Greece is poorer than Eastern Europe
Greece is poorer than Eastern Europe
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Poland beast russhits, gotta feel good
Where the fuck did you pull out that 30k Lithuanian gdp figure?
From world bank
Countries that get their money from the EU don't count, aka Sweden who is the one paying for it.
wow they fucked up
At least we are not slavniggers
EU was the deal, west took it, we took it. Dont blame us for being smart.
Shut the fuck up you brown roach rapebaby.
>Ireland 69375
>uk 42514
brits btfo
I know fre Greeks who came here and do shitty jobs. The world is getting better and better
>graph about Europe
>measures in dollars
The euro is cancer.
Shamufur display. We need more right wing economy.
the figure is in PPP so it's a bit of a meme.
why are the irish potato niggers so rich?
Slavshit > sandnigger greeks
Greece isn't eastern europe?
Even richer than norway... There is something wrong with this map.
>when you're richer than Eastern Europe, Portugal and even fucking Turkey
feels good man
Russia's PPP is inflated by all the (((oligarchs))). The average ruskie is not much richer than the average hohol
>tfw you're from a european country but it's poorer than any north-african shitskin country
feels bad to be from Moldova man
Is Moldova really that much of a shithole? I never really see posters on here, they may not be able to afford computers.
Are you western Europe?
They dont onw internet
My dad living there has one
πιστεύεις ότι υπάρχει άνθρωπος εδώ μέσα που γουστάρει εμάς περισσότερο από τους πολωνούς;
No, I'm a person.
Remember that it's GDP, not income. So it's the amount of value that each person, on average, is generating for the country.
And it's PPP, which means that the figures have been adjusted to compensate for how cheap things are to purchase in that country.
For example $1 USD (or the equivalent in local currency) will buy you much more in Eastern Europe than it will in Western Europe, because things are cheaper there.
I wonder who makes those bullshit statistics
You are not moldovan. You betrayed your country by moving to colonies.
GDP doesn't measure wealth. It measures production.
You fucking moron.
>GDP per capita
Nice reading comprehension, slavshit
Not only production, deepshit.
>UK: 42514
>France: 42384
I don't believe purchasing power in Lithuania is higher than in Poland. Everything in Polish shops is like 10-20% cheaper.
>You are not moldovan
Well that's where my father's family is from so even though I live in Canada my ancestry is fucking Moldovan
It measure a lot of things. Wealth in areas included.
>Ireland 69 000
You are colonynigger nothing else. Moldovans > you.
>Hungary 27211
>Latvia 25740
It's because they are bunch of lazy dumb sandniggers.
>proud of being a parasite
>sand nigger tier thb
There is a lot of politicians that I would like to end.
Nihil novi actually. If anything they have been catching up lately. Anyway pointless bullshit, I wish them all the best. If they can build up their industry and get their quality of life up maybe they will stop stirring up shit in neighbouring countries.
>implying it's actually good deal for us
Yeah I mean it obviously did wonders to our GDP growth and isn't used to push through globalist bullshit, leftist degeneracy and rapefugees at all.
Why don't Greeks just sell their country to someone? All it is just a glorified museum of Western civilization, a tourism destination and a port.
All dem Apple tax shekels. Which isn't bad, taxation is theft anyway.
How did you like the Marshall plan money, Hans?
Since I left my shithole of a country I live 10 times better than anyone in Moldova
Stay mad finnbro
Greeks throw used toilet paper in trash bins next to the toilet.
No, got the lv of all the Baltics, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, is the best in the Balcans, and is Better than Belarus and Ukraine
>Dark green Ireland
>Light Green England
Kek fucking Anglos
GDP doesnt mean shit, wages in Litwa is dirty bad, im getting 600euros after taxes and its actually considered average salary. I literally want to kill myself and end this suffering.
wtf since when is germany richer than austria. This is bs.
Why would i be mad about some colonynigger niggering in colonies? Finland is way better country because we worked hard for it and killed millions of russians in war. Also you are a fucking shitskin gypsy compared to normal people.
It's PPP, apparently, it's expensive in Austria, you gotta feed those refugees
what the fuck is even a "colony nigger" kek
Enough with the Marshall plan BS.
At least we ain't kike lovers like you rat boy
Why is Irish economy so good?
You know you have a shitty bin in your toilet?
Its a nigger that flees country for gibs me dat. Those that stay are men that take responsibility to make his country better.
>dear diary
>a literally shitskin and mongoloid sperm called me a nigger
Finland was poorer than Moldova 100 years ago but we have this thing called sisu and it means you never quit and work hard until you accomplish what you want.
>Higher GDP than Russia
>Higher GDP than Latvia
>Higher GDP than Belarus
>Higher GDP than Ukraine
>being this mad
Dont worry my browned skin firend, soon you will come here to plumb for some zloty. Germans made it happen, based Merkel
>Saudi Arabia
i dont ahmed
>russia, ukraine, belarus
naah, all that patriotic shit is not for me. I'd rather be egotistical and try to make my life better than being naive and working for a flawed system
poorer in terms of GPD per capita maybe
pretty sure they are richer in terms of actual wealth
We are the blondest and whitest country after sweden. Mongoloid is just a meme that leftist force to make finns look bad. In reality we have 5-3% asian genes. But greeks have 90% sandnigger genes. You are no different from turks.
This is Russia, your bros.
>why so salty son?
But Ahmed.I believe this is already your job
Are the most of you subhumans shit cleaners in the UK?
Just like a nigger acts and thinks. You havent seen patriotism until you have seen finland. We stick together and win wars against superior enemies that outnumber us 1 to 5 or even more.
your ancestors were shoving ice cubes up their ass while the greeks built the foundation of western culture
I am not sure who is the Ahmed here. It was proven Greeks have 95% of Turks genes in themselves.
Anyway, I will welcome you with the plunger.
sorry for you Ahmed sperm but no.
Now dont be salty shit cleaner
Luck of the Irish at work lads.
Its sad that a literal nigger tries to bait aryan.
>not white
bye bye Genghis
Well good for you mate, sounds quite fun desu
I wish you the same courage to repeal the hordes from the south
You have nothing to do with Ancient Greeks. Mind that afters Turks raped tour women you are just turk rapebabys. All of you. Dont try to make their history your own.
And look them now. No different from 3rd world arab country. The harsh north breed harsh men.
Tfw Ireland is richer than Norway. Sorry Norbros, I live you but get wrecked.
Oh shit, that picture is depressing.
I couldn't even imagine how the night clubs in Belgium, Sweden France and Germany look like.
We don't impose insane taxes in corporations so they actually have money to reinvest, which, shock fucking horror, tends to create jobs.
It was shit back in 08 but we've recovered nicely now.
>inb4 fucking dub
No one cares about the culchies.
Isn't Iceland in massive debt after 2008 or whatever?
There is bigger genetical difference between west finns and east finns than between french and swedes. This mongoloid is from Karelia. Im fennoswede with caucasian face and blonde hair/blue eyes.
Agricultural export is veruy valuable to the Irish economy dub
Why is Moldavia so fucked? They didn't even had a war.
Corporate tax avoidance is more important culchie
we're a poor country. don't pay any attention to us. don't come here; you wouldn't like it
It it but no reason for all the companies to congregate around your pit of depravity known as Dublin
Yes total shithole we're all alcholic scumbags. England is far better
don't bully greeks, at least greece is not a retarded Tax Haven zionist shithole
not really
The airport, port, broadband infrastructure, university tie ins and the seat of government would be the reason.
Cork has done alright for itself as well. Again it's infrastructure based. Pressure your TD to invest in infrastructure and you'll get jobs.