Germany needs refugees

Germany needs refugees.

We only have 5 million people that are 25 - 30

We have 70 million people that are 60 - 70

We need more young people to take care of our own people.

There is no way around it.

>hurr just incentisize breeding

Doesn't help, you cannot pay people to have children because children suck not just from a money standpoint, but from a psychological standpointt.

With our refugee politics we help people in need and we help our country.

It is literally the best solution to it all.

Why can't Sup Forums grasp this BASIC fucking principle?

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no it doesn't

Piss off cunt.

You could've imported whites or something.
Like I bet Russian immigrants wouldn't create nearly as many problems as Arabs

Pleaee provide the source for this claim OP. Otherwise when im finished shitting ill go get it myself.

Those refugees are totally helping your aging population by running over your young adults right?

russian immigrant gopniks are just as bad as fucking sandniggers. fuck off blyat.



Should we encourage Family making to promote birthrates?

No wait, lets import the 3'rd World.

i know you are just weak bait and you literally create these threads once a day but still


I don't know whats with you euro fags and this idea that perpetual growth is needee, if the population shrinks the economy will shrink too, it's just natural, you don't need to import millions of niggers and sandniggers to do low wage jobs just so your economy keeps at +0,5% or something. In the end this forced multiculturalism will only cause more conflict in your societies, wich will lead to a even bigger economic loss.

>more and more robots on the way
>duurr durr let's get shitskins, ILLEGALLY, in our nation to replace workers!
Jesus, even if you need workers you do know you;ve got Poles and Croats and whatnot right?

To have refugees in order to get qualified people for the workforce and economy is not a position pursued by the current government.

get off pol and fug women if you're so worried hans

Also if you fags are so desperate for workers why not use your own EU members, meds are all unemployed, just make some kind of deal for them to work in the nordcuck countries for a relative time.

How dare you question Mama Merkel's policies?!

>We have 70 million people that are 60 - 70

>need more young people
>you cant make people have kids, they suck
Verpiss dich mehmet

>tfw sharing a country with cuckfucks like that

>We have 70 million people that are 60 - 70

Yes sure ... If you mean 7 million that number would fit way better.

Image source:

>there are still people who fall for this pasta

enjoy your ersatzbevölkerung, kraut. you are trying to save the economic living standards of the petit bourgeois sacrificing your people and culture. congratulations.

Yeah destroy your heritage just so your pension doesn't take a slight hit

Why not come take your Amish back you dumb fucks. Their population doubles every 20 years and a sizeable portion leave the Amish community every year. Literally an ethnic German, large amounts still German speaking, they're a baby factory for you.

Seriously get these god damn Amish out of my god damn state.

I know the mennonites are germanic but arent amish dutch?

70 million people who are 60-70 ? Are you retarded ?

they are actually free to accept any job in the EU (brits are butthurt over this) but the meds tend to fuck off back as soon as they realize they are expected to work as in do something for the company while on the clock desu. Plus the weather is shit

> hey guys i don't feel well, injecting myself with AIDs will make me feel better? right,... guys?

a low birth rate is a sign of a bigger problem in your culture.

in a last ditch desperate attempt you thought patching the problem would help.

and forgot the most important fact of culture.

> civilization is made from culture, culture is made of people. if you import people, you import THIER culture too.

All you've done is secure the inevitable downfall and collapse of your civilization.
"Germany" the country may still be around in 100 years. But it WILL NOT be something you recognise as "your culture".

oh what did you do hanz?
honestly i would pity you if the same wasn't happening here also.

Brits might pull through.
"Germany" is lost forever.

Shame desu.
;__; F

Very few of the mudslime recent gimmigrants work. Merkel had to literally beg car manufacturers to employ some of them.

Mehmet detected

also this.

How are they going to:
> take care of our own people
when they don't even produce enough for themselves.

you think when the muslim riots happen they are going to knuckle down to pay for your pensions? LOL

you and your politicians believed their own meme:
> refugees are good for society

Tell me pls.

If something is 10% shit.
Lets say a shit sandwich.
Mixing 100% shit with it.

Does it become more or less shit?
Is it more? i think it is.