A lot of us used to be libtards.
What made you go right wing?
A lot of us used to be libtards.
What made you go right wing?
Other urls found in this thread:
Libtards can't keep beaners or muzzies out.
I realized that it was my responsibility to make my life a good one and not anybody else's. The only way to do that was hard work and sacrifice.
Being raised in a right-wing household that still had connection to old European American culture.
I grew out of it.
I ended up in the welfare system.
Was never a libtard. The closest I came was the time I wanted to fuck this hippie chick.
Witnessing what was supposed to be the most anti-corruption anti-Israel American politician take the big seat for 8 years and witnessing him deadlock the US government for over a week over a domestic health bill, while at the same time planning to declare war on Syria.
Being white and growing up in California.
I don't consider myself right, but not left anymore either.
The collective madness, that borders are evil and we have to let in anyone, is something I can't accept.
I discuss this with my mate a lot.
I think once you go right wing theres no going back, and that everyone has a limit. For me, the limit was breached in 2005 or so by a speach Tony Blair made. I can't remember the exact details but it put me off labour, lib dems and the SNP almost immediately. I think it was pro EU.
I graduated high school and saw how the real world works
Muslim immigrants turned me into a racist white man.
>what made me conservative?
>what made me a liberal again?
Just realized how cancerous I wrote that, point still stands though. The time for change for me came after the Libya/Syria fiasco. It was pretty clear then the kikes would never be touched until the whole system was torn apart.
Nothing wrong with wanting to diversify your portfolio. Fucking hippie/artsy chicks is fun
The Suey Park thing and then Gamergate. I realized that identity politics were getting out of control and finally started seeing some of the weird media collusion shit for what it was. Now, I'm a practitioner of the concept of evidence-based black inferiority but still pretty liberal in a lot of ways.
I voted for Obama in 2012 when I was a normie
then I learned about cucks on Sup Forums
Identity politics, the realization that the slippery slope fallacy is a fallacy. I'm not racist and I still think that things like single-payer healthcare is a good idea, but I almost vomit with disgust whenever I see the new left today.
pic related
Liberals hold some good views which you can agree on, but I've always been more conservative though
First it was Feminism, SJWs and entry level stuff.
I then noticed patterns regarding the people pushing those things.
Seeing "Diversity" with my own eyes was the next step.
It all snowballed from then on.
SJWs, censorship of free speech, their inability to see Islam for what it is, calling anyone who criticized Islam a racist/bigot, and them flooding our countries with shitskins basically.
the jews
the second i started to actually think about it i became right wing
i never bought into the leftest White guilt shit but I did believe that "science had proved the races and sexes are equal" because thats what I was told in school
merkels politic
When I got a job outside of entry-level retail
I've posted this before but:
>be 30ish
>Bush era as a kid
>watch The Daily Show religiously, Bush is pretty fun to make fun of, along with all the other stodgy politicians they poke fun at.
>Colbert is starting to branch off into his own, love him.
>2008 election
>first I can vote in
>this Ron Paul guy is pretty cool, I mostly hate that Bush is at war.
>follow the primaries loosely, Looks like Paul lost, that sucks.
>be bored and end up voting for Obama on the idea that we'll probably stop being at war.
>4 years later
>still at war, fuck you Obama
>pay more attention, Paul running again
>watch as they fuck over Paul at every turn
>write him in on the ballot because fuck Romney and fuck Obama
>become redpilled in 2012, the media is a bunch of two-faced shills
>start mixing Sup Forums into my Sup Forums time.
>don't care that much about jews and blacks, just the fucking media
>see Trump in 2015
>watch as the media pulls the same shit that they did on Paul
>watch Trump deflect it with ease
>"holy fuck, I think we have someone that will actually change shit and has a shot."
Gamergate made me realize the left hated me. I then decided to not dismiss the right wing as crazy Christcuck racists. Then I realized they were right.
Stupid contemporarys. But mostly because feels nicer.
Found the nigger.
The psyop that is Sup Forums. I'm radical as fuck, son.
>A lot of us used to be libtards.
and still are
look at this board
People grew up, took the redpill, and saw how deep the rabbit hole is.
I used to smoke a lot of weed, I quit
Blacks chimping out over a criminal robbing a store at gunpoint getting shot by police. And I mean every time it happens, niot just one time in perticular, it wears you down after a while.
Realizing the victimhood politics were dumb, realizing the failures of public education and reading Thomas Sowell. I listened to podcasts by libertarian leaning people (not political though) and started noticing the big scheme of the MSM. To this day I think the media is the biggest, damaging blight that humanity is suffering. Every braindead ultras regressive I meet sucks down CNN like it's the gospel.
Also I grew up a bit and stopped blaming everyone else for my personal failures. Started to live for myself and I started to finally feel better about myself more than a decade of trying to please everyone. All my conservative friends were much nicer people as well.
I am neither. If you are truly woke, you see bullshit on both sides of the political spectrum.
But hey, lets praise Hitler and the striping of freedoms of his citizens! IT MAKES TOTAL SENSE!!!!
I was never a libtard.
I started working in college. I was a delivery driver.
I noticed I never got tipped by niggers and I was getting death threats for just going into their neighborhoods despite their friends being the ones to call me in. I redpilled pretty quick. Then I became a teacher, and had to deal with obstinate nigger children. They have no authority figures in their lives and its held up as desirable in their culture to actively disobey authority. I got tired of trying to teach them anything when clearly they couldn't give a shit.
I understand now why we whipped slaves. There's no other way to compel a nigger to do anything, and they'll never do anything of their own accord. Never had a problem with any other race except the fact that Mexican kids seem to be susceptible to niggerfication, and lose their work ethic and whatnot. And i feel bad for the black people who aren't niggers, work hard, etc... But damn if there aren't like 10 on every 1000.
I've always been a little off center politically, but after Trayvon Martin I took a hard swing Right when it became apparent how much the Left lies and the media covers for it.
>German man can't determine if post if serious or a shitpost
Oh yeah and rapefugees of course.
>ifunny watermark
which views, and how are they exclusively liberal?
More like working since age 13, end up with health issues and have to go on welfare for a while.
Experience the degradation people suffer in it and how it is hollowed out due to shitskins abusing it.
Realized that materialism is plebeian after studying esotericism and experimenting with drugs.
The Sup Forums was liberal meme needs to die, it was mostly libertarian.
>What made you go right wing?
When I realized the majority of the world is full of anti intellectual mongrels and pretentious, self-destructive marxists who want to remake western society in their twisted image.
The seeds were planted in 2008 when I started growing annoyed with the self-righteousness and annoying traits of that cum-gargler Stephen Colbert. I started to realize the left liked to paint itself as the little guy but actually clearly had pop culture on its side. They had their president win in a landslide. It liked to paint itself as tolerant but would boycott or try to shut down anything they didn't like, and attack it with the most ridiculous strawmen. This was in 2008 when me and my buddies realized it, so the gamer gate meme is horseshit.
Still that was just more anti-leftist than being right wing. I didn't become right wing until I started following:
>1 post by this ID
>a fucking (((leaf)))
Million Dollar Extreme and also just understanding politics. once i understood politics i went libertarian. Sam Hyde made me go right wing though.
the lack of financial security
also the cost of housing/living
When I started actually looking into political matters etc also around the time I did DMT
>old European American culture
No such thing.
>religion of peace
>dreamers ruined manufacturing and construction industry
>gud bois
>safe spaces
Coddling black criminals and forced gender pronouns was the end for me
Got dang ol BANG BANG BANG
ATF dang ol RATTA TAT TAT TAT TAT TAT dead kids man
Dang ol BOOM, FIRE man.
E. NUFF dang ol. KA-BOOM.
shut up leaf, we only let you in here because we feel bad
I graduated high school and grew up.
>when the second post is also the best post.jpg
This. Ron Paul, and being a white male in uni.
I voted Bush Jr in 2004
I rejected the concept of (((White Guilt))) and went from there.
SJWs did it.
The second I realized that liberals turned into the new fascists and the cons calmed down and took a "live and let live" approach, I switched sides. Now my only mission in life is to destroy the democrates and expose the left for what it is.
For me it was cumulative. There can't be one thing bigger than any other.
>Read about the Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, realize Black are a different species.
>Be living in Ireland during 2008 crisis, see how international (((bankers))) rape country. Turn against current EU as well.
>See ISIS blow up historical monuments, understand these cunts just have to go. There will be no negotiations.
>Watch Louis Theorux documentary about transgeder kids, realise this needs to be banned, the parents arrested.
>Return home to Spain, understand that the foreign born population has reached 25% in a country with unemployment of 25%.
>Review European birth rates realized something very wrong.
>Go on POL, all of the above reconfirmed. Then get red-pilled on the fact that all Pornography, and "Progressive" groups are ideologically influenced or directly controlled by Jews.
>See World's fucking ridiculous reaction to a Trump victory. Realize, I too, am a fucking white male.
Realizing that being nice and kind and tolerant sounds nice on paper but does not lead to a nicer world to live in. That wanting to live in a culturally homogenous society is the most natural instinct of humans and that it shouldn't be ignored.
Went off to college and left all of my liberal friends behind and decided I wanted to get back in shape, meet girls, that sort of thing. I wound up on RoK and spent two years doing nothing but self-improvement with the goal of finally getting laid, but it took me a while to come to terms with the fact that it wasn't what my life was lacking, and started looking for a girl that would be suitable wife material. Eventually I wound up here after spending a few years on Sup Forums, but by that point my right-wing journey was more or less complete. You guys just made me hate Jews more than I used to.
I was a ''radical-centrist'' before I swallowed the pill
>I was never a libtard.
This, born and raised in a right wing family.
Even when being exposed to liberalism as a teen when it was "cool" to act like a nigger/victim/faggot, I still rejected those beliefs by common sense.
I also studied a lot of economics and technology. Many inventions are completely denied by our (((government))) because if something like a house can be made for $5000 using ceramic molds then there goes (((the housing market)))
Believe me when I say we are hundreds of years stifled thanks to Jewish corruption.
This. Louis CK, David Cross and Jon Stewart made me get annoyed with leftists. Reading End the Fed made me go libertarian.
Surprisingly, Molymeme. I used to hate rich people before him.
3 things
>realizing that in the world nobody gives a fuck about me except me, my family, and close friends, so relying on stranger to do the right thing is a lost cause
>Obama fucking everything up
and what pushed me so far right wing
>liberals blaming white people for everything and saying I'm a terrible person for shit my ancestors didn't even do but they assume because I'm white they were all terrible people
Real life happened. Job happened. A lot of things.
>free healthcare is a Human right
>green energy and nature conservation are vital to a great country
>meat animals should be passively euthanized to be killed and not violently slaughtered
Started making money and actually getting a grip on reality. Pretty much realizing what leftists sell is impossible to attain.
>something like a house can be made for $5000 using ceramic molds
Got a link? That sounds rad.
Life experience. I still look back at my youth some 15 years ago with disbelief; I was your textbook cuck and a lib.
OP PATCON patsy.
Parents are South American ex-guerillas, met and fought with Che and fidel.
I thought it was cool
Later realized what scum my parents are and became redpilled
>inb4 sweden
Not all the time. I was raised in a very right winged household and was very based for the longest time. I went full libtard in high school mainly because for the first time I was actually listening to the lefts position. I'm in college now and more centrist.
My only concern with the right that keeps me because is the fallacy of trickle down economics. But what I think can work is shaping taxes to where it would be better for corperations to invest like it was a bank account, but with very very minuscule amounts, and 0 stock exchange tax.
That would mean very high individual tax for super rich, Medium corporate tax, and again low stock tax.
But seriously, growing up rural basically sets conservative libertarian as the default state.
I never was a progressive in the typical sense.
Though I am pretty progressive when it comes to technology and other things in the science and industrial world.
Let's just say I ain't a nihilist.
Atheism plus did. Im an atheist and those sjw cucks really made me think twice
Identity politics bullshit - being told to check my privilege by people who read a book a year.
Direct experience of blacks, 90% plus negative.
Seeing that most of left wing politics is based on self hate and resentment.
Magic mushrooms
See my country get cucked by Tony Blair
how scummy?
Ferguson then a retrospective on past chimp outs and then finally shooting a rifle for the first time
Became racist and extremely pro gun even though just a year before I was extremely anti racist and anti gun
>going back and reading the cringey autistic shit I've posted on the internet
Thought that Bush, Howard, and Blair were an anomalous evil political cabal. Realised they weren't an anomaly.
Writing prompt spam.
An unbroken record of failure.
The realization that they are lying. They're not trying hard and then heroically failing, they are just liars. Bernie Sanders is not a socialist. Bernie Sanders just bought a red Audi and a mansion in Florida.
By the way I have not changed politically, see that Thomas Sowell quote. Obama was undeniably highly radical and divisive. I would have happily campaigned and voted for Webb.
Nope sorry, my digits confirm you're a melanin enriched individual, k bye!
When I realised the MSM and school system were lying through their teeth about nearly everything. I realised this because I didn't fall for white guilt so all the white guilting backfired and just made me full 1488 instead.