship.

How much would costs go down if they didn't pay taxes?

Wouldn't they just charge out the ass?

People have nothing to compare the healthcare system they're familiar with to anything else except a pseudo-market system with a broken pricing mechanism in the States. They don't seem to realize that what they refer to as 'free' is just government monopolization, yet they equate opposition to universal healthcare to being a sociopath without even hearing out your argument.

It's the philosophy of the devil to place time, energy, and sympathy into people you don't know and will never meet.

Does this statement seem ridiculous to you? If so, think it over. If everyone took care of their own, the family, and those they come in contact with on a daily basis, there would be no need to worry about and waste energy or time or through process on people you have never met, or essentially people in your imagination. Even this status from OP's picture, the old man and the child are strictly hypothetical. They are not real.

Liberals engage in wasting energy on people they don't know or have never met more than anyone, and constantly create fake stories and imagine these people it might "offend" or "upset" or make "sick" or "feel bad" to guilt people over who don't worry about that shit.

They live in their own special world.

If the government pulled out Medicare and Medicade so that health care would be free market again with individual choices and competition then the prices would drop precipitously

This is a joke right? Yeah if trump starts acting like a republicunt, he will be gotten rid of. Shaving .1% off of someones salary to pay for feeding the starving is not the same as taking 20% of someones taxes as they make $8 an hour... Only one is really theft if you think about it.

Damm, that's well said user.

Get your hands off my money. I don't care about the little boy or old man. I work for me, not for them.

>Government takes $500 dollars
>Government gives back $100 dollars
>See? Without us you wouldn't have $100!

Pardon my ignorance, but why did Obamacare make it mandatory for everyone to have healthcare?
Why not just stick with the government healthcare part, and not force everyone in the country into the mix?

Amen, I work for myself and my family

I think the emotional outburst is annoying, but I do think it's a bit outdated to say we shouldn't figure out some way of making healthcare affordable for all. I do not think it is a measure of a great nation to allow its poor to die when they could reasonably be treated without it taking too much money. However, healthcare is a complicated industry and it will be difficult to pinpoint exactly where that line is and how to achieve it. The best system I can think of is to have universal health care that you pay a specific tax into, but if you are wealthy enough then you can pay for private healthcare and you will receive a tax credit in the amount that you would have been taxed. In this way, everyone is paying their fair share for services they might use without those who can afford not to need such things being taxed twice, so to say, by paying for both private and public healthcare.

It all boils down to control. Control health care, control the masses

I think a pure free market system for health care would work beautifully. We haven't had one for generations due to medicare and medicade. Those programs (along with a lot of insurance companies) make it so that you don't see the full price. Physicians charge more but you only see the deductible. Also, you don't get to shop around for quality and price which leads to bogus $6000 emergency room charges for a band-aid.

Unshackle the invisible hand!

Because they are emotional children and this is a type of "argument" a petulant child makes. If you have ever seen a kid crying and screaming for mommy or daddy to buy them a toy and use the phrase "if you loved me you would buy me this" it is exactly the same.

The progressive doesn't understand that there isn't unlimited money to fulfill every want and desire and that it has to come from somewhere. And if you do spend money on "free" health care, than there is less to spend on "free" college, or food stamps, or housing, or social security, or whatever.

Now I'm just mad.

Illegals aren't my people.
Obese ghetto mama's aren't my people.
Trannies wanting free sex changes aren't my people.

Welcome to the rest of your life

>I think a pure free market system for health care would work beautifully.
Yeah, it's working great in Africa.

She can go be a decent human being all she wants, its called charity.
I am a prick, let me keep my money and pay my own way, its not my fualt or responsibility that little timmy needs a heart transplant

I don't see anything wrong with paying for healthcare but maybe it shouldn't cost SO MUCH FUCKING MONEY.

you don't want me forcibly taking your money for my healthcare???? you're so greedy!!!

Well if they can't build up stable governments to protect their people from warlords how are they supposed to have any real economy?

>Someone saves your life with a heart transplant
>Doesn't feel obligated in any way to directly compensate the surgeon for saving your life

Wew lad

>I'm canadian
Gee, who would have thought...

"decent fucking human being."

real decent language there

Because we want niggers and deadbeats to die off, not keep them in the gene pool.