you can't blame immigrants for taking your jobs when it's actually machines
you can't blame immigrants for taking your jobs when it's actually machines
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You have to go back.
>he doesn't realize the machines were made in Japan
i like self service machines more than pablo honestly.
i love watching liberals fight against technology lmao.
Wild that idiots like him try and assert that we're talking about shit-level minimum wage work when we say immigrants are ruining our labor market
Immigrants from the third world come to receive welfare not to work.
If machines are doing the jobs people used to, why does the aging population matter? All you're saying is we don't need immigrants.
>automatization will kill a significant percentage of low skilled labour so why would you oppose the importation of hordes of illiterate peasants that were unqualified for even that type of work?
Those self-checkout machines cost stores way more than they're worth, I really don't know why they keep them around.
I was talking to someone who worked at the local Tescos and say their budget set aside to cover theft and because of those machines it was through the roof. Not to mention there's always 1-2 people watching over the machines to try and prevent theft, let people purchase alcohol and products that need tags removed.
You guys have to make robots to take jobs since you're not having any kids
Wtf I love hypocrisy now
This is the radical truth right here. Automation justifies NOT bringing them in. Fucking liberals, why are they so stupid?
Because its both, there was a job fair here in ottawa that said the jobs were only for immigrants and minorities, so fuck you and your "its all the machines not shit skins guyz!" retort.
so what? Japan is overpopulated anyways. So is most of europe i'd argue. Replace what is possible with automatization, the shrinking population can take care of the rest.
> Admit that immigrants aren't needed due to automation.
> Probably still pro-immigration.
Vending machines to murder and rape white people.
>EU immigrants give 10% more than they take
>Non-EU immigrants take 10% more than they gives
>we voted to swap Europeans for Africans and Pakistanis
shut up you racist idiots this was the justification for the replacement, delet this thread
Don't see why we need more immigrants then.
It's both obviously. The difference is that automation or "machines" will lead to positive social changes like Universal Basic Income and leisure education (like you'll go to university for fun, to study a subject you have an interest in not so that you can get a top-tier job with top-tier earning potential)
Immigrants on the other hand don't force these same benefits, instead they just add more bodies to the lower and middle classes and spread the wealth and infrastructure thin.
Fucking hell you are right, Why is nobody bringing this up ?. The fucking lie we need more immigrants in germany because our population is shrinking.
No we need more robots.
This is the future. very thinly populated western countries with alot of automatization.
And for this to work we need to get rid of niggers and mudslimes because they procreate too much and would fuck up the balanced system.
And here they are taking meme jobs.
Neither of those places are overpopulated.
Just for some reason all the people decided to move to one of the 3 big cities and when you look at those places you assume it is overpopulated.
If you go to Osaka in Japan or Devon in Britain you will just see empty land.
It is like assuming New York is overpopulated by just looking at New York City. You don't see the millions of empty acres no one is using because it lacks a McDonalds.
>machines are replacing humans so lets import more migrants
Where's the logic?
And the few registers that do have a clerk are old mexican and black women. Or poor white trash, all with a bad attitude.
>what is an aging population
>what are demographics
>what is money
Checked and confirmed
>Luddittism in the current century
>From a brit, nonetheless
How many shirts have you sewn today?
Wild that some nigga can see a machine and think immigrants suddenly dont increase competition and drive down wages
Id prefer machines to muslims and blacks. All other immigrants are okay I guess.
The self service machines always have people hanging around them because they fuck up all the time.
>it's the machines that are taking your jobs
>we need immigrants to help our aging workforce, goyim
Really opens my sodium channels...
You think this is how it's going down? No wonder you are foreveralone.
It's almost like there are multiple factors contributing to the joblessness problem? Woah, that's a redpill!
>machines set forms and frame houses
>machines wire buildings for power
>machines install doors and windows
Kill yourself, food service dreg.
Yeah. These companies hire the immigrants and then realize that they're so lazy so they resort to having the customer do their job for free.
i never said that, no immigrant will ever take my job. i just think they are less developed humans and i dont want them around
meh, britain and japan aren't the US. Untouched nature is worth something. Want to go hiking in germany? Good luck finding unpopulated areas.
fucking japanese ruin everything
>walk in
>grab a £3 meal deal - sandwich crisps and drink
>scan on self service
>pay with contactless
>walk out
All takes around 3 minutes to obtain food and do not have to communicate with a single other human
Robot loli industry will never develop if we let niggers do machines job. Its for the greater good
and how is importing a net drain for your economy a possible solution for that?
It's not, and I never said it was
so we're shit out of luck then? Doubt our indigenous populations will grow any time soon again.
Niggers break the machines and then the white man gets paid to fix it.
Sounds like niggers are creating jobs.
If you faggots didnt give up poland without a fight you might still have that.
Its great when I am a hungover mess. Fuck people.
>so we're shit out of luck then
exactly, at this point it'll either be a military coup, civil war, or a caliphate
>goes to tesco instead of the marketplace
you're the problem then, demand and supply mate
Actually, immigrants are taking the MONEY, not the jobs. Also, fuck luddites, and fuck SJW luddites even harder.
>You're getting fucked by one system how can you possibly not want to get fucked by another???
Leftists can only think with their gaping assholes.
>factory farms
>under the table restaurant jobs
And on top of that, we're suddenly only 60% white. What the fuck happened?
>Burger education
>Comparing US to Japan/Europe
We are fucking full and if we are, then so is Japan.
Population density:
US: 35/km2
EU: 116.4/km2
Germany: 227/km2
Japan: 340.8/km2
If you have so much empty land, why don't you take on a couple more refugees?
>Cities overcrowded, not enough work to go around.
>Company HR departments swamped with resumes as more people flood the metro area.
>Old people afraid of their financial future squatting in jobs instead of retiring and allowing advancement.
>Glut of labor creates employer's market
>Wages driven down by increased competition
>Skilled labor unwilling or unable to slash their rates and move elsewhere
>Company hires underskilled, poor performing labor due to shit HR and affirmative action giving preferential treatment to underqualified PoC.
>Quality tanks and sales are down
>Company increasingly automates to standardize quality or goes out of business.
And still you want more immigrants to exacerbate all this.
No, they're actually taking your women. I busted an English lady's cherry and a Brit never got a sniff of that. BOOOOM
>black people actually believe that all jobs are retail or customer service based
These people don't even realise there is a world outside of shops
Because being a cuckold is your fetish Hans
The real tragedy here is that the only reason we are allowed to vote anti-immigration parties into office is because the industry doesn't need the illegal slaves anymore.
I register as a European asking for asylum in America. Take me, please.
In places with high immigration, shitskin immigration anyway, they don't use self service checkouts because it makes stealing shit easier
I thought immigrants were necessary because otherwise there would be a labor shortage? Guess it was really about destruction of national homogeneity all along...
Automation > Immigrants
Fuck off shit skins.
What about the black forest?
over the last 20 years we (usa) have lost more jobs to automation than to exportation of industry.
>this means we should allow companies to export more jobs?
no, we fight for what remains. we charge the 35% tariff on foreign goods and drive the jobs back.
>unabomber sent this dude a bomb
I don't know who to trust Sup Forums
Yep. Doesn't make any fucking sense.
>replaced the jobs of 5 workers with an entire engineering team that's required to produce, update, and maintain these machines
10/10 i replied
when I brought up on a hungarian semi-sjw forum that the same journalists who write the refugees-are-necessary-muh-aging-population articles are the same who write the automation-will-cost-us-our-jobs articles, there was silence. but then, they don't mean either of those; pro-refugee articles are there to enable gloating over how uneducated anti-refugee people are and automation-is-the-future articles are there to gloat over how fucked all the uneducated people are. they never realize migrants are uneducated, too.
I blame people like Trump.
And this justifies your paki migrant fetish how, exactly?
They are taking benefits and stressing their host countries financial and infrastructure resources then sending earned monies to family members in foreign countries that money is gone out of the local economy. If we have to move to universal income because of robots we need to keep illegals from stealing that money too. We need dawahl.
Just take a look at your everyday street. Electric streetlights everywhere...
My great grandfather was a lampsman who would proudly refill all the gaslights in the borough. He'd be spinning in his grave if he saw today's state of affairs.
Absolutely disgusting. What's happened to our heritage.
>If one thing is taking jobs, then nothing else can be.
This is your brain on nigger.
Scan everything as bananas.
Pick a heavier fruit. It costs less because sammich only ways a couple hundred grams.
>mfw the 5p bag is the most expensive item in the meal deal
Number of jobs decreases due to automation.
Bigger competition for remaining jobs because immigrants want jobs too.
Really makes you think why people wanted jobs back and voted Trump.
What a great mystery.
Machines are better than 3rd worlders.
We don't have any self service machines in my town, just mexicans who can't speak english
Yes we fucking are. Buying a house is near impossible because EVERYWHERE except the most remote shithole villages are overpopulated. Those shithole villages are STILL too expensive to buy houses in, how do you not get this. We have hundreds of thousands of people who don't work because they are too dumb. Fuck off, we're full.
You are being ethnically replaced by your Jewish overlords. It's a form of GENOCIDE.
(((Merkel))) wants all of us dead, how are you not getting this.
>small shops are closing down
>town markets and shopping districts keep getting smaller
>I know what to do! shop at tesco and complain about the machines, after using them of course
Why are leftists so stupid?
german logic strikes again.
how about the mystery of why all these automated factories are moving to countries with cheap labor? Surely there is more robotics/engineering expertise available in a developed countries?
Perhaps we will never know.
they can't afford to put their money where their mouth is because the job market for gender studies majors is extremely limited
So are the immigrants coming here working and thus stealing American jobs or are the going on welfare and thus stealing Ametican taxpayer money?
Markets are often times cheaper than tesco, at least here they generally are. If you're poor you're more likely to go to market shops. It's like they're too stupid or ignorant to even know these places exist then complain about the alternative, that they're using too.
i would rather use a self service machine than have a paki touch my food
its just the future man get with it
Do you know what specialization is?
>german logic strikes again.
The nation of the greatest mathematicians, you are right there.
>how about the mystery of why all these automated factories are moving to countries with cheap labor?
Are they?
Some time ago there was news here in Germany that a large clothing company started to build automated factories in Germany.
I believe that was addidas.
But it really doesnt matter.
Automation WILL decrease the number of jobs available and an increase in job seekers (e.g. thourough migration) will mean higher competition for the jobs left.
In the end this will without any doubt mean that getting a job will be harder or even impossible.
wanna a car freind get ready for carbon tax, want a steady job, minister says prepare to chang jobs alot, pipeline work will litterlay leave your ass in the wilderness without notice, make jack shit within city limits unless your exploted some sort of shitty ""prossecc"", roads require double the funding next year, electricity is becoming more tha rent, rent increases every three months lately , schools are liberal debt zones, banning cole hadno effort of our climate and we kept it, people who buy a electric car overpriced at 130k get us to pay 30k in tax rebate, LIVING THE DREAM OVER HERR I FUCKING TELL YA.
It's both, but that doesn't mean you should ignore one half of the problem. TFW and similar programs just make it worse.
Back in the day a surgeon was a surgeon. Now you have many types of surgeons. This is called specialization. Specialization makes new jobs that were lost from automatization. Its not rocket surgery.
Tfw I'm a software engineer so my job will be last to go as I automate your jobs.
A liberal spaz walks through Tesco and thinks he knows shit about the UK workforce.
>Immigrants come to America
>Work for far less than regular americans because they share a house with 14 others
>Businesses only see the dollar signs, fire American in exchange for cheaper immigrant
>Immigrant sees that liberal, white guilt, community college americans want $15 an hour for microwaving burgers, joins movement
>businesses see that and physically say "fuck that" by getting robots to do it
>Now Americans, immigrants, and libtards have no income
The party just started, however. There was only one man who denounced that, and only one man who could actually do something about it successfully. Hes gonna be president in a couple days. Rejoice, brother.
I had this argument with my gf
>working class whites are being replaced by automation, not immigration. Its more like 20% of their jobs go to immigration.
To which I responded
IF there is automation there should be a moratorium on immigration as the demand for labor will continue to dwindle. There would be a need for high skill immigration from Asia/India for these machines. Despite there is no "STEM" crisis in the work force and we should be encouraging women and our youth to enter this field to keep up with demand.
IF immigrants are taking 20% of jobs, this still doesn't make it okay. These workers can't argue with the 80% of jobs being taken by automation, because it is the reality of technology. On the other hand they have leverage with stopping immigration, for a multitude of reasons. From depressed wages, lack of social cohesion, and worker exploitation of the third world.
Lastly, the argument takes the position that immigrants and immigration is a good, moral, and virtuous thing. Unfortunately this view is mutually exclusive with being pro immigration. It is ultimately the selfish and greedy thing to advocate for as an American. It serves the interests of hyper capitalist in their attempt to have more bargaining power and pay lower wages to their employees. It robs the immigrants country of its people who need them to further develop the nation. It destroys social cohesion here, and helps to create ethnic conflict and political radicalism. Lastly, immigrants seem to be a 98% costs on our system, while contributing a whopping 2% to our economy. Is the 2% really worth it? How selfish can we be to demand that other people come paint our fence for us figuratively, yet claim a position of pro workers rights and anti-racism?
But the jobs for highly educated people will go last.
It is relatively easy to replace a truckdriver but it is very hard to replace a surgeon.
And a truckdriver will not become a surgeon just because there are more surgeons needed.
Automation only threates the people who live of easily automated task that do not require automation and if more and more jobs get automated these people will have no place to go.
What should a 50 yo. truckdriver do to specialize?
If all jobs that so not require automation are gone what job could he possibly do?
And millions of unskilled, uneducated spics flooding this country is suppose to help this problem?