The final red pill is the fact that men are better than women
Final pill
no. this was the initial thing that brought me here
what? that's one of the first ones
>some minor issue
>final red-pill
uh, nah
Lol no. Men and women are just good at different things. Neither is superior to the other.
>Things women are better than men at
1) Giving birth
2) ???????
Once the artificial womb comes along roasties will be forever toastie
>artificial womb
You have autism.
Find a man able to coerce a woman into taking care of him for life by working 10 hours a day, raise children when she doesn't want to, constantly feel guilty for treating him the way he treats her while constantly being told how lucky she is.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Interesting argument.
What are women going to do when sex robots and artifical wombs are invented?
The hottest will probably have no problem, but the ugly ones / roasties?
kek this
Literally the first pill, leaf.
not in fact so my friend don't get too cocky - literally and figuratively.
their strength is elsewhere
>Lol no. Niggers and whites are just good at different things. Neither is superior to the other.
Once robot waifus and artificial wombs become a thing then even the beta of the betas won't even give a solid 10/10 perfect girl the time of day.
Women will lose all power forever.
Is that why women have men crawling on their knees begging to eat out of their hands? Men are a shit.
I wouldn't even consider that a red pill. That's just common sense.
Women invented everything, only in modern times have men started getting their act together but even then they are retarded and only camwhore for attention for a myriad of subjects. Even in math courses the men wear skimpy clothing to get noticed and yell at you when you compliment them.
It's like men are from Venus and women are from Mars. Women are 100% the logical thinkers in every relationship and even men can agree that when it comes time for monthly ovulation they cannot handle their girl's logic so they get overly emotional to compensate like the manchildren they are.
I think we can all agree women are way better than men.
And 2D > 3DPD
go back to your autistic MGTOW friends plz
thats basic knowledge
>I can't come up with a counter argument so I'll just insult him
That is pretty much required to get things existing at all.
In fact, producing more men and nurturing/educating them is as important as everything else.
Artificial wombs won't take care of babies the way traditional women do.
>final redpill
More like nigga knew this from day one.
>traditional women do
Doesn't exist any longer
Look at the state of men today who are raised by single mothers
See above
A blender is required to make a smoothie, should I be praising the blender for doing its own job?
>Invented by a man without a doubt
Actually that's the soil the rest of the red pills are grown on.
wow shitskin die
>The final red pill
That's the final red pill? something we all knew since we were kids?
we were talking about this back in Middle School bro. It's an early red pill
its the women and men have designated places in a functioning society
you cant compare the 2
>your mom whiped your faggot ass
>you just need to recognize your role keeping women in line
Cis white males and transgender Demi coons are just different senpai
Nope. I was born knowing this.
That's something you experience in school already the moment they get preferred treatment.
I've known that since I was like 6
>final red pill
this is entry-level you dumb fucking leaf. but welcome aboard anyway
Kek, you came out of a woman. Pleb. I'm a test tube marvel. Get on my level, scum. Me >>>>>> (You)
that is like saying Oxygen is better then food for a human.
fuck off
1 of many studies. Page 6 note, men have larger volumes making neuron totals higher in men even though less dense. The synapse density takes some of the volumes room.
You know what's sad? It's women themselves that convinced us of this. We would have lived their retarded dream if they hadn't abused us.
Never abuse your enemies. Defeat and subjugate them, but never abuse them.
itt vagina envy
btw women get "privileged/preferential treatment" because men made it so
All great civilizations know the superiority of men.
boyim, women are the chosen gender. they're goddess. you live and die for them. boyim, remember the 6 gorillion gallons of blood they bleed? childbirth is the most painful and difficult thing in the world. boyim, women are so brave. make sure to die for any women you see since they're special snowflakes.
this really is the final red pill cause you need to not only overcome logic but your lizard brain. you can easily rationalize and accept other red pills even if they're hard to swallow, but rejecting the vagina jew 100% is like walking off a cliff without any fear
>big brain means smarter
>t. obese, unemployed neckbeard who still lives at home
Had a fight with mommy today, huh?
Final redpill is that our currency is worthless. The private owners of the fed have bottomless bank accounts, create money on the spot and loan it at interest.
Be a good goy and trade that gold for our (((federal reserve notes)))
The final red pill is realizing that there is an infinite number of red pills.
>who is leading the extermination of the white men
women and jews together
>what was the first thing women did when they got the power to vote?
let jews into power with their ability to vote
>who supported empowering women the most
covert jews
>what led to minorities getting so much influence?
women and jews once they got power
>what gender are all the people destroying right now
white women mostly along with jew backers
it's both working together
women are children, men build and order society. but sadly are weak to their libido, and thus give their power to these creatures.
are you a woman?
i still don't get how this isn't just accepted now. take a look at anything women are involved in and it's always a watered down version of what men do. sports? yes. video games? yes. politics? jesus fucking god yes. even when it comes to things like emotional maturity women are always decades behind men
Social skills for one. Women throughout history have had this uncanny knack of ruling through their husbands and were commonly used in foreign affairs because they are more inclined to get their way through speech than through wars. Women make damn good political pawns when used by men because of feelings.
Final red pill is that nobody has a butt we only think we do
Fuck off Jaden go make another shitty movie
Kek at that quote. He let his wife's son succeed him as emperor. Fucking cuck.
that's one of the first, moose fucker
The problem here is not the women, it's their Jew corruptors and the lack of strong, good intentioned men to intervene. Women are a tool being used in the wrong way. It's like using a hoe being used to chop wood, you're only going to see failure.
t. Tits
Men and women are different, with different duties. Men are supposed to protect and provide for women. Women are supposed to produce and raise children. Women's liberation is based upon the denial of biology reality that women and men are different.
Easily one of the first red pills.
The final red pill is the black pill or the domestic terrorism pill
Not a final red pill. It's a very obvious one.
Look at the historical accomplishments of men and women and just open your eyes here and now...
I see this pic everywhere, is there a story behind it?
>women raise children better
Have you seen the stats on single mother households as opposed to single father households?
You're fucking out of your mind. You fell for the "women are nurturing" meme. They can be trained to, sure, but at the same time, you can just have a man raise them with little issue.
Fucking tradcucks. Nurturing my ass. More like drowning their own offspring in bathtubs.
Little late, buddy!
that's literally the first thing a kindergartner learns. Anyone using the term "final" or "ultimate" red pill will inevitably cite some trite normie-tier shit
Thats like the second redpill
Final redpill is that talking politics on the internet is the new bread and circus
choose one
>women are responsible for my bad situation
insecure neckbeared vergin to the max
literally the first redpill lmao
Eh. Traits are distributed on a wider curve among men than they are among women.
Men have a greater amount of retards, psychopaths, schizophrenics, murderers, rapists, assailants, thieves, and addicts, and a greater amount of geniuses, musicians, writers, humanitarians, philanthropists, business owners, inventors, and stoics.
Bottom 50% of men>Almost all women>Top 50% of men is simplifying it, but closer to how things work.
This is still low on the redpilling scale, OP.
Women being more emotional, less reliable and less capable than men is a commonly observable fact. You have be thought-policing yourself to not catch on to it.
Nothing was ever said about single mothers though. It is based on the idea of men and women working together, not separately. Women were designed to produce and raise the young, just as you were meant to protect and provide for the mother of your children.
>we good gurls. we dindu nuffin
women hate men for being superior and want to revolt to try and prove themselves. that's why you allied with jews to destroy western civilization. look at this fucking crazy bitch as an example. maybe women gave men all the ideas and women are superior? maybe fucking aliens and dogs gave women the ideas and then women gave men the ideas without giving their cats the real credit?
once artificial wombs come women will show their true colors and be exterminated. it's like how scum are jealous of the rich and want to rob and steal what's theirs. women will always want to destroy men but we need you for reproduction. not for long though
>average single woman
>average woman
pick one stuipid mysagonist
how many people has this guy redpilled? The madman is still at it too.
Even on Dr. Phil's own show, Dick looks like the more rational person
He's a glorious bastard and has only gotten better as time has gone on (though I miss the classic look)
That's first day on Sup Forums-tier
Come on, stop with this nonsense.
You're looking at input, which is important yes, but the important thing is output
>Aggregate cognition via IQ
Which averages out at about 100 for both females and males
>Different aptitudes in different types of cognition
Females edge out in verbal, males edge out in spatial.
The interesting things aren't brain volume or mass, but
>Females tend to have greater hemispheric neural interconnectivity
>Males tend to have greater hemisphereic neutal intraconnectivity (specialization
>Females edge out in verbal, social
>Males edge out in spatial, mathematical
>Female IQs aggregate around the mean
>Male IQs are stretched out on a longer curve (higher SD): more mentally retarded ones, more geniuses
If you're going to sperg over data, at least know what a confounding variable is.
I agree but there are capable women out there. I don't understand the ideology with some people on this board thinking women are plotting all the time and they are just dumb savages. I honestly just believe that they don't get out of their circle. Not to say I don't believe there are dumb cunts out their but I know individuals who are otherwise very intelligent and competent people.
hmm,,well i believe that while women are in no way equal to men, they are not of less value
$18,169 per month on Patreon as well
He's fucking killing it
It's race realism and that the Jews are not only not white, they want us all dead.
I swear in the race war I am specifically going to hunt weebs and purge them. Fucking degenerate virgins.
>You should stop fapping to cartoons of fucking kids.
>Fucking kids.
Someone actually has to raise the kids too
You are giving way too much credit to women thinking they purposefully and consciously sided with Jews to get their way. Women are led, not meant to lead.
Some women hate men, just because all of them hate you does not mean that they hate all men. Understand the difference.
The problem with you specifically is that you are behaving like a woman and don't want to take responsibility for not being a strong enough man to wrestle women's support away from the Jews.
Your artificial womb pipe dreams don't scare me. Women that wake up and realize what the true threat is have nothing to fear. You on the other hand, will never reap the rewards of leading a woman in the right direction, and seeing the satisfaction of her raising your children, because blaming them for your problem is easier.
Well duh, this is obvious by the fact that we don't need (((diversity quotas))) for men so they can compete with women
>Inb4 200 replies
This mode of thinking is half-true. Yes, a vast majority of the accomplishments have been done by men, but only an infinitesimal minority of men ever have or ever will lead great accomplishments, just like an infinitesimal minority of men will every live their lives smearing feces over themselves.
You can no more claim the labors or Michelangelo, Alexander the Great, or Alan Turing than you could the Pompeii street shitters, the first person to incubate a higher-simian HIV mutagen and pass it along to someone else, or the man who was put i the stocks to have tomatoes thrown at him for trying to rape his neighbor's horse.
Why the hell does single motherhood go so wrong if she's the one that's supposed to raise them?
If she's good at raising a child, she wouldn't need help.
What you're saying is women are so shit they need help with the ONE JOB you give them.
The fact single fatherhood doesn't produce criminals is men are better at raising kids than women.
What you're talking about is leaving the task of raising a child to an incompetent and then trying to fix all the problems that arise from that.
>women magically transform into different creatures when married
Let me put it to you as simply as possible.
A woman alone sucks at raising a child.
A man alone does not suck at raising a child.
A man and a woman do not suck at raising a child.
Now tell me, who the fuck is contributing to the child not being fucked up in the last example?
Am I the only one that realizes what he is saying to him? He is warning him of the joos.
thank you, I am glad that some people are reasonable here.
Everyone here is just guiltshifting, fucking tards.
Yeah, I agree
Last one for now.
Women tend to vote with their husbands.
Men tend to lead their women.
For every Jew in power, there were 5 gentiles getting their agendas working.
Take these as blackpills if you like, but if you simplify the issues to certain scapegoats, you will keep ending up with Ted Kennedy and George Bush.
shoot'em on sight
What are you, a fucking fag?
>Niggers better then whites at banging white women
The idea is that the woman takes care of the children whilst the man helps and works for the glory of society.
Taking care of a small kid takes a lot of time away which the man could have spent providing for his family & country.
Of course, there eventually comes a time where the child has reached an age where the father can pass down knowledge etc to him, which doesn't require to be done all the time as opposed to taking care of a toddler / small child.
Yeah because women are soooooooooooooooooo good at that.
Did the sarcasm come across?
more like babbys first step
Fucking leaf