After tomorrow they can't blame Obama anymore

After tomorrow they can't blame Obama anymore.

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they will just blame other niggers or liberals (rightfully so)


Wrong. The shit Obama's done will take months to years to put right again.

after tomorrow
(if trump isn't assassinated)
we won't need to blame king nigger because we'll be working towards fixing all the shit he did.

Didn't stop the democrats from blaming Bush for the last 8 years.

This. King Nigger used Bush as his scapegoat for his entire first term. No reason Trump shouldn't return the favor

after tomorrow they cant say 'not my president' anymore


Like what exactly.

Obama didn't start the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bush did.

If you don't understand the previous two sentences, please consider suicide.

Obama didn't help, though. The mess in Syria is all his fault.

Did Bush also start Yemen, Syria and Libya?

>After tomorrow they can't blame Obama anymore.
That old be true if liberals didn't spend Obamas first term blaming Bush for everything.

Obama blamed every misfortune of the US on Bush, not just the wars, including things that were the fault of leftists. Like the economic crash.

The people of those country did when they rose up against their tyrannical governments.

meanwhile, liberals are still blaming bush and raegan.


>after tomorrow they can't blame Obama anymore

Why not? Obama and Democrats did nothing but blame Bush for everything for the last eight years, especially for the first six years of the Obama presidency. And now, Obama has left the country in far worse condition than Bush has both financially and socially. And no president has caused such destruction in global diplomacy as Obama has.

Obama is leaving Trump with an unprecedented mess. Trump won't blame Obama. Laying blame is something bratty and immature children do. Trump will never mention Obama, but instead he will work the problems and fix the problems and then get to the work of making America great again.

Actually Cheney did. Bush was the fall man but nice try.

Did the people of Afghanistan and Iraq also start theirs by stockpiling WMDs and flying planes into buildings in the fight against global capitalism?

Too many whites in that room.

there are never too many whites

I'm pretty sure Obama was blaming Bush for something the other week.

The terrorist Obama let go that had planted 130 bombs in the USA and murder 4 people, who didn't denounce terrorism or swear off using terrorism again. How is that not Obama's fault when that terrorist kills again?

The blamed Bush during his first four years, but then again, Bush's a traior.

>Obama didn't start the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bush did.
You mean Afghanistan and Iraq started those wars by their actions.

>a literal kike
Fuck off, Schlomo.

It really never stopped. Even now, they make the same damn excuses.

>meanwhile, liberals are still blaming raegan.
for what granting amnesty to gorillions of spics in cali? or for enacting gun restriction laws? or for deleting the Executive Orders that were meant to take some power away from the Federal Reserve

What should the new "Thanks Obama" be? I've been thinking about using "Welcome to Trump's America", but it's too wordy.

Why not? They're still gloating about Hilary two months later, everything will be Obama's fault, especially now that the Trump administration will apparently be Obama 2.0:

They couldn't score on their own shifted goalposts.

That quote is complete bullshit by the way.
When he was taught about astronomy he wept, for there were so many worlds yet to conquer, and he hadn't even conquered one.

How about fuck you, democrat vermin?


The excuses already. T R U M P F A G S still blame Hilary for random shit

destabilizing syria

Yeah, we really are at a worse place then when international financial meltdown happened

Obama never stopped blaming GWBush.

Like not learning the lessons of Iraq and destabilizing north africa, allowing millions of people to pour into europe?

>It's ok to joking make fun of Obama, but better not joke about muh God Emperor
Fuck off, Muhammad.

i can blame whoever the hell i want. i still blame fdr for most of our problems, and i still blame bush. fuck off.

we still can, its going to take at least a year to start undoing his shit.

When bush left the economy was nearing a recession. Now it's actually in recovery.

>Trump starts WW3 over Twitter
>the right blames Obama for inventing Twitter

>>Trump starts WW3 over Twitter

> goliath online

This entire comment is rubbish. Bush started three wars and left them unfinished. He caused the death of million of people because of wmds that weren't there. He took out sadaam who was keeping the peace in the Middle East.
I still blame him for starting all this chaos. And I blame obama for fueling the flames.

I don't know why the burger is saying Bush dindu nuffin.
Bush was the worst president, with Obama a close behind.

Bull.Fucking.Shit. Obama spent his ENTIRE 8 year presidency blaming Bush.

Do you get your financial info from CNN?

To be fair, after a while he started just blaming Republicans in congress. But yeah.

why not? Obama blamed Bush for 8 years


Why not?

You monkeys are still blaming Bush eight years later.

this is what you get when you set a precedent of blaming someone else for 8 years.
Im hoping trump blames obongo for everything

Trudeau taught me that you can ALWAYS blame the previous guy

This. A popular deflection tactic that leftists used during Obama's first 4 years was "WELL HES GOTTA CLEAN BUSH'S MESS"

Why not the Democrats blames Bush for the last eight years over Obama's complete failure and becoming Jimmy Carter part 2

We still have one whole year of Obama's finscal policy.

Trump's first fiscal year is 2018.

Americans will notice a pattern

Always the same graphs. And, soon enough, always the same user getting BTFO


Why not they blamed bush for at least four years after he left.

after tomorrow, every democrat supports gridlock in washington

Someone tweets him their COD score and Trump gets upset when he finds out not only are they better than him, there is no going gold option. So he nukes Canada and triggers the Queen to put down the rebellion once and for all.

>The sun shall never set on the British Empire was ritual magic to ensure the nukes would fail.

>Calling someone a shill
I don't think you understand how arguments work.

Not a very good one.
Find one with graded percentage by county instead of win/lose
Right now it doesn't match between states for win lose and states with less food stamps went blue and states with more went red.

I-it's the liberal's fault that Trump is doing so bad!!! ;-(

Where exactly did he call the Jew a shill?

Not even Day 1 and they're starting already, holy shit.


Oops, my mistake, just called him a kyke.
Literally unbeatable legitimate argument

Yep, and guess what, it didn't do so well for the Dems.
Meanwhile the Dems are following that true Democratic patriot who fought against the Russian infiltrators, McCarthy and will obstruct, sabotage and do everything they can to act like the party in power.

You have no fucking idea how politics works do you? They will blame the previous administration for every fuck up they make.

It's King Niggers last day and he is still blaming shit that happened 150 years ago.

>haha wow the president in his first day of office hasn't secured world peace, infinate renewable energy, and solved world hunger what a cuck fag retard lol

It'll take 8 whole years right?

But I thought conservatives loves bragging about how Trump is getting more shit done already without even being in office than Obama did in all his 8 years. So why not?

Just like lefties stopped blaming Bush?
Oh, wait..

I'm calling it now, suddenly the Left will care about our allegiance with Saudi Arabia

In fact, Trump will be demonized for a lot of things Obama has been doing for years.

Just like everyone stopped blaming bush exactly 8 years ago?

Unfortunately, that is where you are wrong.

Obama is just a man, yes.
Obama's wife made his calls for him.

He thinks he has some form of immunity for the sins he's committed. Trump's election signifies a divine pardon for the people; but only as a second chance.

Obama and his handlers - the ones he works for, the ones he gets on his knees and performs oral sex on - have all left their lives forfeit.

It is so foolish to see so much effort put out to blow this idiot up beyond his means.

Obama literally had one job; Take money from NASA, and give it to the NSA. That's all he had to do.